60. Our Love Was Written In The Stars (S.M)

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Imagine that this story takes place in a world where the songs, 'Running Low,' and 'Act Like You Love Me' came out before 'Never Be Alone.'

"There's the spot," Shawn says, pointing to the top of the hill.

"We have to walk all the way up there?" You ask, groaning because you're running low on energy.

"Yes, it will be worth it."

You simply nod your head and walk up the hill, hand in hand with Shawn. After several grueling minutes of walking, you're finally at the top of the hill.

He lays out a blanket and says, "let's lay here."

"Fine," you say, a bit annoyed at him for making you do all of that work.

You lay next to him and he holds you, quietly singing, "stay here and lay here right in my arms."

"It's only a moment before you're gone," you sing along.

"Please don't be mad at me," he says.

  "Why shouldn't I be mad?"

  "The view is worth it."

  "It better be," you mutter under your breath.

  "Look," he points out, making you look at the nighttime sky.


  "The stars," he says.

  "Yeah, Shawn, the stars come out literally every night."

  "You can't lie and say that the view isn't better from here."

  You know he's right but you give in to your anger by saying, "it isn't better."

  "Y/N, I know you're angry that I wasn't there for your birthday but you have to understand that the flights were delayed. I couldn't change the fact that I was across the world and you were here. Besides, I made it up to you anyways, right?"

  You remember how that day, Shawn made a public livestream so that he and all of his fans could wish you a happy birthday. He had live-streamed his entire day where all he did was sing 'Happy Birthday' to you. You had to admit, his attempts to fix things had been sweet but it still wouldn't change the fact that he had missed your birthday.

  "I wanted you to be there for me."

  He begins to object and says, "I was there for you, just not in person."

  "That's not enough," you tell him.

  "You have no idea how much I wished that I could have been there. Things just didn't work out."

  "Maybe our relationship won't work out then," you say.

  His face shows that he wasn't expecting for you to say that and he says, "please don't end things. I love you, Y/N. I know my career gets in the way sometimes but—"

  "Sometimes? You're never here!"

  "Once I finish tour—" he begin to say.

  "That's always your excuse. You said that when your last tour ended and yet, we still were never together. You had other commitments: interviews, doing promotions, and meeting fans."

"Being a celebrity is a 24/7 job," he tells you.

"Being a boyfriend is also supposed to be a 24/7 job. You're always putting your work above me."

"Don't say that," he says.

"What do you want to me do then? Pretend that you're a great boyfr—"

He interrupts you to say, "look at the stars."

"Fuck the stars," you tell him. "Shove the stars up your a—"

"Look at the stars," he repeats.

You ultimately decide to look at the stars and when you do, your breath is taken away. The sight of the stars is truly beautiful and the constellations seem to be telling you something.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He asks you.

"It is," you finally admit.

He sits up, so you sit up too and he says, "Look, I know I haven't been the best boyfriend but I'll change that. You mean everything to me and I'm sorry that I haven't been making it seem that way. I'll quit being a singer for you, if that's what it takes."

"How are you going to change?"

"I'll take more days off. I'll tell my manager that I can't work important days like your birthday and other holidays. You're important to me and I want to prove it to you."

"Thank you," you say. "But you know what, you said you'll quit being a singer so, quit."

"Oh... you want me to quit being a singer?"

He doesn't seem to realize that you're joking so you take the joke a bit further by saying, "yeah! You said you would do whatever it takes."

"Oh," he simply says.

"I'm kidding!"

The moment after you say that, he looks relieved and he let's out the sigh he had been holding in.

"I love you too, Shawn. Our love is powerful and we can't just end it."

"Our love was written in the stars," he tells you, pointing to the stars once again.

You look up and find a new constellation, where the word 'love' has literally been made out of stars.

"How is that even possible?" You wonder.

"The impossible can become possible."

You hug him and lay down with him, cherishing the time you have with him before he leaves again.

A month later, Shawn releases a song titled, 'Never Be Alone,' and when you listen to it, you know it's about you and your night under the stars with him.

  You know that even though he's away on tour again, you will never be alone.

Thanks for reading!

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