63. Playing Hard To Get (S.M)

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"Heyyy Y/N!" Shawn says as he catches up to you.

You try walking faster but it's too late, you know that you'll have to talk to him.

"What do you want?" You ask, and you don't even bother hiding the irritation in your voice.

He seems a bit hurt but quickly smiles again, saying, "Y/N, just one date!"

"No, Shawn."

You would think that after years of him asking you that question, that he would, you know, quit... but he doesn't. He always makes a point to ask you that when he can and it just annoys you.

"Stop playing hard to get," he tells you.

"I don't want to go out on a date. Take a hint!"

He sees the anger on your face and quickly mutters, "sorry. I'll leave you alone."

You feel bad as he walks away but you know that his constant nagging is just irritating. You don't want to have to deal with it for any longer.

You walk back to your house and feel a bit chilly as the wind hits you. You clutch to your sweater and walk silently for a few minutes before you begin to hear something.

You turn around, trying to find where the sound is coming from and when you pinpoint the direction from where it's coming from, you walk towards it. You know it's late but you need to know where the quiet music is coming from.

You walk down a trail and hide in the trees as you think you've finally found where the source of the noise is from. You stay still so that whatever it is doesn't hear you and your ears are blessed as the serenading voice gets louder.

You hear the strumming of a guitar and see the outline of a person on a bench. Male, obviously, based on the outline and his voice which makes you start wondering who it is.

You smile harder and harder at each romantic lyric he sings. You find the voice familiar but you focus on the song instead. Although, the voice is stunning and you wonder how anyone can be so talented.

Finally, your mouth drops as you hear your name sung into the chorus of the song. At that moment, you know who it is and you decide to walk over to the bench, in front of him.

This time, his mouth drops when he sees you. You shyly sit next to him on the bench and give him a small smile.

"You weren't supposed to hear that," he quickly mumbles.

"But I did," you say.

"Sorry. I know you don't—"

"No, Shawn. I'm sorry. All you wanted these years was a chance and I never gave it to you. You're right, I was playing hard to get and for that, I'm truly sorry."

"Oh," he simply says.

"Seeing you tonight... hearing you play your guitar and singing this song... My whole perspective of you has changed," you try to explain.


"It's like your voice clicked something in me. You're not the obnoxious guy that I've been thinking of you as since I met you. You're so much more than that."

"I'm even more obnoxious?" He asks, raising his eyebrow curiously.

"No! You're not obnoxious. I meant that you clearly have a whole side of you that I never even knew existed."

"You never gave me a chance," he says.

"I know and I'm sorry," you apologize again.

"I don't know," he mutters.

"Look, I never gave you a chance in the past but I'm giving you a chance now."

"Why should I give you a chance then?" He asks, turning around your statement.

"Don't let my bad judgement ruin what could be a great relationship."

He smiles and says, "I never thought I would hear you say that."

"Trust me," you tell him, laughing a little, "same."

"Let's give this relationship a shot then."

"Thank you," you tell him.

"For what?"

"For still giving me a chance even though I've been horrible to you," you say.

"It's not like I was the nicest about it either."

"We both made mistakes," you say.

He nods his head and you gaze into his eyes, smiling as you do. The moonlight gives him a small glow and the lake in front of both you, provides a calming sensation. You look into his eyes and lean in.

Playing hard to get all these years had been a mistake. If you had continued pushing him away, you wouldn't have gotten this moment.

Thanks for reading!

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