59. Electric Sparks (S.M)

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  "That date was nice," he tells you.

"I had a really nice time," you agree.

He silently grabs your hand and you let him hold it, enjoying the feeling of electric sparks the touch sends through you.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks you.

This was the moment you had been waiting a lifetime for.

Alright, maybe that's a tad dramatic but still, four whole years crushing on Shawn is a very long time.

"No?" He asks, bringing you out of your thoughts.

"Yes! — No— I mean, yeah," you tell him, fumbling around for words in your mind.

He smiles, giving you the sweet smile you certainly had not spent years daydreaming about, and leans in. And then he kisses you. It's truly magical, the way he makes you feel. The kiss feels right, as if nothing can go wrong in the moment.

Except something does.

An electric spark courses through you and then, you're both thrown to the ground.

You rub your head, feeling confused and look at Shawn, who seems to be equally distraught.

"What happened?" You ask.

You don't need an answer though.

You can see the results for yourself when you look around the city and find everything has blackened. The lights are off and signs of life are gone. People come out of buildings and look around, hoping for an explanation as to what happened.

When you share a look with Shawn, you know that he also realizes what has happened.

"How did we do that?" He asks you.

You shrug and say, "I didn't even know that was possible."

"It isn't supposed to be possible," he tells you.

"What do we do?"

"I don't know! There's nothing we can do."

"We need to figure out why and how that happened," you say.

"I don't think I want to. Are you an alien?"

"No," you snap at him. "Are you?"

"No! It's just, if you're an alien, maybe that's why the sparks happened. Literal electric sparks aren't supposed to appear when two humans kiss."

"I guess the saying came true. 'If there's a spark, it's meant to be.'"

"Please don't joke about this," he says, standing up.

He brings to pace around, muttering phrases under his breath and you roll your eyes, annoyed that he can't stay calm.

"Stop looking at me like that," he suddenly tells you.


"Like I've lost my mind. You're not freaked out by the fact that we caused a city-wide power outage?!"

"Not really," you say, laughing a little.

"I cannot believe you."

"It's not a big deal. They'll fix the power and everything will be fine," you reason with him.

He nods his head slightly and takes a few deep breaths before saying, "I hope."

You lean your head against his chest, to try to ease both of your minds but quickly jump away when you feel a small spark.

"Why does that happen every time we touch?"

"I don't know," I say. "Maybe we do need to figure it out then. The power might come back on but this, the electric sparks thing won't go away."

"We'll never be able to touch each other," he tells you.

The realization hits you hard and as you remember the past four years of crushing on him, you will not accept that you have to be kept apart from him.

"There has to be a way."

"I doubt it," he says.

"Something tells me that you're a glass half empty person," you remark.

   "Maybe I am," he snaps at you.

  You ignore him and instead motion for him to follow you. You feel called to the center of the city, not knowing why and as you look at Shawn, he pauses without warning.

  "What's wrong?" You ask him.

  "Are you feeling that too? Like a calling?"

  You nod your head and he mutters something under his breath.

  "What?" You ask him.

  "The center of the city is where the electrical power sources are. Why do we need to go there?"

  The idea pops in your head like a light bulb that's been turned on.

  "Shawn! If we kiss again, we can bring the power back on."

  "That's sounds insane."

  "Shawn, everything that's happened to us today has been insane," you say.

  "Fine, lets go," he says and this time, he leads the way.

  * * *

"I can't believe they let us in without a care," you tell him.

  "They're desperate," he points out.

   Apparently, all methods to turn the power back on had failed and when we showed up, with a promise that we could turn it back on, they quickly let us in.

  "So," you say, "let's kiss."

  He turns red and tells you, "I don't want to feel pressured."

  "Please, Shawn. Kiss me?"

  He smiles and leans in, giving you another magical kiss. You feel electricity course through your veins and when you both pull away, sparks go everywhere. You look outside the windows and slowly, the city begins to gain power again and the lights power back on.

  "We did it!" You excitedly yell at him.

  "That was amazing," he says.

   You blush and he hugs you, making you feel sparks, but not of the literal kind.

  Giving the electricity back to the city took away your ability to create real electric sparks but it certainly hadn't taken away the feeling of figurative sparks.

  "Let's have a second date?" He asks bashfully.

  "Of course," you say.

  With that, you lean in for another kiss and savor the feeling he gives you.

  Thanks for reading!

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