Chapter 14

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Mo sniffled as he walked out of the station. The road was quiet with only a few pedestrians walking down at this time of night hour. He sighed a breath of relief when the last stretch of main road before reaching narrower street leading to his apartment appeared before his eyes. Thank god for owner keeping that slimy bastard busy with him. He didn't even look back once he slipped out of the bar. He just kept his head low and raced to the station. A day passed without being pestered on his side was a day he would sleep better.

He tugged at the backpack and jogged across the road once the lights turned green and unexpectedly, he slammed into a person standing on the other side with face first into the other's shoulder. "Oww..." his nose suffered blunt force against the solid surface and he covered it feeling the dull pain radiating along the ridge. What kind of fuck... The moment he recovered from shock and looked up to give the person a piece of his mind, a surprise gasp escaped, making him took a step back unconsciously.

"...I have never been made to run around this much when courting someone before. You really are a piece of work." He Tian stood before him with smirk plastered on his face. He grabbed Mo's hand and pulled him along as he started to walk toward the opposite direction from his apartment. "What the fuck...Let me go. What are you doing?" Mo recovered from surprise and yanked his hand from his grip. He Tian let him go and stared at him, completely at ease and calm without a stand of hair out of place as if they weren't causing a scene in the middle of the road.

Mo huffed and caught his breath, angrily staring at the person before him. "I told you to wait for me but I also knew you would never do what I say. So what left is to wait and ambush you." He said it like a matter of fact, didn't seem to realize he was actually acting like a stalker. Mo sighed he really was at wits end. "You do know you are being a crazy stalker?" He Tian shrugged, he really didn't care what other label Mo wanted to put on him.

"...I am tired. Go away. Back to your castle." He waved and shooed him as he headed back. He Tian watched his retreating back and thought to himself how easy it would be to just grab that red head and threw him over his shoulder. He wouldn't even mind carried him all the way to his place. But he'd need to bind this wild cat's hands and feet if he were to carry out this plan. He may look slim but his punch carried weight. Letting out a loud and deep sigh that emptied out his lungs, He Tian shook his head.

Well, he promised himself, he would never resort to violence ever again when this person is concerned. And he wanted to win him over with genuine feelings. Except he wasn't used to this kind of situation and everything he did seem to piss him off. He knew what he did can't be forgiven that easily but he wanted to convey how sorry he was. It was just he didn't know where and how he should start. Scratching the back of his head, he followed the steps of red head who was already sprinting away like a deer from the predator.

Mo heard the footsteps behind him and internally he cursed. Why couldn't he just go back? "Why are you still going back to this rugged place?" He Tian asked walking shoulder to shoulder with Mo , who was obviously not pleased by his presence, in no time. "What is it to you? Get lost." He tugged his bag closer and hurried down the narrow lane. "Well, there is no one waiting for you. This neighborhood is trash and your place can barely fit you in."

"Oh, thank you for such praise. Nobody ask you."He Tian pulled him back from shoulder as they reached his apartment. "Why don't you come live with me?" Mo's eyes widened, "What? You...what?" He Tian put hands in pockets and said, "I am asking you to come live with me. My apartment is big enough and I have more than one room. You can..." Mo raised a hand and scoffed coldly. "I do not need charity or pity. Shove it up your ass. I cannot believe you dare to mention living with you. Did you forget what you did to me at that fucking high end place of yours?"

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