27. Holding Cell (S.M)

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A.N: You're both 16 in this.

"How did you end up here?" The person besides me in the holding cell asks.

You glance at him, looking at his warm hazel eyes and ask yourself the same thing about him. How could this boy — with his soft eyes and head of fluffy brown hair have ended up here?

"I should be asking you the same thing."

He shrugs, seemingly embarrassed and says, "I made a couple of wrong decisions. I thought it would be good to trespass a private property with my friends and while I was the only one that got caught, I also resisted arrest. Those were some really dumb choices."

"That was really dumb," I say.

"Yeah, well, I already know that and didn't ask for your opinion. What did you do to end up here?"

"I was caught shoplifting at a store. I don't know why I did it, if I'm being honest but I think I just wanted to feel the rush of doing something so wrong."

"Doing the crimes are so exhilarating until you get caught. That's when your practicality sense kicks in and you realize how stupid you were — are."

You nod your head, silently agreeing with him and he gives you a weak smile.

"Do you think we'll get let off easily since we're kids?"

"What makes you think I'm a kid?"

"You have a young face," he says. "A beautiful young face."

You warm up at the compliment and tell him, "thanks. I'm 16."

"No problem, I recognize what I see in front of me. I'm also 16 but I'll probably get a bigger consequence because I resisted the arrest."

"It's upsetting how getting a kick out of doing something fun gets you a consequence."

"There's a consequence for everything," he notes.

"I didn't catch your name."

"That's because I didn't say it," he says, smirking at you.

"I'm Y/N."

"I guess that obliges me to share my name. I'm Shawn."

"Well, even though the reasons we're both here sucks, it's still nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too. I've been in this cell for what feels like forever."

"What time is it?"

"I don't know," he answers.

You stand up from the seat to look out the bars of the cell, finding a clock that reads 10 pm.

"Sit back down!" A police offer yells at you.

You roll your eyes, choosing not to argue and so you quickly go back to your seat.

"It's 10," you tell Shawn.

"We've been in here for that long?" Shawn groans.

"You don't get to call someone to bail you out?"

"As if I can remember anyone's number," Shawn mumbles.

"Well, if I get bailed out then I'll make them pay for you too."

"Thanks... you don't know how much that means to me."

"You're welcome," you say.

A police officer comes over to the cell you're sharing with Shawn and opens it up with his key.

"What's happened?"

"Someone is here to bail you out," the officer says to me.

I get up and make Shawn get up also to come with me.

"Hold on," the man tells us. "The bail is only for this girl here as she's getting let off on a warning with community service. Shawn here is going to have to stay as his punishment gets determined."

Shawn groans and I take his hand, trying to comfort him.

"Call me," he says, handing a piece of paper to me with what I assume is his number.

"I thought you didn't remember anyone's number? Much less would you remember your own?"

"I remember numbers, I just didn't have anyone to call to bail me out," he says, rather sadly and shrugs.

"I'll get you out. I'll try my best for you."

"Alright! Alright! Enough with the sappy crap, let's go."

Shawn glares at the officer and the man raises his eyebrow, as if warning him.

"Goodbye," he says.

"Bye," I tell him. "I'll try my best for you."

And with that, you get taken away from him to where you get bailed out with nothing but community service to take part in, wondering what will happen to Shawn.

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