Chapter 28

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How fast can you go back to your daily life after something big wreck you tattered and torn?

Mo stared at the crowd before him from behind the bar as he wiped the surface absentmindedly. It was his second day back at work and things were just the same as usual as if the whole thing with Shen Li didn’t happen. The boss didn’t question him anything when he showed up at his doorstep. Only gave him a tight grip on his shoulder and a pat on arm. And that silent simple gesture made him wanted to cry. He felt as if the boss was his parent, he felt safe and warm in his presence.

Lee was just the opposite. He took him in a bear hug and cried while shook him till he felt his brain rattled inside the skull. He kept questioning what had happened to him but Mo just kept him in the dark without revealed anything that could put his life in jeopardy. Even though what he faced was enough to push him end up in an asylum, somehow he was able to avoid it and here he was living as if nothing had happened. He smiled as he watched Lee laughing goofily at some joke on the other side. At least he had some good friend and a place to return to. He sniffled and finished cleaning.

It was nearly 3 in the morning and the shift was about to end. “You head out first. Me and Luther can close up.” Lee said nudging at his shoulder. Luther was the new hire they got when he went AWOL and the guy was Russian Chinese mix with striking features. Even from someone as ignorant as Mo’s point of view, the guy was really attractive. Dark hair and ice blue eyes on top of his big lean build. The boss had a good eye for beautiful people except for him. He snickered by himself as Luther gave him a toothy grin. “…Can you believe that guy is single?” Lee asked as he bit his lower lip. Mo laughed at his flirtatious friend. “I thought you said you don’t do relationships?” He shrugged. “I don’t but for someone as beautiful as him, I wouldn’t mind…”

He made a kissy face as Mo threw the rug at his face. “Hey…stop being cynical and help out a friend.” Mo headed to the back throwing his apron somewhere. The weird uniform still hadn’t change. He groaned as the leather pant rode up high and chafed his groin as he bent down. “…Ok, this is some service but I am more of a catcher.” Lee said as he looked at Mo’s ass with exasperated queen expression and smacked his shiny leather clapped ass. “Knock it off before I knock the teeth out of your face.” Mo pushed him away as the latter giggled but the fun was cut short the moment he laid eyes on a particular dark head staring at him with eagle eyes across the counter.
Lee caught up with Mo’s flushed expression and he followed his gaze. “Speaking of beautiful people…Mee…OWW. I swear that guy can light a bonfire with his looks.” Lee said poking at Mo’s arm with his elbow teasingly. Well, Lee wasn’t exaggerating. He Tian was leaning sideway against the counter, with his usual drink, whisky on rocks in his hand. His pale, long fingers held the glass attractively as he kept staring at the pair. His usual unkempt hair was cut and styled different into undercut on the nape all the way around to the sides. Fringes fall on right side draping his sharp features neatly. This cut made his dark, bottomless eyes stand out more and when he flashed Mo a smirk, the light reflected perfectly on his high cheekbones.

Mo blinked a couple of times trying to recollect himself. The guy who was showcasing himself before him also noticed that Mo was staring at him with wide eyes and he hella enjoyed the attention. He put the glass down and faced him head on. He wore a wide V necked shirt that plunged down to his torso revealing the white toned flesh underneath and he crossed his arms flexing the biceps. He is a dangerous beast. Beautiful and toxic beast.

Mo rubbed his face and exhaled deeply. Why the fuck am I being such a girl. “Ok. You go and head out before the two of you jump each other in public.” Lee pushed him toward the staff room before he could bark a smart comeback at him. What was wrong with him? Mo changed out of his uniform quickly and into his jeans and hoodie. He threw backpack over his shoulder and sighed deeply as he trudged outside to where He Tian was undoubtedly waiting him.

“Something on your mind?” He Tian asked as Mo gave him cold shoulder and kept his face stuck to the window since he got in the car. Mo ignored his voice and tried to immerse himself in the scenery outside the car. “What’s wrong? Did I do something?” He Tian asked a little bit desperate as Mo kept giving him silence. “MoMo?” What was wrong with that jerk? Couldn’t he shut up and drive? He felt heat on his face as he blatantly ignored him. “Guan Shan…hey…come on. What did I do?” Hearing his name, Mo twitched. He didn’t like it when he called him by his given name. It made him feel…weird. He straightened himself in the seat and turned the face forward, still not looking at He Tian directly. “I am just tried.”

He Tian sighed a relief but he was still feeling unease as Mo avoided facing him. “Notice anything different about me?” He said trying to lighten the mood. Mo rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. What are we? Teenagers on a date? “…I didn’t.” “Now that’s a lie. I know you looked at me in the bar. I got a haircut.” Mo scoffed. “…Good for you.” He Tian glanced at Mo and noticed his cheeks were slightly red. He smiled. “Does it look good on me?” Mo shifted uneasily in his seat. “…I mean you looked at me wayyyyyyy…too long in the bar…So…” “I DID NOT!” Mo shouted and turned to face him, his face bright red. “You finally look at me.” He Tian smiled warmly as Mo realized he ran straight into trap. “Fuck…” He fumed but there was nothing he could do. He Tian kept smiling as he eased the car down a less traffic route.

“Do you like it?” “What?” “My hair cut. Do you like it? The girls said it looks fantastic on me though.” He Tian smirked at Mo’s obviously irritated glare. “…Well, they are blind. You look like chicken shit.” “How can a person look like chicken shit?” “A person like you. Getting a fancy hair cut that probably cost more than my one month pay. *scoff* who are you trying to seduce, asshole?” He Tian smiled as he drummed his fingers on steering wheel. “Well, there’s only one I am trying to seduce. One very shy carrot top.” He shot a meaningful side glance at Mo and the other was stunned as he was fooled by his own words again.

“…Have you no shame?” He wanted to shrink into his hoodie and covered his face. “There are only two of us, why should I feel embarrassed?” “You can just answer my question, if you are really embarrassed.” “Who is embarrassed?” He Tian wanted laughed out loud at Mo’s reaction but he was determined to get praise for his hair cut no matter what. “Do you like this hair cut or not?” “Why should I answer? That is your own fucking choice.” Mo huffed, his patient was running thin. “Well, then I want know why you stared at me with those googly eyes back at the bar. Did my hair cut mesmerized you?” “I DID NOT STARE AT YOU. It was just…was…” “Was what?” He tightened his lips so his laughter wouldn’t leak out. “Do you or do you not think my hair look good?”

“What is your problem? If you want compliment that much go back to those bitches at the salon.” “…My dear MoMo, are you by any chance jealous?” Mo stilled in his seat, horrified by his words. “…In hell. To hell with you, you ass. Why should I jealous? You and I am not an item.” “Then tell me do you like it or not.” “FINE. I like it. It looked fucking good on your stupid head. So much I wanted to rip it off.” He breathed harshly; his face was now the same color as his hair. He Tian smiled a victory smile and said, “Thank you. I knew you will like it.” “God help me…I am stuck with stupid.” Mo sighed and rubbed his brows.
He Tian couldn’t hold it anymore and broke out laughing his gut out. After a full minute, he caught his breath and wiped his eyes of tears. “Gosh…really Mo, you are awesome.” “Fuck you, I am not clown.” “I didn’t mean it that way. I haven’t laugh freely like this in a while.” Mo swallowed as the air inside became warm and heavy again. “Well, you are dirty mob. Not your job to laugh like a decent person.” He said quietly and turned back to the window. He Tian tightened his grip on the wheel. “I guess you are right.” There was a foreign tingling inside his chest and not in a good way. He wanted to explain Mo that not all he did was underhanded and outlawed. Aside from smuggling weapons, the He family didn’t deal with any other underground business. Occasional forceful mergers may be but they were legit business enterprise on the other hand.

But he doubted Mo would care. To him, he was a dark villain disregard of human life. He smiled sadly. May be with time, he could explain him in detail and he would allow him to do just that. Mo shifted uneasily in his seat as the atmosphere turned cold inside the car. He knew he went a bit overboard but he didn’t know how to fix it or start a conversation. He fidgeted in his seat and worried he might have pissed him off. From the corner of his eyes, he took at glance at He Tian but his face was not readable. Good going, Mo Gaung Shan. You and your big mouth. He grumbled silently.

“What do you want to eat?” He Tian’s sudden voice startled him and he almost jumped. “What?” He looked at him puzzled. “Dinner. I haven’t eaten anything.” “It’s 4 in the morning.” “Then midnight snack.” Mo chuckled but he realized what he was doing and stopped immediately. ‘Ahem…fine. What do you want? I am not that hungry.” “Curry.” “What? You want curry as snack?” he wrinkled his nose, baffled. He Tian shrugged and replied. “I am hungry and you make the best curry.” “That was micro waved, dude.” “Whatever. Can you make me curry please?”

Mo smiled under the cover of his hand and cleared his throat.”Fine. Then we need to buy ingredients.” “Okay then. I will ask my secretary to deliver the necessities to the house before we arrive.” “You can do that?” He Tian turned and said, “Of course, my secretary is the best there is.” He sounded really proud. But Mo chose to not say it and condemned himself again. “Fine.” 

After an hour, they arrived at the house. Mo was curious whether what he said was true or not and surely there was a bag sitting at the door step. Being a mob has its own perks. He Tian picked up the groceries and opened the door for Mo who just went in not really paying attention of the gesture. “I will start the cooking after I shower.” He said as He Tian disappeared into kitchen. “Hey, MoMo. How about we leave the cooking in the morning?” “The fuck. You said you wanted to eat.” “Yea but I asked Secretary Li to buy strawberry pie as well.” He said as he took out a box of really fancy looking pie. “We can eat this and relax?” Mo stood still in front of his room. How the fuck that guy knew his favorite food? He gulped down the saliva. “Fine. I will come out after changing.’’ He Tian smiled victoriously as he rushed to his own room to change out of his clothes.

The two plodded down on comfy rug in the living room. He Tian was in black sweatshirt and short pants displaying his calves as he sat cross legged. Mo was in yellow hoodie and black sweatpants and he sat hugging a throw pillow. The two sat and eat from the box directly which Mo was totally against at first but after He Tian reminded him who was going to wash it afterward, he gave up and decided to follow suit in eating like animals. “This is good.” He Tian mumbled between bites. Mo nodded as he scooped a big one and stuffed his mouth. “This is really good, I will admit.” Mo nodded his head as he tried to read the ingrediants, may be he could make one himself later.

“I like this…” He Tian said with a satisfied sigh as he watched Mo eating like a chipmunk. “What…” His words were slurred as he tried to speak with mouthful. “…This. Eating a pie with you. Just us.” Mo frowned but he couldn’t retort quickly as his mouth was full. He strained to swallow and replied, “Don’t get use to it. I am just too tired to go against you.” “Then you should be tired everyday and let me have my way.” He Tian said with a wicked grin. Mo rolled his eyes and reached to the pie with the spoon. “…Why the fuck are you horny at all time? Sickening.” He put the spoon in his mouth but it spilled and got on his shirt. “Ah shit…” he smacked his lips and looked for something to wipe away. He Tian laughed at his clumsy reaction, earning an angry look from Mo, who wiped the stain on his shirt with a tissue.

“Ok. You got something on your chin as well.” Mo felt embarrassed being watched by He Tian as he spilled food like a total child. He wiped his chin quickly and threw away the tissue. “Nah…you still got something on your lips. Let me get it.” He got up and reached to Mo, who was licking his lips trying to get the leftover jam. He Tian’s action stunned Mo so much that he didn’t have time to slap away his thumb brushing across his lips and wiped the so called jam. He Tian smirked with sheepish eyes as he put his thumb inside his mouth and gave it a wet slurp. “Sweet...” Mo’s eyes were wide and his mouth gaped.

He Tian was pleased with himself, he kept chewing inside his mouth with a satisfied grin. Mo’s face exploded into a red hue and grabbing on the throw pillow, he slapped He Tian across the face with it. “You…you dirty horny ass…” “No, I was just…ugh…” Mo threw the pillow at his face, making him fall back onto the rug. “Screw you asshole.” He stumbled on the pillows and quickly run to his room, slamming the door behind him. He Tian laughed rolling on the rug. “I am sorry, MoMo.” He wiped his eyes and picked up the box with leftovers and headed to Mo’s room. Mo sat against the door and buried his face in his knees. What the hell was that? He could hear his heart drumming fast inside his chest and he couldn’t help feeling embarrassed. That bastard just…did that… shameless ass. He screamed silently into his knees and blushed furiously.

“Momo, what am I going to do with these?” He Tian knocked on his door, making him jumped away from it. “I don’t care. Throw it away.” “I don’t know how to…” He Tian smiled wickedly as he leaned against the door, scooping the jam with a finger and licking it away delightedly. Yep, it was sweeter from Mo’s lips. “Figure it out! I swear I will murder you in your sleep if I see it left out for ants in the morning.” Mo threw the shirt into bin and threw himself on the bed. This feeling of giddiness was bad for his heart. He Tian chuckled. “Fine…You need to cook curry in the morning. Keep your promise.” “Fuck you!.” Mo groaned and buried his face into the pillow.

Mo Gaung Shan…you keep it together.

Outside he heard He Tian whistling away in happiness. He needed to keep himself away from that devil. But how does one turn away from the devil’s temptation? It is ingrained in human nature to lust and desire the forbidden fruit. Mo tossed and turned in his sleep trying to block out the emotions raging inside him. Just when the sun rose at the horizon and golden lights showered the ink dark sky dimming the millions stars, he fell asleep, hugging his pillow as if it was his life line.

This is how i imagined He Tian hair cut 😆

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This is how i imagined He Tian hair cut 😆.

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