68. Christmas Wishes & Mistletoe Kisses (S.M)

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"Another Christmas and I'm alone again!" You tell your cousin, who is also your friend, as you groan in frustration.

  "It isn't that big of a deal," she responds.

  You scoff and say, "easy for you to say! You're dating someone."

  "Yeah, and I love her so much," she tells you and thinking about her girlfriend brings upon a dreamy look on her face.

  "Snap out of it," you say.

  "Fine, fine. If you're complaining about not having a boyfriend then oh, I don't know, why don't you actually try to get one?"

  "I've been wishing for one since we were younger. Having a boyfriend has been my biggest Christmas wish! Isn't wishing for one enough?"

  She looks at you and rolls her eyes, saying, "you need to put yourself out there and try."

"I'd rather not embarrass myself."

She shakes her head and tells you, "I give up."

"Maybe there will be someone at the Christmas get-together that my parents are hosting. I doubt it though, it's probably just going to be a bunch of old people talking to each other about the weather."

"Yes, try there!" Your friend yells excitedly.

"Meh," you simply say.

She laughs and later that day, guests begin to arrive and you're greeted by old and young people alike which surprises you. One guest in particular catches your eyes.

A tall, brown haired guy with a smile as sweet as honey that practically makes him glowing against the dull crowd. For a moment, you share a glance and you're thrown off by his hazel eyes that leave a powerful effect on you.

You go over to your friend and slowly motion to the mysterious guy, asking, "do you know who that guy is?"

"Shawn Mendes, I saw him on the guest list."

"Who is he though?"

"The son of my uncle's — well your dad's—friend," she responds.

"He's cute."

"Make a move," she tells you encouragingly.

You shrug and say, "I'd rather not risk embarrassment, I told you this earlier."

  She answers you but again, you're too caught up in the guy's smile. He meets your eyes again and you smile at him, which brings a wink from him.

  What does the wink mean?

  Before you can dwell on it, he walks over to you and you're busy panicking.

  "Hey," he simply says.

  You pull your hair back and tell him, "hi, nice to see you here."

  He laughs and questions, "do you even know who I am? Because I don't know who you are. My mom always drags me to these Christmas parties but I never actually know anyone."

  "I'm the daughter of the people that are hosting this party," you explain.

  "Nice, nice."

  "Yeahhh," you say awkwardly.

  "So, don't be nervous but look up."

  "What?" You ask.

  "Look up," he repeats.

  You finally look up and your heart nearly jumps out of your chest when you see a mistletoe hanging above you and Shawn.

  "Um..." you trail out.

  "We don't have to. I mean, we just met and besides, those traditions can be broken."

  You feel yourself relax because damn, he's cute and you wouldn't mind kissing him but not right know when you're in a crowded room and anyone can see it.

  "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Someone starts chanting and you're not shocked when you turn to see that it's your friend.

  You feel frantic and you see Shawn start to redden, which only makes you blush too. A few people turn to see what the yelling is about which makes you nervous so you run out of the living room, and rush into your bedroom.

  It's silent for a few moments until you hear knocking on the door, prompting you to shout, "I don't want to see you right now *insert friend's name*!"

  "It's Shawn," you hear instead. 

  "Oh," you say. "Come in."

  He calmly walks in and tells you, "I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't want to—"

  "It's not your fault. It's my friend's fault for yelling that out."

  "Yeah. Just so you know, I wouldn't have been against the idea of kissing you."

  You smile and tell him, "I liked the idea."

  "Yeah?" He asks.

  You nod and he seems relieved as he pulls out something from his pocket. He stands on a chair and hangs the mistletoe above where you're standing.

  "Well, look where the mistletoe is now," he remarks.

  "I wouldn't want to kiss anyone else under the mistletoe."

  He leans in and whispers, "can I kiss you?"

  "Yes," you respond and he brings his lips to yours.

  Somehow, the kiss is able to capture the Christmas spirit that's been lingering in the air and it leaves you breathless. He lightly pushes away your hair and holds your waist, bringing you in further. You're caught up in his kiss that you don't even hear your friend walk in and you don't even hear her when she quickly apologizes and leaves. You're caught up in his kiss and the feeling he gives you.

  You can't ask of a better Christmas present than this and hey, maybe your Christmas wish of having a boyfriend might happen.

  Merry Christmas to everyone! 🎄

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