57. Watching Endgame (S.M)

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Trust me, no spoilers here! I haven't even watched the movie myself.

"I can't believe this happened!" You hear Shawn yell in the other room.

"What's wrong?" You ask, running to Shawn since you believe that he must be in some kind of distress.

Finding Shawn throwing popcorn at the tv while yelling as a character dies, is not the kind of distress you expected to see but you repeat your question.

"I can't believe this person died," Shawn says, tears escaping from his eyes.

"I'm sorry for your loss?"

You're not sure how you can comfort him because helping others grieve over a fictional character has never been something that you've done before. You settle on giving him a hug and laying a light kiss on his cheek though.

"Thank you for being so understanding. This is hard for me," he tells you.

"I understand?"

"I can't believe they killed this character off! They were like my favorite character, y'know?"

"Yes," you say awkwardly, having no idea who he's talking about, "I know."

He laughs and comments, "well you're obviously confused and starting to think I'm crazy."

You bite your lip and say, "a little."

"I'm watching Endgame, the movie of the year! The decade! The century, even! It's the best movie but it's killed off my favorite character. How could they do this? I have followed all of the Marvel movies and been a passionate fan. I don't get how they could just do this to me!"

"I'm guessing it was essential to the plot," you offer.

"Maybe," he says, staying silent as he thinks about the plot.

"I mean, this movie isn't everything any—"

"Hold on, right there! This movie is everything and it has destroyed me," he tells you while tears begin to fall again.

"Calm down, Shawn! You're acting ridiculous," you snap.

You can't help but be annoyed at how he's acting.

"I thought you would support me."

"Shawn, this is a joke. You know I would support you through anything but this? The movie isn't that serious and it doesn't mean life or death for you. You have a life outside of this!"

"Do I?" He asks.

"You're acting like some of those childish fans of yours! That's how bad you're acting!"

He gasps and says, "don't compare me to them. I'm no where near that level of—"

"Exactly! So start acting like an adult and accept that this movie isn't everything."

He laughs and tells you, "Y/N, I was just overreacting as a joke. You're the one that clearly needs to calm down."


"Yeah, you're yelling and screaming! Calm down."


"It's okay, Y/N. I understand," he teases.

You roll your eyes at him and say, "you know what? I'm watching the rest of this movie with you!"

"You've missed a lot of it though," he points out.

"I don't care. I'm watching it now."

"Ok, ok," he says.

You sit next to him on the couch and hold the bowl of remaining popcorn between you and Shawn. He resumes the movie and you lay your head on his chest.

"Don't worry," he whispers, "I'll explain what's happening."

"You better because I have no idea what's going on," you tell him.

You watch the movie and somehow, end up enjoying it. Whether it's because Shawn is right next to you or because the plot is actually good... you don't know but you enjoy it nonetheless.

I don't know if I spoiled anything? I assumed that a character would die though because let's face it, someone always dies. Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading this!

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