Chapter - 22

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He Tian stared at the half naked silver haired man before him with cold eyes. Inside he didn't see Mo Guang Shan presence but judging from the state, he knew he was in there somewhere. Shen Li brushed his fringes back and sighed mockingly. "You made me wait for days. I was losing hope." He Tian stepped into the garage, the sound of his footsteps noisily echoed inside. "My bad. I prolonged your existence by a few days. Be glad." He pointed the gun at his face and ready to blow the eye sore before him up till the corpse won't take the shape of human.

"Whoa there..." Shen Li made a scared face and lifted his arms in the air in surrender. "I expected more from you, He Tian. Are you really going to shoot an unarmed, defenseless man? What about honor?" He Tian didn't reply a word and fired a shot. The bullet whizzed pass Shen Li's ear and with a bang disappeared somewhere in the garage. "The word like Honor shouldn't come out of your filthy mouth. And I will enjoy blowing you up to bits, no worries." Shen Li's eyes narrowed but a lazy smile hung on his thin lips. "...I am sure you do. But...wouldn't you feel better if you fight man to man? Just like heroes. I mean I feel closer to you now." He dragged a finger across his abs and up his chest in a seductive way. "After all we are hole brothers now...a particularly stubborn red headed hole." He licked the finger and shot a glance at the room in the back.

He Tian's brows twitched and his lips pressed into a tight line. The hand holding the gun was turning white from all the pressure. Shen Li enjoyed seeing He Tian's enraged face and he was glad everything was going the way he wanted. After a few seconds of He Tian holding his ground and grinding teeth while seething with murderous aura and Shen Li, smiling and taunting his opponent with a crazy grin, He Tian threw away the gun. Shen Li's smile widened. "Fine. I am itching fucking cave that mug in anyway." He Tian threw the coat away and balled his fists as he took large strides toward Shen Li, who also cracked his knuckles and headed toward him. "I've been waiting for you to say that, you piece of shit." Shen Li's battle cry was silenced by a powerful punch to his jaw and he stumbled back.

Without letting him to regain the footing, He Tian lunged forward and kept throwing punches. Losing his stance and the chance to take the upper hand, Shen Li's face soon became bloody and swollen. He Tian was a menace; there was no hesitation in his punches. Each heavier than the last, from his rage and malice toward the person who dared...dared taken what was his. With his filthy hands. He didn't see anything before his eyes but complete red. His knuckles beat into the bone and the skin over the joints broke but there was not enough pain in the world to compare the one churning up inside him. He felt like being torn inside out but at the same time, not.

The feeling of unable to experience the pain and guilt that he was supposed to be overwhelmed with but instead stuck in the middle, coupled with fiery rage and hatred, he felt that he would fall apart if he stopped hitting Shen Li even for a second. But it was not boxing game nor Shen Li was a sandbag which couldn't return the beating. A spilt second between He Tian's consecutive punches, Shen Li crouched down and upper cut violently into He Tian's stomach. He was aiming for the throat but with blood dripping down his nose like a faucet and the skull ringing; even a legendary marksman would lose his aim. But that stopped He Tian's tide and he could finally able to catch a breath.

"...ugh...there goes my tooth." He spit out a broken tooth along with mouthful of blood but there was no sign of him turning down. He steadied himself and breathed deeply to clear his head. It would take a whole lot of severe beatings to take down a druggie with a long history of surviving countless street fights. He Tian coughed but he stood his ground immediately as if the punch didn't do much damage. Shen Li grinned, wiping the mess on his face with the back of his hand. "Well, for a young master, you are not bad." He Tian didn't say anything but he raised his arm in a fighting stance. "Stalling won't help you in anyway." Shen Li dodged a straight punch aimed at his jaw and swiftly stepped to the side. He grabbed He Tian's arm and trapped him in an arm lock. "But training and actual fighting is different, young master. There is no such thing as following the rules. You are nothing here." Shen Li spoke close to his ears, purposely taunting him.

He Tian's lips formed a grin and with iron force, he elbowed his free arm into Shen Li's stomach and immediately freed from his immobilized state. Shen Li took a couple steps back and coughed, holding his stomach. "I don't need to engage in low lives fighting to gain experience. That's what trash does." Shen Li's mocking grin disappeared and his eyes dangerously narrowed at He Tian. "...born with a silver spoon in your mouth and gained everything you have because someone prepared for you. Spoilt rich bastards like you who don't have any idea how life actually works disgust me the most." He stood straight and balled his fists. "What do you know about struggling to survive in this world without strong people on your back to support you? Huh? Seeing your smug faces as if you guys own the world makes my blood boil. It makes me want to crush everything you own and hold dear."

He laughed maniacally and then pointed a finger at He Tian. "I will drag you down from your mighty chair and show you what true despair looks like." He lunged forward and punched at He Tian's head. Without much difficulty, He Tian avoided the punch and readied himself to return the punch. The battle of throwing fists went on for a few minutes, the sound of grunting, bones hitting flesh and rough breaths filled the dimly lit garage. She Li's face was swollen and his lips were cut and bleeding profusely and He Tian's was no different. His left brow was cut and bleeding into his eye and his left cheek was swollen but neither showed defeat and their eyes burn with rage more than before.

He Tian dodged Shen Li's punch and tackled him to the ground. The two rolled in the dust and dirt until...

He Tian slammed Shen Li hard into the ground and pressed down on his neck with all his might. Shen Li clawed at his hand with one hand and with other; he threw punches at He Tian's rib. Wincing a bit as the punch landed on previous wound, He Tian pressed harder downward and to stop the hand, he stomped his feet on it. The sound of bone cracking was crisped under his heavy boots and Shen Li groaned in pain. His whole face was red and contorted from heavy pressure on his neck. Veins popped on his temples and the white of his eyes turned red. Even then he was not going to back down. "'t you...geh..." a few specks of blood coughed out as he strained to speak.

He Tian's eyes were pitch black; there was not even a shred of mercy in them. " may...broke my...trades but...I...can my, win..." he let out a chuckle that ended in a painful grunt. His words were like oil over fire that was already consuming He Tian's soul. He would not let this bastard go. He would end him here and save his little red head. That was it. That was it...right? He felt a shudder run though his body at the thought. No, he can't be weak. Not here. Get it together, He Tian. You...

His thought was cut short by a sudden sharp stinging pain in his chest.

While he was struggling with internal conflict, Shen Li, like a viper waiting to attack at given chance, pulled out his knife hidden in the boots with one free hand and stabbed He Tian in the chest. The knife went through the flesh, ripping the skin and taut muscles underneath, immediately blood trickled down the silver blade and showered over Shen Li's body. Shen Li grinned and twisted the blade deeper. "I...told you...You.Are.Nothing." he enunciated the words by syllabus. Taken by surprise attack, He Tian was defenseless. He loosened his grip on Shen Li's neck and stumbled back on his knees. The stinging and burning pain from the knife wound was bearable and since the blade was a small folded one, it wasn't too deep. But the place it was stabbed into was directly under his 5th rib on left chest. Shen Li was smart, aiming directly to his heart. Even though the heart was safe due to the length of the blade but his other organs seemed not. For the amount of blood that flowed out was abnormally huge.

Gasping a bit as the pain seared into the nerves, He Tian steadied himself on his knees. Shen Li got up and using all his energy, he kicked He Tian in the chest. The latter fell backward on the ground and he lied in pain and a pool of blood. Shen Li coughed and breathed harshly while massaging his neck. "...You are one tough fucker... But didn't see that coming did you? Ha Ha Ha...this is what it mean to fight for real. No matter what you use, you just need to win." He laughed loud and hard until the voice echoed around him. "Now finish you off..." after having his fill of laughter, he strolled causally around He Tian and picked up the gun that was previously thrown away by He Tian. Struggled to lifted himself, He Tian kneeled in his own blood, breathing harshly. He tried to take the knife out but it was stuck at unfortunate angle and every time he tried, the pain and the blood pouring out were unmanageable. I need to get this out. I need to...

Shen Li towered over him, pointing his own gun at his face with a wide grin on his face. "How about we say Goodbye now...Young Master He?" In that moment...everything went silent.

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