Chapter - 46

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Love and trust. Sometimes in life, we come across someone who is made for the missing half of our heart. We cherish their presence, we yearn for their warmth and we want to throw ourselves into their arms, forget about the world around us.

But we don't, even though we want to. Maybe we would if we were teenagers with all the freedom in the world and the flames of youth that burn under our skin. It is not an easy job to trust another person especially if you were already tattered and torn from previous battles. We do love them but it would take us long to truly trust them. But we want to.

Love and Trust.

Can we love a person without trust? Can we trust a person without love? If you had to choose one, which side would you be on?

Revenge is sweet. Zhang Feng sat in his favorite leather chair in the office with a big smile while taking a long drag from cigar between his lips. The toxic air brought in the numb along with euphoria that made him felt like he was the king of the world. Without having to dirty his hands, he took out the arrogant He brothers off the chessboard. The image of devastated He Tian's face made him snickered out loud. Damn brat thought he could take him out that easily.

Ha! He didn't stay in the business long and learn nothing. Even though his family was a bunch of wimps who brought shame to the name of Mafia, he was different. He enjoyed the dirty works; he thrived in it and knew how to make the best profit out of it. And even though his late father tried to cut him out of the family for his aggressive behavior and his brother who was now on his dead bed looked down on him for currying favor from foreign connections, he could care less now. Screw the loyalty and fuck all the blood relation crap. He would use whatever mean possible to make it to the top. The fire sizzled and ash dropped on luxurious velvet carpet as if in agreement.

The Russians were stupid. His grin filled his face, wrinkling the skin that couldn't defy the gravity of age. Who could have thought his daughter would be of use to him? He felt bad that when she was born, he even thought about sending her off for adoption. It was pointless to have children if they were not boys. Well, the mother who gave birth to her served her purpose even though she was useless enough to not give him a son. All was well now since she served her purpose as a good pawn in his arsenal.

And who would have thought the He brothers were stupid enough to piss off Ivanov family? "Ha ha... This is God given chance." He threw the butt into glass ashtray and headed over to the desk, light in his steps. The Ivanov thought He family bashed their young master and the He family...

He heard that He Cheng didn't die at the hanger incident but instead ended up in coma. Talk about persistent. But who cares? They would destroy each other and all he needed to do was just sit back and enjoyed the show all the while using Ivanov's money to break the He enterprise. This world was fair. You just have to wait patiently till it was your turn. "Just a few more days, He Tian... I will make sure you all beg on streets like common dogs." His laughter bounced off the expensive mahogany walls and as if joining in on Zheng Feng's one man show, the voices echoed endlessly in the room. A perfect set for an egomaniac.

"Damn all those fucking cowards..." He Tian slammed his palms on the desk, scattering the mountain of paper to the floor. Secretary Li stood behind him and quietly tiptoed around the angry boss to pick them up. The urgent board meeting was called early in the morning at ungodly hour and since then he had been sitting with fakest courtesy smile plastered on his face and listened to the assholes, nit picking and bad mouthing his brother and him with not-so-obvious words. And he had had it. If they didn't need these jerks support, he would have put a bullet in each of their heads. He yanked at the tie and loosened it up, before tousled his hair into a mess.

Dark circles under his eyes were getting worse and he couldn't remember the last time he had decent sleep in the past week. He Cheng was still in coma and their stocks continued to dive with many of their affiliated partners leaving them one after another. He didn't need a team of investigators to figure out who was behind all this but he was lacking the evidence to prove accusations. "That fucking old fox." He wanted to punch something or someone so bad but if he were to lose it, they were all done for. Now was not the time for him to get emotional. He had to keep it together, just for now. And when the time came, he could explode without having to hold back.

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