77. Don't Scare Me Like That! (S.M)

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This imagine was requested by @Shannon1300 ! I hope you enjoy it.

The day that Shawn has been dreading for weeks has finally arrived. He's going to film the music video for his hit song, Mercy. He knew what the music video meant and what he had to do, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't use every single excuse possible to get out of it.

It's a peculiar situation, but you try to understand his point view and that's how you end up giving Shawn a quick kiss on the cheek before he's swept away by his set of stylists. His director asks you if you think Shawn is ready for this.

You wordlessly nod your head, and the director takes your opinion as the final decision. It's a risk that Shawn is taking- nearly drowning in water, but you know that the director is also taking a huge risk. If anything goes wrong for the director, his career will certainly be over for life.

You wait aside, watching people assemble the plain set for the video. Basically, Shawn will start out playing a variety of musical instruments. There will be a few shots of that before the camera will turn to Shawn in a car.

The car will slowly fill up with water, giving the view of Shawn fighting to breathe. You're worried about this stunt too, but you trust in Shawn's ability to handle anything.

When Shawn comes by, he's wearing a new change of clothes. You hug him, savoring his touch as he whispers in your ear, "I love you."

"I love you too," you say sweetly.

He smiles, and then he looks down suddenly as if his worries have started to weigh on him once again. He starts pacing around you, and rubs his palms together for the sake of feeling something.

"Shawn! You can do it! I believe in you!"

He grins, and seems thankful for your thoughtful contributions. Before he can say anything, the director calls him over.

It's about to begin.

They run through several cuts of the music video, choosing to shoot the entire instrument scene first. It starts with him frantically playing drums and guitars, and ends with him shattering each precious object.

"Cut!" The director yells.

Shawn takes a deep breath, and walks back to the director. They'll edit the instrument scenes later in between cuts of the scenes of him in the car.

He's led to the car. It's a shade of grey that seems to match the loneliness of what he's supposed to feel throughout the video, and it's a brand that I'm not familiar with. An employee slowly opens the door to the car, and Shawn sits inside.

The director gives Shawn a few orders as the window is rolled down, and he ends with, "you're sure about this, Shawn?"

"No. But I'm going to do it anyways," he says willingly.

From the distance, he exchanges intimate eye contact with you and you can't help but smile. You dramatically blow a kiss, but you don't know if he sees it since he's already in a focused mindset.

Finally, the scene starts. Shawn looks around, troubled and concerned about what he's gotten himself into. He hits at the window repeatedly, but it doesn't break to allow him some air.

The water keeps rising and reaches his chin. He looks completely terrified, and you want to help him so badly. The safety expert holds you back though and reminds you that it would lead to a dangerous situation.

So, you stand there despite your urges to rescue him. You turn around for one second to avoid the view and to try to contain your wishes to yell at someone.

It's only a second before you hear someone yelling, "HELP!"

You look at the car that Shawn is in, and you realized that his eyes are closed. The fighting demonstration that he had before is gone, replaced by a sleepy display of weakness. He needs to be saved immediately.

He might already be dead.

You ignore someone who tells you to stay back, and you run toward the car. The crowd of people stop the rush of water into the car, and they open the door. Water slips out like a newfound waterfall, and his body is carried out.

He's placed on the floor, and instead of waiting for someone else to start, you start doing CPR. You've been certified for a while, and it's clearly coming in handy right now.

He still has a pulse, and you waste no time in continuing your motions. It's a fight to save his life, and you put all your love and energy into it.

People around you are trying to tear you off of him so that the 'professionals' can take over, but you're not a person that gives up easily.

You don't stop until you a hear him cough, and you see slowly open his eyes. His hazel eyes stare at you, and he doesn't say anything. Your hands hurt and you feel like you're out of breath, but nothing else matters.

Shawn is alive.

And you can't even imagine how he feels.

You're suddenly pushed off of him, and several medical professionals take him away on the hard beds that are used to transfer patients to the ambulance. You can hear Shawn's faint whispers as if he's asking or calling for something.

You realize that he's asking about you. You're rushed over to his side on the ambulance, and watch wordlessly as the others do their job to help Shawn.

  It takes forever until he finally speaks up, and he says, "you're here."

It's directed to you, obviously, and you smile as you tell him, "I am so so so happy that you're okay."

You see him smile, and he reaches for your hand. You hold hands, and you just feel a sense of gratitude for him.

The other person in the ambulance allows him to sit up, and he says, "I hope that they got what they needed for the video."

"Shawn, shut up. Your life is more important."

He laughs, somehow finding a bit of humor in the dark situation, and comments, "I know. I love you so much."

"I love you too. Don't scare me like that again!"

He nods his head, and pulls you in for a kiss. You can feel him smiling into it, and he grabs onto a random strand of your hair, twirling it around his finger. You put your hand on his back, and you allow yourself to get lost in the interaction.

What breaks the kiss is when you've all arrived to the hospital. He's taken away to the building, and you follow closely behind.

The modern setting is crowded with people that are ready to provide care to Shawn. One looks like they're simply doing it because of his status as one of the most famous celebrities in the world, but you decide against saying anything. As long as Shawn is okay, nothing else matters.

In the hospital room, you feel a calming sense of peace. You're finally alone with Shawn for a while, waiting for random test results.

His clothes are gone once again and replaced by the standard white gowns. You hold hands and tell him, "let's go home after this and never do anything stupid again."


And that's how the day ends. You're extremely thankful for Shawn's second chance at life, and you hope for a less dangerous future.

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