58. Did You Come Down From Heaven? (S.M)

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  "It's almost show time!" Shawn's tour manager yells as he walks around the room.

"I can't believe it's almost time," you say, adjusting some last minute touch ups to your makeup.

"Are you ready?" Shawn asks you, flashing his captivating smile at you.

"Y-ye-yes. I'm always ready," you can't help stuttering as he stares into your eyes.

"I can't wait to see you up there on stage," he says, winking at you.

What does that mean?

You were used to getting comments like that from him with a wink or a smirk, but you're never able to figure out what he means.

Was he flirting?

  No, no! It's Shawn Mendes. He wouldn't flirt with someone like me.

Wait. Why not? I am an amazing and accomplished young woman! I don't need anyone!

Except for Shawn. I need him so much. With his mesmerizing eyes and abs that seem to be screaming 'fu—'

"You're on, Y/N!" Your manager yells, interrupting your thoughts.

"I'm going!" You yell back.

You sprint to your designated spot and Shawn is there, waiting for you. He places his hand on your waist and whispers, "good luck." You want to say thanks but before you can, you're elevated to the stage and in front of thousands. You're caught a bit off guard, as you usually are, but quickly regain your composure so you can start your set.

As you sing, you can't help but laugh at some of the fans' posters that have their support for you and Shawn as a couple. Deep down, you wish the ship could come true, after all, the ship name that the fans had come up with had an excellent ring to it.

When you're about to finish the last song of your set, you give your thanks to the audience again and wait for the background music to begin. As it starts, the music quickly dies down and Shawn walks onstage.

"What's going on?" You ask him.

This was completely unscripted. You and Shawn weren't supposed to be onstage  together. He certainly wasn't supposed to be shooting you Cupid arrows from his eyes either.

Wait, he's doing what?

He grabs his microphone from a stand and slowly begins to sing. He sings your favorite love song of his and lightly pulls you closer to him.

  He finishes singing and then says, "when I first wrote this song, I had one person in mind. That person was you and every time I sing this song, I'm reminded of you. It's so hard to stay away from you and I've been waiting for the right moment to ask you this. Better now than never."

  "What's going on?"

  "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks sweetly.

  You're surprised and can't find the words to say, well, anything.

  "Is that a no?" Shawn asks, after a few very, very awkward seconds.

  "Shawn, did you come down from heaven? You're literally perfect. Yes!"

  The audience yells in delight as Shawn brings you in for a kiss. Though there are tens of thousands of people in the stadium, in that moment, it's just you and him.

"So, what do you say, Y/N? Let's sing this last song of yours together?"

You quickly nod your head and can't comprehend the fact that the song you had written about him, was about to become a duet.

As you're singing with him, you quickly realize that the song is better than when you sing it alone. At one point, your eyes meet with his, and the rest of the world seems to disappear.

In that moment, nothing else matters except for you two and the love you have for each other.

Thanks for reading!

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