5. Opposites Attract (S.M)

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Fan fiction+ romance+ science fiction/fantasy

"Are you giving up?" Shawn asks you.

You glare at him, flicking the middle finger at him.

"I'm not even close to giving up," you say with a cruel laugh.

You pull your arms apart and make a shield of water to protect yourself from his violent flame. He grins and spews out multiple flame spheres from his hands. You dodge each one and in return, throw a sphere of ice at him.

It misses him by a mere inch and would have hit him if he hadn't melted it with his flame. His eyes are brown but when he uses his abilities, they are shaded with red and the flame is visible in his eyes; it's determination to destroy anything in his way. You start throwing spheres of ice his way and he dodges many, the rest missing him.

He throws a flame at your feet and you jump. You fall back and he uses your fall to his advantage. He pushes you against the wall and you can feel the intense warmth from his body, it instantly makes you start sweating more.

"Do you give up yet?" He asks you.


"You're a tough one," he says.

  As he keeps you in place, you notice his small features that make him, him. His cheek scar is small but noticeable and you never realized how cute he is. He seems to be focused on you too and you use this to your advantage.

You kick him in the area that is unladylike to kick a boy or man. He doubles back in pain and you laugh. You throw a sphere of ice at his feet and it starts freezing him.

His feet and legs start glowing red and it burns the ice off before it can spread any further. You throw spheres after spheres of ice and he dodges them. You grunt in anger and finally start hand to hand combat.

You punch him in the jaw and blood drips out of his mouth, he wipes it off and glares at you. He punches you in the face, busting your lip. You fall down to the ground and you take several deep breaths. You stand up and you tackle him to the ground, ignoring the taste of the blood in your mouth. Finally, you lay on top of him and you're about to break his nose when he sloppily places his lips onto yours.

You don't pull away and you don't know why you don't pull away. You surprise yourself more when you kiss him back.

"Why'd you kiss me?" You ask him when you both finally pull away.

You sit back and he runs his hand through his brown hair. His eyes are the regular brown that he usually has but they are full of something; not determination, fear, etc. but admiration, love. He shrugs and stands up.

"Don't just leave. Tell me now. Why did you kiss me?" You protest.

"I don't know why. It felt right," he responds.

"Yes, with my mouth full of blood as well as yours and in the middle of a fight," you say as you laugh about it.

He shrugs and tells you, "I'm done fighting you. I don't want to fight anymore, Y/N."

"Then let's not fight anymore. I was getting quite bored of it anyways."

He laughs and pulls you close to him.

He takes a strand of your hair, twirling it around with his finger and says, "I guess opposites attract."

You both kiss, forgetting the fact that you're both supposed to be enemies of each other.

I actually liked this imagine and I don't know why. I love fantasy/science fiction stories so I made an imagine with Shawn in one. Hope you enjoyed reading!

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