20. What A Dancer (S.M)

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You take one last look at your dancing partner before you both go out on the dancing stage.

"Here they are, dancing to a song by our guest judge, Shawn Mendes!" The judge introduces.

A rush of adrenaline goes through you as you dance with your partner, doing your best to perfect the moves that you've rehearsed. Your partner gets you closer toward the judges table and as you turn around for the move, Shawn Mendes meets your eyes for a split second.

A small look that pushes you to do even better.

You perfect the finishing move as the song ends and your partner hugs you, congratulating you dancing amazingly. You both walk over to the judges table and wait for your scores.

"Fantastic! You deserve a 10!" The first judge declares as she shoots up her sign that says 10.

"Ah! How amazing!" The next judge says as he shows his sign of a 10.

"What a perfect dance that goes along with my song," Shawn says and then, looking you in the eye, "definitely a 10 from me."

You smile, joyful that you did so well and you leave the stage for other dancers to perform. As you're walking backstage, a hand grabs your arm and you turn around.

"You're an amazing dancer. Maybe we can go out and then I can get a good look at your dancing alone some time," he says.

You realize what he's saying and you tell him, "of course."

"Great. I'll finish judging for the other dancers and then we can do something after this?"

He makes it sound more like a question so you nod your head and he smiles.

"See you then."

"See you then," you agree.

Whether you win the dancing competition or not, you knew that you had just won something even better: his heart.

Dancing With The Stars type imagine but I don't even know the pro dancers names or judges names. Thanks for reading!

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