13. Truth Or Dare (S.M)

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"Ay, let's play truth or dare!" Brian yells at everyone in the room.

"I don't want to play this," Lauren says to you and rolls her eyes.

You shrug and make your way over to your other friends, sitting down with them. You all sit in a circle and Brian grins mischievously.

"So... Who wants to be asked first?" Brian asks everyone.

You turn to Matt and he's looking down at his phone. You turn to Shawn and you feel your heart warm as he smiles at you when he catches you looking at him. Lauren is next to you and is glaring at everyone as if she has better places to be.

"I'll go first," you say impulsively.

"Great," Brian says with a smirk. "Truth or dare?"

You think about it and decide, "Truth." 

"Alright. So, who was your first kiss?"

You prepare yourself to be made fun of as you say, "I haven't had my first kiss yet."

You avoid looking at Shawn for fear of more embarrassment and you look down instead.

"What? Really?" Lauren asks.

"Well, well. Let's move on to the next person, shall we?" Brian says.

You quickly nod your head, eager to move on.

"Okay, let's see. I pick the next person," Brian says.

Brian looks around the room and Lauren rolls her eyes as she looks at Matt, who's busy watching- who knows what, on his phone. Brian stands up and looks over down over Matt's shoulder.

"Matt! What the hell?" Brian yells.

Matt drops his phone and seems embarrassed.

"What? What was he watching?" Lauren asks.

"I will go wash this phone with holy water. You must come with me too, Matt," Brian tells everyone.

"Dude, my phone isn't waterproof and leave me alone," Matt argues.

"You were watching porn! Here! In my house! NO," Brian yells at him.

I stifle a laugh and Matt rolls his eyes.

"Fine. I'll go put my phone away if that makes you feel better."

Brian rolls his eyes and says, "fine. Good enough."

Matt stands up and leaves his phone on the table behind me. He sits back down and Brian glares at him once more.

"Alright. I choose... Matt! Dare or die?"

Matt rolls his eyes and responds, "whatever, dare. It's not like you can come up with a good one anyways."

"So, as you heard, y/n hasn't had her first kiss. I dare you to give her a magical first kiss."

Matt protests immediately, "Hell no!"

"Uh, I'll do it instead," Shawn says quietly.

"What was that, Shawn?" Brian asks him.

"I'll do it. I'll give y/n her first kiss."

"Wow, that's tough. Taking the fall for your best friend. You really should appreciate him now, Matt," Brian tells Matt.

Matt rolls his eyes and says, "thanks, Shawn."

Shawn nods his head and heads over to you. You feel the butterflies going wild in your stomach and you prepare yourself to be kissed.

His soft warm lips are placed onto yours and it definitely isn't a peck, nor a full make out scene as you both kiss each other. You ignore the prying eyes around you and you sigh when Shawn pulls away. He looks at you for a moment before quickly leaving back to where he had been sitting.

You sit there, stunned as you touch your lips where his had been a minute ago. Lauren playfully slaps your arm and brings you back into reality.

Everyone around you cheers and Shawn heads back to you. He leans down and kisses you in the cheek which only causes more cheers.

He whispers into your ear, "let's do that again sometime."

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