15. Exchange Student (ALL.M)

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Btw, you're french in this imagine!

You nervously bite your lip as you think about how you're away from your family and you're going to spending the year with another. You look around for the family that's going to take you in and you frown when you can't find anyone that looks like the picture you have.

"Y/N!" You hear a man yell and you turn to the direction in which the voice came from.

A chubby, middle aged man rushes toward you with 3 people behind him.

"You're Y/N, correct? Foreign exchange student from France coming here to Canada?"

"Oui," you stumble around for the correct words and say, "I mean yes."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Manuel," he tells you and motions to the three people behind him, pointing to each as he introduces them, "That's Shawn, he's 19, that's Aaliyah who's 14 and that's my wife, Karen, who doesn't like it when I tell people how old she is."

He chuckles and you let out a small laugh.

"We are so excited to have you staying with us for the year," Karen says.

You give her a small smile in response.

"I'll take your bags," Shawn offers and you let him carry them.

"Just follow us to the car and we'll get going on our way," Manuel comments.

You nod your head and you follow them as they head out of the airport. They lead you to a black Jeep Wrangler and Shawn sets your bags into the back of the car.

Manuel noticed your eyes raking over the car and says, "It's Shawn's car. He actually let us drive it to come get you!"

Shawn rolls his eyes and tells you, "I couldn't let them take you in their junk."

You genuinely laugh when he says that and he smiles. Shawn opens the car door for you and you quickly thank him as you get inside. You all pack inside the car and Manuel is about to start the car when Shawn objects.

"Wait! Dad, be gentle with my car!"

Manuel rolls his eyes and doesn't say anything. He starts the car and you stay silent as he drives.

"So, Y/N which part of France are you from?" Karen asks you.

"Do you live in Paris?" Aaliyah adds curiously.

"I live near Paris," you answer.

"That's nice. Did you have a boyfriend?" Aaliyah asks you.

You feel Shawn tense up beside you and he comments, "Now Aaliyah, don't ask so many questions and be so noisy."

"I've only asked like, two questions!" Aaliyah argues with him.

"I don't have a boyfriend," you quickly say before the two siblings can get into a huge argument.

"I'm sure you'll find a boyfriend here in Canada. You're really pretty," Aaliyah says.

You smile at the compliment but doubt that you'll get a boyfriend during the year here.

"You speak French?" Shawn asks you.

"Well, I've lived in France for my entire life so I might have picked up a little of the language," you respond sarcastically.

"I'm sorry for my brother, he's just.... he's something different," Aaliyah says while glaring at him.

Shawn glares back at her and she laughs.

"I hope you're ready for this year in Canada," Aaliyah tells you.


Four weeks later......

You jolt awake when three loud knocks interrupt your sleep.

"Now what?" You ask yourself as you get up.

You open the door and Shawn shoots you a dazzling smile. You can't help but thank his dentist for the work they did.

"So, Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me and my friends."

"My friends and I," you correct him, hoping that your correction is actually, well, correct.

"Riggghhttt. So, do you want to hang out with us?"

"Yes, I suppose. Where are you all going?"

"We're going out to dinner."

"Dinner? It's early morning right now," you protest.

"Actually, it's 8:00 pm. You overslept. A lot."

You gasp and sarcastically say, "

He gives you a questioning look which you ignore.

"I'll be ready in 30 minutes."

"Take your time and dress nice," he says.

He walks away and you shut the door. You change into (your choice of clothes) and then style your hair into (your choice of hairstyle.) You check your phone and 29 minutes have passed.

You walk to Shawn's room and that's when it's been 30 minutes. He opens the door and your eyes are blessed when you look at him. He's wearing (your oufit of choice) you feel yourself blush as some interesting thoughts enter your mind.

"You dressed nice just for hanging out with friends," you note.

He shrugs and says, "you have to dress nice or else they kick you out of the place. Now, are you ready?"

"I'm ready."

Thanks for reading! Use your imaginaSHAWN as to what you think happens next.

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