Chapter 24

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Hey guys...I am back. Thank you so much for all the wishes and being patient all these times. I went into physio therapy for a couple of weeks and now on the track of recovery. The pain is still there but now with medication and physio workouts I can manage it. In my country it is now second wave of Covid so work from home and partial clinic times, I got free time on my hands as well. Sorry the return chapter is not at all an exciting one. I will update soon so see you guys in coming chapter.

Stay home, stay healthy and love u guys. XOXOXOX


Quiet before the storm. The long hours of anticipation always kill the strongest of hearts. Same goes for those who always been in storm, they fear the calm at the end of the tunnel... Just to prolong the hours of violence they were born in for that they wouldn't mind setting the world on fire and they wouldn't mind dragging others down with them.

For He Tian who woke up half a day after went through surgery and now hooked up on IV drips, the calm and peaceful hospital room with its cream colored walls struck him with more fear than when he was staring down at barrel of the gun.

The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes from anesthesia induced sleep was white curtains that draped over the big window on his left side through which the sun light diffused into the room brightening up the otherwise depressing room. Depressing was only because it was hospital and he was patient.

The room itself was the same as his rich mafia self. The VIP room was as it is said in the name, a hundred percent spacious and luxurious from its heavy drapes, matching carpet, settee that deserved to be in hotel suites to state of art monitors and hospital bed with water mattress for the patient's comfort. He squinted and tried to push himself up. But since he wasn't used to the water mattress, his hand slipped and he stumbled back down, earning a sharp pain from where his wound was sewn close.

"Fuck..." his voice was a bit hoarse. Instead of trying to push himself up, he opted to wiggle himself up till he could reach the remote hanged near the pillows. After spending several minutes to achieve his goal, he was exhausted against the pillow. Whoever had the brightest idea of putting him on water mattress was going to get an earful later. He touched his stomach and felt the bandages under the fabric. The pain was there but thanks to the medications, it wasn't that bad.

He tried to move his legs and found a bit weak but it was nothing. He swung his legs off the bed pulling the drip stand along with his movement and strained to stand up leaning heavily on his good side. And that was when he realized...He was wearing a hospital gown, meaning he was butt naked underneath and through the opening in the back, he felt cool air sneaking inside the disgraceful piece of cloth. "For the love of...SECRETARY LI" His angry yell echoed in the empty corridor reaching to the ears of poor secretary who was sipping on his coffee trying to take a break in past 24 hours where he was a nervous wreck worrying about his boss's life. "Young Master...: his eyes tear up and without a second delay; he threw the coffee in the trash can and rushed to his boss's side.

"Young Master... I can't believe...." His cheerful speech was cut short by the sight of He Tian standing beside the bed messaging his temples with an exasperated look in his face. "Get me my clothes. Right now." Seeing his ever so cool and charismatic boss in white hospital gown which was so short reaching his knees and his hair stuck up in the back from having to lie in bed for over 24 hours blew secretary Li's choked up emotional words away.

He couldn't stop a laugh escaping his lips which immediately earned him a death glare from the boss who was in no mood to play around. He immediately cleared his throat and got his act together. "Ahem...Of course, immediately, Young master. Please sit and wait. You can't strain yourself too much." He bowed and rushed out not waiting his irritated boss a chance to chew his head off.

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