50. The Big 50! (S.M)

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  Wow, already 50 chapters in! I decided to make an imagine that somehow related to the number so, here's the 50th imagine!

"How has the time gone by so quickly?"

"I don't know Shawn, but it's passed by and now you're turning 50 tomorrow," you tell your husband of 20 years.

"I'm so old," he whines.

"You've done so much so. You've won over 10 Grammy's, done so much for the music community and on top of that, we raised two amazing children together!"

"Our kids are so old too," he says. "They're both 18, how did that happen? I remember when they were children and when I was young."

"Shawn, don't think too much about the past. Think about the present and how we are going to enjoy the rest of our lives together."

"I'VE ONLY GOT LIKE THIRTY YEARS LEFT! I REMEMBER WHEN I WAS THIRTY," Shawn whines even more and you roll your eyes at his complaints.

"And so what? Now we're both old but we have each other. We are going to enjoy the rest of our lives together."

"That... that sounds nice."

  "Duh, who else gets to be lucky enough to spend their life with me?"

  "Back then, a lot of my childish fans wouldn't have said that."

  "Just like you, they grew up though and now they're supportive."

  "True. I still laugh when I remember going on Twitter to see them so angry when I started dating you. 'Get rid of that witch! She's not good for you, Shawn! Marry me instead! I'm better than her!' They were so jealous."

  "It was hilarious," you say. "I didn't even care that they were insulting me because in the end, they would never date you."

  "Or marry me. My heart belongs to you and only you."

  "It has for nearly 3 decades."

  "Don't say it that way! It makes me feel old."

  "Shawn, grow up and accept that you're turning 50."

  "I have grown up! So much in fact, that I'm turning 50."

  "You're just the same as you were when you were 20."

  "I have grey hairs though! And I can't move around as much anymore!"

  "So? Maybe you're physical appearance has changed a bit but your heart hasn't."

  He smiles and says, "Even when I'm being a whiny baby, you still manage to talk some sense into me."

  "You're turning 50 yet you still act like a baby. I'm glad to be the one to talk some sense into you and not anyone else."

  "I love you."

"I love you too."

He lays a kiss on my lips and you savor it, remembering the feelings that it gives you haven't changed. The butterflies are just as strong as when you both first started dating and it'll never change.

"Now, let's go celebrate you turning 50 with that party Skylar got ready for you."

"That girl does too much for me," Shawn says.

"You've done so much for her. We raised her, it's time she does a little to care for us too!"

"Mom, dad. Skylar said that if you both don't start celebrating this second...." Jazmine trails off.

"Fine, fine! We're ready. Let's go, Y/N. I'm ready!"

  You follow your daughter to the party that your other daughter, Skylar, organized. Shawn is shocked at the amount of effort she put him in for him which makes all of us laugh.

  "You deserve this dad," Jazmine says.

  "You really do Shawn, now let's enjoy this party."

   He smiles and starts to talk to others who congratulate him for staying so handsome at such an age. He seems to wince a bit at the reminder of being 50 but he enjoys the party anyways which makes you happy.

  Anything he does has and always will make you happy.

  Hope you enjoy!

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