Chapter - 38

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When your life is stagnant and stuck in one endless tunnel with no lights in sight, instead of visioning or making plans for what lies ahead, your conscious tend to revert and immerse itself in the memories of the past when you were swimming in the stream of life and not frozen. Is there a use to remember the things you can no longer change?
The more you are solidified in a place, the more the memories eat at your senses. In this short time on earth, falling into the trap of reliving the past instead of walking forward is the most pitiful out of all. Drowning in the swamp of green tentacles that drag you down to the bottom, diluting your conscious till you are as muddy as the swamp you are sinking in. By the time you realize your state, time will have eaten a big chunk of your life. Youth will have been lost. Energy is sapped. And you will be nothing more than an empty husk floating without direction.
But on certain occasions when the eyes feast on a million dollar view of the sun leaned its head on the horizon dreamily before swallowed up by the fangs of vast ocean, reminiscing the memories in melancholy is permissible somehow. He Cheng and Dimitri sat face to face at a luxurious private table on the balcony that over looked the entire city of Macao. The Russian leaned back in his seat as he twirled his drink between the fingers leisurely. He Cheng sipped his wine and sat with usual stoic expression. Since the guards were not allowed to join them, it seemed like the entire world had gone silent and left the two of them to silently chew each other out till one victor remained.
Dimitri sighed contentedly as he emptied the wine in one go and placed the glass on the table with a soft thud. “Every time I am here, I feel so peaceful I totally forget business and what not.” He laughed heartily and swung his leg over another. “…I will prefer you do not though.” He Cheng said coolly, his expression not changing at all. “…Of course not. I mean I travelled thousands of miles just to see you. Well, see you and one other thing.” Dimitri refilled his glass and He Cheng’s and took a swing hurriedly. “Oh, may I ask what the other thing is? May be I can be of help.” He Cheng thanked him and drank his glass.
Dimitri sighed and he patted his coat, in search for cigarette. He took one out from front pocket and stuck it between his full lips. “I heard you have a younger brother. Isn’t that right, Mr. He?” He let out a cloud of smoke into the air which quickly dissolved into the evening breeze. “Indeed. I do have a younger brother.” Dimitri grinned, biting the cigarette between his teeth before letting smoke escaped again. “I also have a younger brother, Mr. He. He gives me a bit of headache, that little rascal.” “I wouldn’t say I don’t understand that feeling, Mr. Ivanov.” The man laughed, crushing the left over butt in a glass tray. “He ran away from home a couple months ago. The head and I were away from home for business at that time. He had the gall to lie to our mother that the school was having an overseas field trip and escaped to Beijing.”
At first when He Cheng heard about running away, the words he was expecting to hear was to eliminate or similar one. Not Dimitri laughing his guts out holding on his stomach. Seemed like he misjudged the character of this Russian mafia slightly. “If he is in Beijing, I can easily search him for you.” He Cheng said finishing another glass of wine. Dimitri gasped trying to catch his breath from laughing too much. He shook his head and settled back in his seat. “Haa…Thank you for your offer but we already located him. Actually I am on my way to go get him after meeting you.” He Cheng stared at the red liquid in the glass which looked so much like blood but smelt more pungent and easy on the senses. “I see. Although the headache my brother gives me is different, I can’t say the brattiness is less than yours.” “Ha Ha Ha…Sometimes don’t you just want to smack those rascals on the head? But well…blood is thicker than water so there is nothing I can do but get that brat back on straight and narrow.”
He sipped the glass of wine and sighed before turning his icy blue eyes to He Cheng. “…For us…Family is blood. Blood is more important than anything in the world.” He leaned back in his seat, his eyes not moving from He Cheng who kept his dark eyes fixed on the blonde not giving into the intimidation even an inch. Even though Dimitri was smiling, his eyes were devoid of mirth. The contrast was terrifying but the one he facing was also not someone to be scared away easily. “…We consider our allies, our friends, blood as well. We work with them, we help them and they vice versa.” His large hand ran over the slick golden hair on top of his head. “…” He Cheng said nothing but relaxed in his seat and kept his eyes on the man in front of him. “…After all these months of negotiations and discussions, isn’t it time we join arms? Mr. He Cheng?”
He grin a wicked one as he laid his head on the knuckles, staring straight at He Cheng.
It had been half a year since this Macao project started. Against all the protest from the board, the He brothers set out stubbornly to achieve their dream. And that dream was now right in front of him. But…there was nothing simple as easy victory. If it was easy then wouldn’t be worth much to being with. He Cheng smiled faintly, void of pleasure or glee, which was just a mediocre expression brought forth by his facial muscles. “Of course, that is our intention. We, He family, are definitely pleased to work with Ivanov family.” He took out his cigarette and lit it. Inhaling the toxic but euphoric fumes into his lungs, He Cheng turned back to his opponent on the battle field. “Though I do believe there are some words you left unsaid.”
Dimitri let out a chuckle and he clapped. “Insightful as the news said, Mr. He Cheng.” He shifted slightly in his seat and took out a small packet of white powder before placing it between the two of them on the table. He Cheng’s face tensed as his eyes fell on the substance. Noticing his slight change in expression, Dimitri smirked and leaned back on the seat. “After discussion with higher ups, we find no reason why we shouldn’t allow the He family weapon trade expands through Macao to western as you guys wished. I mean it is beneficial for us as well since the percentage from the route will be helpful for our strong hold here on Macao. Not that we are in desperate need but there is no wrong in having too much money after all. Beside…” “Besides allying with us will help you guys keep the Japanese at bay.” He Cheng finished his sentence as he crushed the cigarette butt. His expression didn’t change much but his eyes were narrowed at the Russian who was defiantly glaring back at him with a smirk plastered on his face.
“Bingo. I mean why would we want our enemy get someone as powerful as He Family. That can threaten our hold here on this beautiful city. Those pesky Japanese are getting more and more annoying these days. Crushing them is an option but I’d like to keep the peace here as long as possible. Wouldn’t you?” Yea, the superficial peace. He Cheng thought to himself. The city of Macao was crowded with riches and glimmering day and night with the endless fun and beauty you could ever want. It was a piece of heaven on earth. But the root of its radiance was that of evil. It was a fairytale land in snow globe in the hands of Mafia from various countries. With blood money from weapon trade, dirty riches from casinos and red light districts, the city was fueled and co-operates, owned by the same Mafia who plundered the city, brought to its blossom.
Being the Mafia himself, He Cheng was not someone to falter from his goal just because he had a moment with conscience. He, himself was a demon, part of this evil world after all. The peace Dimitri was talking about meant the fragile truce between the Japanese and Russians. You can’t keep a wolf and a bear in same cage and expect them to sit still. There had been skirmishes between the two and it had been increasing since He Cheng and his tribe arrived. The two didn’t want to share their food with the snake but at the same time, they couldn’t turn away the snake that could become their one hope for attaining the forbidden treasure.
The He family was their one chance into the land dreamt by Mafia all over the world which was Beijing. Even though Russians, Italian, Japanese and many other notorious Mafia families had tried a million times to infiltrate the Forbidden land Beijing, none had luck. That was until now. The He family’s move had become the one chance they would ever get to enter Beijing’s market and avoid being slaughtered by the Chinese Mafia. If the Russians could attain it, they could become the strongest Mafia organization on the face of earth. And who would possibly let go of this golden chance?
Dimitri pressed a finger on the white packet on the table and continued his speech nonchalantly, “Since a couple years back, the cocaine market in Europe been titling toward Italians and those barbarians in Mexico. Even though ours is top notch compare to their trash…” He dipped his finger into the fine powder and stuck it between his lips. He Cheng sat without saying anything but he couldn’t help felt a wave of disgust. Dimitri smirked at him enjoying the taste in his mouth. “Our higher-ups even agreed to give up the percentage from the route.” “That is mighty generous of you.” He Cheng said sarcastically but with his emotionless face, it sounded genuine. “In exchange for this…’’ He picked up the powder, small grains fluttered in the breezes as they slipped through the gap between the flesh.
“You know China was once the Opium Empire. Isn’t agreeing our shipments into Beijing for trade feel like returning the tradition?” Dimitri laughed pleased by his own speech. “…You know we do not do Drugs and human trafficking, right.” He Cheng asked in monotone. Dimitri grinned. “Of course, I have heard about how your family is against drug trade in Beijing even from Russia. And the way you guys handle those who break that rule is also splendid if I might add. But this is our offer for your request.” “I believe it is proposal, not request. Mr. Ivanov.” Dimitri stopped his smile and pressed his lips into a firm line. “…A Proposal…Sure, however you want to say it. The thing is Mr. He Cheng, you can’t convince yourself you are not evil just because you do not do drugs. Drugs are good. In this trashy world, everyone deserves a break once in a while. Compare to selling weapons which kill hundreds if not thousands daily, the sin is less. Do you really have to be so anal about this? It is very profitable too.” Half of the powder was now scattered into the wind and outside, the sky was darkening as if a curtain was slowly drawn over Apollo’s palace.
He Cheng’s lips stretched into a smirk for real this time. “Mr. Ivanov. May I ask what is being a Mafia mean to you? Simply why are you in this business?” “Huh? What do you mean?” He Cheng crossed his legs and folded arms over his chest. “For me…I am in this Mafia business because I enjoy the thrill of facing death every day. This is kill or be killed world. For me this world is separated from the normal humans.” Dimitri’s brows were tied in a knot as he watched He Cheng’s deviant face. “I have no qualms about selling weapons and prolonging the wars. They fought for their greed and I make a move to satisfy mine. And for the lives lost, I pay my deepest respect but everyone will die one day. Some sooner and some later. And undoubtedly, I too will meet my end one day.”
“But…I am not someone who will eat the money from bottom feeding scum who shot or snot to their early grave with drugs. I envision an empire but not something with rotten core. I need the people to be in the right state of mind to decide and experience the cruelty that life has to offer.’’ He lit another cigarette and puffed a hoop in the air. Dimitri had been glaring at him for a full minute and if he was Medusa, He Cheng would have turned stone a million years ago. “The same goes for human trafficking. Both men and women can sell themselves willingly for whatever reasons they have but I will not stain my hands by kidnapping some farm girl and force her to work for me. Slavery is crude and vulgar. Organ selling or any other human trafficking just makes me sick to stomach.” He sucked on the cigarette and put his empty glass over the left over powder.
“I am not saying there aren’t people who get off on that stuff. But I am not one. We work with pride and dignity and we kill in the same way.” He crushed the cigarette on the table and small sizzle came off from the cloth. “Asking me to agree to drug trade is an insult. I want you to take it back.” When He Cheng finished talking, the sky had already turned dark and silver stars were starting to come out to play. The evening breeze had turned cool as night chill set in. The relaxed atmosphere before was now turned into tense and violent silence. After a few seconds, Dimitri’s shoulder relaxed and he smiled. “…What an interesting way of life, Mr. He Cheng. I am intrigued. Why you Asians have to complicate things, I do not understand. Look, I am Mafia because my family is. Aside from my Family and organization, the whole world can go to waste for all I care. So long as profitable, I will crush and burn anything that stands in my way.”
He Cheng just stared at him through narrowed eyes and amused smirk as Dimitri continued. “…Also to take it back, the decision comes not from Ivanov family. It came from the organization. We, Ivanov are simply carrying out the will of Russia. There is no taking back, Mr. He Cheng.” With a loud bang, Dimitri stood up, slamming his hands on the table. “If you don’t agree to it, there is no deal. Your weapon route will never go through Macao and…I will make sure you and your Chinese rats will never do business here ever again. So do not think about getting chummy with the Japanese.” He straightened his suit and started to walk away. “You have 3 days to reply us.” Just when he was about to leave the balcony, He Cheng stood up. “Wait, Mr. Ivanov.”
Dimitri halted and turned his head slightly in acknowledgement. He Cheng dusted his coat and he took out a cigarette. “I do not need to take 3 days to reply the offer.” Using one hand to shield the flame, he lit the cigarette. As the smell of burn cigarette filled the night air, He Cheng walked over to the entrance and stood shoulder to shoulder with the Russian. “…We decline your offer. Respectfully.” Dimitri stood a bit taken back by He Cheng’s announcement. And without waiting for the Russian to reply, He Cheng walked away toward the elevator. “And do not worry about us. Even without You guys and Japanese, we will find a way to achieve what we want. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Dimitri Ivanov. Do tell my answer to your higher ups.” “DO YOU FUCKING THINK YOU CAN WALK OVER ME? YOU IMBECILE!” Dimitri roared as He Cheng entered the elevator and the door started to close. “Make sure you run fast, He Cheng. Next time we meet, I will make sure that silver tongue of yours chokes you to death.” He Cheng disappeared behind the metal doors with a chime, leaving a very angry Russian went on rampage in deserted bar on top floor of the hotel.
As soon as He Cheng stepped out of the elevator on 20th level where his subordinates were waiting, the group crowded toward him with bright smiles. They could finally breathe, their boss was alive. “I hope no trouble here?” He Cheng asked as Ren and Qiu immediately stood before him. The He group walked past the lobby where the Russians were staring at them with red eyes, leisurely and He Cheng thanked the hotel manager who half bowed and half walked toward him at the entrance. “The car is already here. I already check twice for any unsavory materials.” Ren said as Qiu pushed him out of the way and opened door for the boss. He Cheng nodded and he entered the car. The whole group followed the leader and soon a series of black cars headed out of the spacious garden. Before closing his window, He Cheng met eyes with Dimitri whose ice blue eyes were burning in their sockets with fury. Surely this was not over. He closed the door and leaned against the leather cushion as he stared down at his hands.
“How did it go, boss?” Qiu asked looking back from rear view mirror. “It failed.” He Cheng said nonchalantly and with a smirk no less. Ren and Qiu looked at each other puzzled. “Is it something to smile about though?” Qiu asked as He Cheng remained with his amused face. “Logically no. But the boredom of past six months is now over. We should expect some fight with Russians.” “And that’s why you are smiling.’’ Ren pitched in with a laugh. “Don’t laugh, idiot. This is their turf. If there is a fight, we are in deep shit.” Qiu barked at Ren who just made a face at him. “…Indeed. We are royally fucked now.” He Cheng said and suddenly he burst out laughing. Concerned, Qiu turned to asked, “Are you ok, Boss? You are acting weird.” “ I am fine…It’s just…been a while since the three of us are in a pinch right? Doesn’t this make your blood boil?” He Cheng had totally deviant grin on his face as he continue to chuckle.
Both Ren and Qiu looked at each other and finally grasping the situation, they both burst out laughing as well. While the three were having their maniac laughing session, the clouds over Macao turned dark, enough to blacken the night sky and shadow the stars. The fragile peace that hung over the bustling city of Macao was now in danger.

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