16. Coworkers... Or Not? (S.M)

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"Shawn!" You yell at your distracted coworker who's fumbling around with the work plans.

"Huh," he says, looking at you with a bright face as if he just came out of a pleasant daydream, "sorry, I'm paying attention now."

"What's wrong with you? Our boss expects us to finish working on this by the end of the week and you're so distracted by who knows what!"

"I-I'm sorry, Y/N. I've just been getting distracted by thoughts I have of this girl I like a lot."

You're surprised your male coworker is having any troubles with his love life, since he is incredibly well built with a kind heart... of course, you wouldn't admit that to him, ever.

"What troubles?"

"Well, I really like this girl but I can't be with her."

"Why not?"

"I don't think she would like me back— I think she hates me to be honest so how do I admit my feelings for someone I can't have?"

"Go for it," you tell him, "don't be afraid. I'm sure any girl would like you, you seem—"

"Sorry to cut you off but you just complimented me! That's a surprise and I'm sure you were about to do some more of it."

You grimace at your slip up and quickly say, "actually, I was going to say, 'you seem like the type of a guy that a girl without a brain would like... a lot of girls don't have brains?"

"Is that a question or a statement?"

"Let's get back to work!"

He smirks, heading back to working on the plans and you help along.

He pauses to look at you and says, "I have to tell you something."

"What, Shawn?"

"You said to go for it so I'm going to go for it. I have feelings for you, Y/N— like really big ones that I can't get over."

"You like me? You said I hate you though."

"Well, I think you do but you said to go for it so—"

"You're so adorable," you remark, pulling in closer to him.


"I like you too, Shawn. I don't why but I really do."

His eyes open widely and he grins, "I secretly knew it!"

"You did not!"

"I had my suspicions," he tells you, "and now they're confirmed."

You pull him in for a kiss but get interrupted by your boss who shouts for both of you to get to work.

"After work," Shawn says, adding a wink.


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