31. Presenting Awards (S.M)

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"And here is Y/N, presenting the award for album of the year!" The Grammy's host announces.

You walk out the stage, feeling the eyes of thousands on you and the cameras filming.

"The long awaited category of best album is about to be announced by me. Huh, should I make you wait longer or just say them?"

"Say them!" Someone in the crowd yells.

"Alright. I'll say them... soon. It wouldn't be fun if I just announced them without having more anticipation added," you look at your boyfriend, Shawn who seems to be mouthing for you to get on with the winner. "What? Shawn Mendes, you want to know whether you won? Well, I mean you're dating me so I think you did win."

The crowd erupts into laughter and Shawn turns bright red. The cameras go over quickly to record his reaction and I laugh as Shawn embarrassingly tries to turn away.

"The nominees are... what a flop by the floppers, this dumb flop by flopster, this album shouldn't be here - flop by floptasm, this album really sucks by flopio and SM3 by THE SHAWN MENDES."

The pictures and videos show up on the screen of the nominees and I'm rooting for Shawn. I open the card up and smile deeply.

"The winner is... SM3 BY SHAWN MENDES."

Shawn seems taken aback with surprise and rushes over to the stairs, nearly tripping.

"Woah there, Shawn. Do you need some assistance to get up the stairs?"

The crowd begins laughing again and Shawn turns back into a shade of red. Shawn goes over to the stage stand and I stand behind him, letting him give his speech.

"Wow, first of all I can't believe this! It's just that the Grammy's usually never recognize me as the amazing artist I am! The Grammy's mostly give the same awards to the same people without even noticing that I exist! (a.n: Grammy's suck for not recognizing him.) Thank you, Grammy's for recognizing me this time! Thanks to my whole team and well, everyone. Thanks to my family and my girlfriend — who, my girlfriend really was the subject for some of the songs, especially the Lights On inspired songs in the album. Thanks to my fans for supporting me and making me seem even cooler to everyone. THANKS EVERYONE!" 

Everyone claps as he takes his award and goes to the back of stage. He gives you a kiss though before and you hear a few yells in the crowd like, "get it, Shawn!" and, "make sure to give him a good present, Y/N!" as you both leave.

"I'm so proud of you Shawn," you tell him when you're both gone from the sight of everyone else.

"I couldn't have done it without you. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Huh, when will the Grammy's finally appreciate Shawn for his talent?

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