72. Don't Surprise Me (S.M)

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Shawn hands you a blindfold and you eagerly put it on, excited to see what he's up to now.

"Is this something new you want to try out?" You ask seductively, tracing your fingers from where you assume the buttons on his shirt are.

He laughs and remarks, "not now."

You feel a bit disappointed but follow him anyways, holding his hand as he leads you to where ever it is that you're going with him. You hear him start jumping and you giggle, wondering why he's doing this.

The jumps start to get louder though and don't seem to come from just one person and at the moment you're about to tear off the blindfold, Shawn takes it off for you.

"Surprise!" Multiple people yell.

You look at the crowded room around you in shock, finding gifts and flowers and decorations everywhere in your apartment that you share with Shawn.

"Wow, I—" you begin to say.

Before you can finish though, everyone screams, "happy birthday!"

Shawn waves his arms around in a celebratory motion with the other guests, and then goes to you. Pulling you in a for a kiss and a hug, you feel a mix of emotions.

"Let's party!" Shawn yells.

Everyone cheers back and start dancing, finally leaving you and Shawn a moment alone.

"Do you like it?" He asks excitedly.

"Shawn, you know I don't like surprises."

"Exactly, which is why I didn't ask you if you wanted this. I wanted to change your mind," he explains.

"Look, I appreciate the effort but you didn't need to do this."

"Why?" He questions.

"I don't like being the center of attention," you admit.

"Y/N, you are literally dating the most famous singer in the world! I thought you were used to this?"

"But the attention is mainly on you! I'm there with you which makes it okay," you tell him.

"You deserve to be the center of attention in everyone's eyes."

"But what if I don't want that?" You ask.

He's taken aback and says, "I just want people to appreciate you in the same way that I do."

"In the same way?" You ask, raising your eyebrows.

"You know what I meant! I just want them to care about you as much as I do."

"I don't think this elaborate plan of yours worked this time," you tell him.

He's clearly upset so you reach out to hold his hand, but he snaps it away.

"Sorry, I just— I don't know. I wanted to do something amazing for you because you do great things for me every single day."

"Shawn, you don't owe me anything. I love being there for you," you say.

"I just feel like this relationship is all you and I don't do enough for us."

"That's because you're busy 24/7. It's not your fault. It's your job and you love it," you tell him.

He takes a deep breath and says, "I've been considering going on a break. I want to do it for us. I want to relax and spend more time with you."

You're very surprised at this news and ask, "how long have you been thinking about it?"

"A few months. Everything is set in place right now. All I need to say is 'yes' to the break and I'll be yours for the next year."

"You're willing to take a break from music?" You question.

"It's not a break from music. I can still write songs and record music but it's a break from interviews, award shows, and other events. I will be here for you, daily."

"Shawn, I can't believe you would do this for me."

"For us," he says, smiling as he holds your hand.

You plan a light kiss on his lips and say, "thank you. That's an amazing surprise and you know what? I think we should celebrate."

"I thought you hated these kinds of things?" He asks.

"Yeah, but maybe they're not as bad as I thought. I can put away my dislike for a night or two, as long as I'm with you."

He kisses you this time, and then leads you to the dance floor. You dance with him and your friends, celebrating your birthday with the people that you care about the most.

Maybe you didn't like surprises but some could actually be good. You're ready to spend the next year with Shawn, which will help your relationship with him grow into something even better.

Wow, three updates in a month? Unheard of. Thanks for reading!

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