Chapter - 59

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As we breathe new air to inflate our saggy lungs, give our worn-out heart energy to beat, and our decaying body continues to work hard to exist another day...we continue to spin the universe in the palms of our hands.

Why dream of stars and chase after the light when the universe is inside you?

Mo exhaled deeply, exhaling the exhaustion he carried in his stiff body after a busy day at work as he looked up at the house before him. To think, this place where he supposedly hated had become a place he called home. Time didn't heal. It just numbed the bad memories to the degree that it only ached at times when demons visited your dreams. Like an unhealing wound on a rainy day. Trudging his heavy limbs, he entered the house, took off his shoes and was about to step in when he noticed the familiar pair of shoes filling the rack that had remained empty for countless weeks. He wanted to be indifferent, but there was a slight lift in the mood that he couldn't deny. He Tian came home.

His indoor shoes squeaked painfully under him as he headed to the living room, where the light was showering into the hallway, indicating a presence other than him inside this place that had been silent and dark for a long time. He couldn't deny he didn't like coming back to an empty house. That just reminded him so much of the days he lived with his aunt, like staring into the abyss and only to have it stare back at him, sinking its claws into his soul. He hated the emptiness. True to his expectation, he found He Tian sprawled out on his ass on the floor, surrounded by empty beer cans and wine bottles.

When his eyes finally fell on Mo, He Tian's lips stretched into a wide smile. He spread his arms, shaking the wine glass, and chimed, "Welcome back Momo! I have been waiting for you." Mo scrunched his brows and crossed his arms before saying, "...I can see that." He Tian followed Mo's displeased gaze to the mess he created and chuckled, pushing the trash to the side to make space on the floor. "...I am sorry. Here. Sit down. Let's have a chat. And celebrate!!!" "What is there to celebrate?" He Tian raised his brows and shrugged. "Everything. I heard religious people say thanks to the air they breathe or the house they live. Why can't we be like them?" "Are you drunk already?" He Tian laughed heartily, his voice ringing in the room, and honestly, Mo didn't find it annoying. "...I am not. I am just happy." "Well. Good for you. Good night." Mo cleared his throat and readied to head to his room.

"Wait! Please don't go. Hang out with me. I will be good. Look, I even bought extremely good Bordeaux, just for you." Mo halted in his steps; he wasn't a heavy drinker, but he did appreciate the good wine. One habit he picked up from his time working as a bartender. He turned around and narrowed his eyes at He Tian, who was swinging the bottle merrily. "...Fine. But I am going to wash up first. I will join you for a drink afterward." " want me to wait?" He Tian whined before pouring the glass down his throat. "Well, wait for me or not, I don't care. If I see the bottle is empty when I come out, that means time for me to sleep." Mo didn't wait for He Tian's answer and walked away. "I will wait!!!! As long as it takes!!!! Hurry up though." He Tian's voice followed him as he closed the door behind him. A small smile bloomed on Mo's face. It did feel nice not to be alone in the big empty house. Yes, that was it. That was why he was feeling nice. Nothing else.

It took Mo around 30 minutes to finish bathing and changing into his comfy night clothes. He didn't do it intentionally; it just happened unconsciously. He returned to the living room, half hoping to find He Tian dead drunk and sleeping in his own vomit, but the bastard was sitting perfectly fine, nursing a glass of wine in one hand while the other was busy typing away on his phone. When he heard Mo's footsteps, he looked up and threw the phone into the cushions. "You are back! Here. Sit, sit." He Tian patted the fluffy cushion beside him with a big smile. Mo ignored it and walked to the other side of the table and sat across from him, not reacting to the disappointment on He Tian's face. "Hand me the cushion." He extended his hand over the table, not really understanding why he wanted another cushion when he was already sitting on one. It was just that the one He Tian had was fluffier.

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