39. Fallin' All In You (S.M)

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  "This next song," Shawn introduces, "is dedicated to my girlfriend, Y/N!"

You smile lovingly as Shawn sings the song that was written for you onstage. He spares you glances every few seconds and you blow him a kiss from the front row.

Suddenly though, he jumps and falls onto the floor below the stage, on his bottom.


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  (A.N: I'm sorry, I had to include that though lmao 😂)

"Shawn!" You scream at him.

You try to jump out of the front row seats but several fans begin freaking out and blocking your way which doesn't let you go see if Shawn's okay.

A few security guards go over to Shawn, helping him get up and he brushes the back of his black jeans off.

"I'm okay!" Shawn yells out, trying to assure everyone in the crowd that he's fine.

  He gets chants of, "are you sure?" in return from all of the fans, including you.

"Yes, yes! I'm sure of it!"

Everyone cheers for him, relieved that he's okay and he gets back on the stage. He begins Fallin' All In You from where he had left off and your heart warms up, joyful at the melody.

When he finishes singing the beautiful song, he says into the microphone, "well, I guess that since I love Fallin' All In You so much that I even took it to a literal level!"

Cheers of agreement and laughter begin and Shawn laughs, showing off a sweet smile.

"Y/N, I love you so much which—"

He gets interrupted by all the, "aww's" from the the fans and you blush, shy at all the sudden attention. The screens from the stage show you and Shawn motions for you to get on stage which you happily do.

"Y/N, there's been something that I've been wanting to do for a long time..."

You look at him questionably as he pulls something out of his pocket.

"I was worried this could have gotten ruined when I fell but when I got this, I made sure that the case would be Shawn-proof of my clumsiness so it should be fine."

"What are you talking about?"

He smiles and pulls the object out of his pocket. He gets down on his knees and your eyes water when you realize that it's a ring.

"It's not broken," Shawn says, adding a laugh.

"It— it isn't," you agree, not knowing what else to say.

"Y/N, since the day I saw you, I knew that you were and are special. I'm always thinking about you and I love you so much. When I didn't even know your name, I still thought about you all the time and now, look at where we are. I don't want to go another day on our journey without getting married so... Y/N, will you marry me?"

You remain speechless as the tears stream down your face in all the emotions you're feeling.

A few screams from the crowd begin, some being, "Y/N, you're crazy if you say no!" and "Shawn! If she says no, I'll marry you instead!"

"Shawn, I can't believe— yes, Shawn. I'll marry you."

Shawn slips the ring into your finger and says, "a perfect fit. I love you so much."

He stands up and brings his lips to yours as the stadium begins going wild in excitement.

"I can't wait to get married," you tell Shawn.

"I can't wait either."

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