76. Against The World (S.M)

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You're looking through social media, scrolling through thousands of comments from eager fans.

You laugh as you catch sight of their theories that Shawn is going to release music on Friday. It surprises you that they've managed to figure it out so soon, but hey, they're determined to hear some music ever since his last album was released two years ago.

Shawn has been taking a break, enjoying his life and his relationship with you. He's in no rush to release music, but this time, the fan theories are true. He recorded a wonderful song, and he wants to release it.

He plans to make an announcement soon but for now, we're both enjoying seeing the comments blow up on social media. It's interesting to be on this side of the music release.

You ask Shawn, "you're ready for this?"

He was heading from his long break back into the fast paced world. It can be overwhelming for him, which is why you want to ask him. He can back out if he wants. You just want to make sure he's not pushing himself too much.

He takes a deep breath, then says, "I think so. Or, I guess you never really know."

You run your fingers through his signature curly brown hair, and take the phone from his hands.

"No more social media! Try to calm down before Friday gets here!" You playfully scold him.

"I just can't help but get sort of obsessed. I love seeing their opinion, even if it isn't always positive."

His grin disappears at those last words, which is why you bring up, "that's exactly why you shouldn't spend so much time there. Don't listen to the haters!"

"You know how I am. I can't help it," he admits.

He's right. You love him so much, but he has a huge tendency to overthink and ruin his positive feelings because of it.

"Don't listen to them!" You repeat. "The haters are going to keep on hating while you're going to keep on being a Grammy-nominated artist! Who's winning? You are."

"Well, I think the true winner here is you for getting to date me," he says, bringing out his random sassiness that always makes you laugh.

"Shut up," you tell him.

Inside though, you really do feel like a winner. You're living the dream of millions of fans, and you get to date Shawn. He's such a kind-hearted being with a wise soul. Plus, he's super hot.

Not that you're focused on his looks. Nope. You're definitely not focused on how attractive he looks right now, biting his lip and reaching for the phone again.

You instantly grab the phone from his hands, and tell him, "stop!"

"Sorry," he mutters, but you know he's already planning something else that he can do to get the phone back.

"Do something to distract yourself! You'll make the announcement soon, just enjoy yourself right now."

"I don't have any distractions," he thinks out loud.

"Your girlfriend? I'm right here? I can make you forget about all of this."

"Oh really?" He asks, smirking because he knows exactly what's going to happen next.

"Yeah... unless, you'd rather use your phone?" You question innocently.

He sits up, and takes the phone out of your hands. You're surprised that he's going to choose the phone for a second, but you're reminded that he loves you more than stupid social media when he lightly throws the phone to a chair across the room.

"I choose you," he says. "I'll always choose you."

Your heart practically explodes from the emotion, and you use it to fuel yourself into kissing him. You're feeling extremely confident today, and think that Shawn is simply a wonder of this world.

There's no one quite like him.

There's no also no one else that can make you feel the way he does. As you kiss him, you begin to feel breathless and admire how he just has a huge effect on you.

You pull his shirt off after a while, and just like that, all is forgotten about the world outside of this bedroom.

That's how exactly how you want it to be. You and Shawn against the world.

9/28/20 Let's see if this chapter ages well, depending on whether the music news is true or not! ❤️

UPDATE: 10/2/20 This chapter aged very well. Wonder is amazing!

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