Chapter - 36

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The house was dark when He Tian arrived. No wonder because it was after 1am after all. Closing the door behind him, he stared into the silent house that was welcoming him. Only light opened was in the kitchen. Hoping he might see Mo, he headed to the kitchen. But to his disappointment, there was no one.
There was a plate of sandwich wrapped in plastic on the table. It was simple food, a small gesture but that alone was enough to make him felt warm and smile. For a moment he forgot he just beat up people to a pulp just a while ago. Snaking his bruised fingers to the plate, he gobbled up the sandwich in a matter of seconds. Delicious. Smacking his lips with a big smile, he was happy even after all the shit he pulled, Mo still cared about him. Even if just a little, he was willing to take whatever scrap he could get. Perseverance is powerful after all.
Leaving his coat draped over the furniture, he headed to Mo’s door. Hesitantly, he knocked on the door but there was no reply. Should I go in? Should I not? He leaned his head against the door and pondered for a minute. But he really wanted to see him, a few minutes would be enough. Slowly turning the door knob, he opened the door with a soft creak. The room was dark but with the moon light shining through the window, he could see Mo’s figure under the blanket.
“…Little mo…” he whispered with a soft voice as he slowly crept to the bed. Mo had bundled up himself in the blanket, only his head was out. He had a deep frown on his forehead, seemingly uncomfortable sleeping on spacious bed. He Tian knelt beside the bed and laid his chin on the edge of the bed as he stared at Mo’s back. He wanted to reach out and touched his back but his hands stopped a few inches away from him. Sighing he turned around and leaned heavily against the bed. “Are you asleep, Little Mo?” There was no reply. Of course there wouldn’t be. He Tian thought to himself. If he was awake, chances of him letting him close while he was on bed would be very slim.
“…I am…” The sudden reply made He Tian surprised. A big grin appeared on his face and he leaned his head back, stared at the ceiling. “Asleep people don’t reply to other, you know?” He chuckled when there was no more reply but the sound of sheets shuffling behind him. “…Thanks for sandwich. It was delicious.’’ Mo buried his face in the folds of the soft fabric and tried not to make a single sound. “…How is work?” He Tian asked with his eyes closed, listening to other person’s breathing was so calming. He didn’t know it would be this soothing to lull him to sleep. “…It’s good. The chef is great.” Mo replied, easing the blanket off of him and he turned on his back. He glanced at He Tian who was sitting on the floor with his head leaning on the bed but immediately turned away when the latter massaged his temples with his bruised fingers. Did he get into a fight? He wanted to ask but didn’t know how to bring it up.
“I had a busy day today. I am sorry I couldn’t come see you at work.” From the corner of his eyes, Mo was silently checking at his knuckles. “…With that in mind, can I come visit you, Guang Shan?” Mo twitched at him calling by his name and somehow it was embarrassing to hear it in such close intimate environment. He cleared his throat, trying to calm his heated up cheeks. “…Isn’t it your restaurant? You don’t need my permission to come and go.” He Tian smiled with his eyes closed. Mo wanted to pat his head so much but he kept his hands in check and didn’t move from the spot. “…Then I will do so…”
He Tian got up to his feet and unable to act normal, Mo immediately scurried back under the blanket and wrapped himself like a burrito. Seeing Mo’s action, He Tian chuckled and he wanted to tease him so much. Under the weight of his knee, the bed creaked making Mo more alarmed hiding under the sheets. He Tian wrapped his arms around the human burrito along with the blanket and all into a tight hug. Mo squirmed but he tied himself in a bind and couldn’t move. “…Good Night, Little Mo. I will give you a kiss.’’ “Hey, you…don’t do monkey stuff. Get off me.” Mo wiggled but He Tian embraced him tighter and kissed on the blanket where he thought the head was. But it wasn’t. He didn’t care; he was having so much fun, holding onto wiggling Mo.
“…You go to sleep now. I will see you tomorrow.” He Tian gave the blanket a pat before leaving the bed and headed out the door. Only when he heard the door’s thud, Mo came out of the blanket, breathless and sweating. “That crazy…” His face was like boiled prawns and for an hour after, he sat with his knees drawn to the chest, trying to catch his heart back to normal. This feeling of excitement was addictive and somehow it scared him. Once you get to know the pleasure of warmth, you could no longer turn back to when everything was bleak and dark. He became too aware of loss.
By then the moon was already high in the sky.
Secretary Li was observing his boss, hugging the files in his hands as the boss tried on his third neck tie. He couldn’t understand He Tian’s chirpy attitude this morning when he went and picked him up from his mansion. But by now the secretary had came to a conclusion. Whenever the boss was happy, the reason behind it would be nothing other than Mo Gaung Shan. He watched as He Tian tried on a black tie with silver specks while whistling happily. “…Master.” He decided to call out to him, after all he had been waiting to brief for past 30minutes and it didn’t seem like he would come to an agreement with his tie any time soon.
“…Hmm?” He Tian made a throat noise as acknowledgement as he continued going through another tie. “…The arrangement for tonight has been finished.” “Okay. I want everything be dealt with before the police get in.” He said leisurely as if he was discussing dinner plans instead of a strike operation. “From what I can see of the situation, there will be more security in Zhang Feng’s strip clubs.” “I know. That old man would be on guard. But not a problem. If he has 10, we have 20. I want to hit him where it hurt.” He Tian said while trying on a black tie with green strips. Today he was wearing black suit so it was kind of important for him to wear a good tie.
He told Mo that he was going to see him at the restaurant so he needed to be utmost handsome and polished right to toes. Finally satisfied with his choice, he skillfully tied the tie and admired himself in the mirror. “The detective is in agreement with our plan?” “Yes, sir. Of course, he doesn’t know the full plan. Just that he can make some drug arrest.” He Tian nodded and took some of the documents secretary Li handed. The whole afternoon went away with him busied in signing and making arrangement with the board. “What do I have after this?” He asked secretary Li, the moment they were out of the meeting room. “…You have meeting with Ms. Zhang.” “Shit. Is it today?” He took out his phone and checked the date and indeed it was the day they agreed upon.
“Ok. Let’s get this over with. I have got to go meet MoMo today so make it quick.” The two headed out of the office with large strides, the boss rushing to meet his crush and the secretary had no choice but to cater to his whims. By the time they arrived at the restaurant, it was already evening. The staff welcomed him all prim and proper before guided him to the VIP section. He was ducking his head and peeking everywhere to check where Mo was but the red head was nowhere to be found. “…Where is Mo Gaung Shan?” He asked one of the waiters who was standing still beside him, he could be mistaken for a pillar. The waiter first thought he was hearing it wrong. Why would the boss want to see a mere trainee chef and not the head chef? But it wasn’t his place to ask a lot of questions.
He cleared his throat before bowing his head. “I will check with the kitchen and send him to your way immediately, sir.” He Tian nodded and took a large sip of water from his glass. There was a bubbly feeling rising inside him even though he was just at a restaurant he frequented since he was in high school. Knowing Mo Guang Shan was in his restaurant gave him a sense of fulfillment as if he won lottery. He didn’t even remember how the date with Zhang Zi Qian went. He remembered sitting down at a café and that was it. His head was in the clouds, imagining how to face Mo when he saw him in chef clothes.
His thoughts were cut short when a certain red head walked up to him. He almost dropped his glass when he saw Mo in white chef clothes and a checkered black apron around his slim waist. He was born to wear these clothes. If he was not in public, he would have voice his thoughts out loud and started taking a thousand pictures. Mo took off his hat, revealing a green hair net underneath. He was starting to feel embarrassed standing before He Tian who was staring at him without blinking. Quietly, Mo was thinking why a suit looked that good on him. The two just stood and stared at each other, drifting away in their own little world which made the staff around them looked at each other puzzled.
“…Um…If you have nothing to say, I am going back to work.” Mo finally told him and put his head back on. He could no longer bear the looks from his co workers. How he wished he could pull the hat down his face and run into the kitchen to hide from embarrassment. He Tian immediately stood up making the table clutter with a thud. “…Ah….I…um…Yes, of course. Carry on. I mean…enjoy your work…” Mo pressed his lips together to hold back a laugh and rushed toward the kitchen in a hurry. He Tian dropped back on his seat and turned his head toward the window, hiding a pink tint spreading across his cheeks. It was a new territory for both of them, a realm of mysteries that was waiting for them to solve.
“In another news, there were several fire broke out in northern market district last night which devastated the entire district. There were several properties damages and reports of not less than 20 people injured or killed at the scene. Cause of it has not been identified but the authorities have closed down the entire market district and are on high alert.” “From our field reporters, we gathered several gruesome images which we are not allowed to reveal to the public in order to maintain the public peace. But the chief of police and the SWAT team are on the ground and here to protect us civilians form the dangers.” “In later news…” He Tian closed the TV and went on drinking his juice standing leisurely at the large glass wall that over looked the pool and garden outside.
He was half naked down to the waist and only had a pair of sweat pants on. His chest was glistening with sweat from his morning workout and stands of dark hair stuck on his face, making him actually look like his age for once. Seem like the operation went well. He finished the glass and headed to the kitchen. Well, there was no way it would come back a failure. He had the entire police force in his pockets and so long as he could provide them with fame and occasional large donations, there would be no bullet ricochet to his way.
But he knew that Zhang Feng would know who was behind this. He was honestly hoping he did and with this strike, the old man might put off the arranged marriage. This was one stone two birds move. On one hand, he had avenged his brother and on another, he had cleaned the weeds dragging him down. He made an enemy but in this line of work, making enemies was more normal than making friends. He put the glass in the sink and wondered may be he could make some breakfast for both of them and gained some good points. Smiling to himself, he started to go through the cabinet looking for bread and toaster.
“What are you doing?” When he woke up, Mo wasn’t expecting to see He Tian because usually he was off to work before he got up. But there he was, making a mess naked in his pants. He Tian stopped rampaging and turned to see Mo. He braced himself against the isle with both his arms on cold marble surface. “…Good Morning to you too, little Mo. I was trying to make breakfast.” Mo clicked his tongue in annoyance and walked pass him. “…With what? Just go and sit down. Please.” He glared at He Tian who was about to protest him but seeing that Mo wasn’t taking his puppy face into consideration, He Tian gave up and sat down on his seat. “…Why are you still here?” Mo asked without looking back as he tried to look busy with pancake mix and milk bottles.
“…I wanted to see you first thing in the morning?” He Tian said with a smirk and watched Mo’s head shook with delight. “Be serious, asshole.” “Wow…language.” He laughed at Mo who started making pancakes while a series of curse words slammed at him. “…Well, I worked too hard in past days so I am taking it easy today. I only need to have a chat with my brother.” He Tian said as he rocked the chair back and forth, bored sitting alone. Mo placed the pancakes on the plates and brought to the table. He Tian rubbed his hands like a kid and took a whiff of the fresh pancakes with a big smile. Mo couldn’t hide his smile at He Tian’s reaction and he pushed honey toward the dark hair man who was about to eat without any syrup.
“Thanks…” He Tian winked at Mo and poured a rich amount on his golden brown pancakes. “…You have a brother?” Mo asked even though he had wanted to know since it was mentioned. Mo kept his cool and acted like he was not interested. “I do…A nasty looking bastard because I got all the beauty genes.” He Tian smirked with mouth full of food. Mo rolled his eyes and put a large piece in his mouth. His cheeks puffed as he chewed. He Tian was watching his every move and seeing Mo’s small mouth move with his bulging cheeks was making him unable to sit still. He wanted to bite those cheeks and tasted the honey on his lips before he shoved his tongue down his throat and savored the sweet bit of honey there.
He dropped his fork with a clatter. Mo looked up from his food at He Tian and noticed the other was looking a bit flushed. “What’s wrong with you?” He asked licking his lips unconsciously. He Tian jumped from his seat and scurried away from the kitchen at the speed of light. “I…have enough. Thanks. I got stuff to do.” He yelled from his room and slammed the door behind him. “For the love of….” He sighed into his hands and peeked at his lower half which was bulging through the fabric of sweat pants. How did looking at someone eating give him a hard on? He had gone crazy. He was crazy. “…I got to do something about these fking blue balls.” Swearing at himself, he headed to the bathroom to get a cold shower and took care of his son. He hoped Mo didn’t catch on what happened. He couldn’t let him scared and distanced himself from him again. What kind of hell was this?
“BANG” Zhang Feng slammed his fist on the table, scattering the papers to the floor. His secretary knelt down and picked up the mess. Zhang Feng was trembling in anger, his eyes were blood shot and if he were to open himself up to anger boiling inside him, he would have grabbed a gun and emptied it in that snake He Tian’s face. Among the papers that fell, there was a couple of photos of men beaten to the point of unrecognizable by others. The men he paid to kill He Cheng in Macao. He knew He Tian would definitely know who ordered the strike on his brother, he had no doubt. But he didn’t anticipate the pay back would be this massive.
In just one night, he had lost three of his largest strip clubs and many of the businesses in the area were forced to shut down because of fire and police investigation. He had already received a summon from the police office, requesting his presence for investigation. “That scumbag, He Tian” He hit the table again, not able to compose himself. “…Since things have come to this, maybe we should cancel the arranged marriage and deal with police first, sir.” Secretary said holding all the papers in his arms. Zhang Feng slumped back on the seat and sighed. “…Guess that is the only way. I am going to fucking crush that impudent bitch with my own hands.”
“Where is Little Qian?” He pinched his nose bridge tiredly. “…In her room sir. Do you want me to relay the news to her?” Zhang Feng got up to his feet and buttoned his suit. “No need. I will tell her myself.” He walked out of the room and headed to second floor where his daughter’s room was. “I want the lawyer team assembled and briefed on this situation. And contact the chief investigator on this mess. We need to get him on our side. Spare no expense.” He ordered his secretary as the two stopped in front of Zhang Zi Qian’s room. The door was slightly opened and through the gap, they could hear the young girl’s voice, seemed like she was on the phone. Zhang Feng was about to knock when he heard his name from his daughter’s mouth. “….I told you my father can’t know about us, Luther. There would be trouble.”
Who was she talking to? Zhang Feng gestured his secretary to keep quiet. “We can run away to Moscow where your family is once I am done with my high school exams, Silly….” The girl continued to giggle and went on talking on the phone. Zhang Feng turned on his heels and headed back with his secretary closed behind him. “Sir…” “Figure out who she is talking to and I want to know everything about that person. Depending on situation, we may not need to turn tail on marriage plan.” A sinister smile spread on his face, crinkling his eyes in evil glow.
If you can’t use a rare opportunity presented before you wisely, you don’t deserve to survive in this world. This world is where dog eats dog and justice and evil always in infinite struggle. Only you hold the future in your hand. You have to dig your way out of the mess without caring who you have to use or step on along the way. That was how Zhang Feng had lived his life and that was how he got his power. He wasn’t going to surrender to some kid just because of a single problem. It was time for him to bare his fangs.


Hey guys... I am back for a bit with a new chapter.

It has been a month since Military Coup in my country. With Internet restrictions and nightly shut downs, marshal laws, everyday is real hell here. I cant even use social media without VPN. Since Feb 1st, there has been death toll of over25 people nation wide from police and military brutality. They opened fire at peaceful protesters with live ammunition, beat them senseless with batons, tear gas, sound grenade, water canon and many other violent acts. Peace and stability seem far away at the moment.

Today have highest death toll of 23 innocent people from Yangon to Myitkyina. I have no words to express how sad and furious I am.

It is really hard for me to focus and motivated with all these things going on. I had planned to write Valentine special but the plan burnt. I tried to work on both of my on going ffs but I couldnt even finish a chapter. Thankfully, I wrote half of this when in January.

I cant guarantee when the next update will be but I will try to update. I thank you all for supporting me and your kind words.

If there are any of the readers from Milk Tea Alliance (HongKong, Thailand, Taiwan) , please let me express my sincere thanks for your support for today march against CCP.
I pray the injustice burns out and that all of us be safe and free.

Since I cant be sure of when the next chapter will be, You can find me on twitter @Redtsumu_Onigiri. Just in case

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