Chapter 27

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Mo Gaung Shan sat on a spacious bed as he stared at the giant window across him. It had been a week since he was discharged from the hospital and as for why he was here in luxurious apartment instead of his shitty rat hole…it happened a few days after he was discharged. After that blonde visited him, he didn’t receive any more guests. Not even a particular dark haired scum. And he couldn’t believe why that guy didn’t pester and bother him anymore. Well the less annoyance the better.

On the last day before he was discharged. He remembered sitting on a chair near the window and watched as the birds flew across the rosy evening sky in groups to their homes with really blank and empty stare. “Ahem…” he heard someone’s presence behind him and rigidly turned around to see the visitor. At this point there was really no one who could give him a scare. Before him, stood that particular dark haired guy who kept interrupting his good dreams at night. Even though he underwent a surgery and equally hospitalized the same period of time, except for his face slimmed down slightly, he was still the same as he remembered. Domineering and despiteful.

Mo just stared at him without a word and the other person did the same. And only after a few minutes passed, He Tian sighed audibly and smiled. “…I was thinking you gonna curse at me again…Not this silence.” He trudged toward him and stopped as Mo slightly twitched, weary of him. He leaned against the wall at a safe distant and crossed his arms. “…It will be better if you explode at me.” “What do you want, He Tian?” Mo said coldly and surprised that he pronounced his name without feeling anything inside his chest. “…You. Obviously. How many times do I need to repeat myself?” Mo scrunched his nose and scoffed. “…If I didn’t hear how you plan to burn my house down, I would have said get real. The fuck you obsessed with me, bastard?” He jumped from the chair, his face turned a bit flushed.

He Tian was at total ease, enjoying himself as he watched Mo. Actually he preferred this. If Mo Gaung Shan still was angry and giving him this kind of reaction, that meant he still had a chance. Of course, for most people, if someone hates and yells at you, that mean the end of relationship but for him, it was different. It wasn’t because he was masochistic and enjoyed verbal abuse. It was because it assured him that there was still a part of Mo which cared enough to curse at him and hate him. It scared him to receive the cold shoulder and being told he cared nothing toward him. And poor Mo didn’t know how his mind worked and kept playing right into his trap. He smiled wide and said, “…I won’t even bother with who told you that but…you can see I am serious.” “You need help.”

Mo huffed and his head hurt trying to get this bastard into serious talk. “I am serious Mo Gaung Shan…” Mo looked up at He Tian who was staring at him intently. His obsidian eyes shone bright in the dimmed light of dusk like a panther. “I am in love with you. I love you.” “…You don’t get to say that. You fucking don’t get to say that after you raped and abused me.” Mo shouted, veins on his neck popped and his fists shook as he stood before clam He Tian. How many times did they have this conversation? Just how many times he had to tell this guy, none of his apologies was going to change that horrid thing he did. Nothing was going to convince Mo. He couldn’t let them.

Each time they had this fight, he felt he was slowly succumbing to him and it scared him. He had never had anything good in his life and this guy could never be that good he wanted. But…lord knew how much he unconsciously wanted him to be that something good in his life. He dropped his face in open palms and breathed deeply. He Tian watched as Mo trying to compose himself in silence. He too had had it enough. Every time Mo threw those poisonous words and reminded him of what he did to him, he felt there was no way he could be accepted. But enough was enough. He forgot he was He Tian, son of Mafia Dom and current head of a large underground enterprise.

Never once in his life, he had to hold back and negotiate for what he wanted and he needed to start acting like himself now. It was just when he faced the red head, he turned soft and weak. He didn’t want to be himself. But doing so would lose him of Mo’s hand. Once he had him, couldn’t he work hard and made him fall in love with him? Desperation came in different forms but ultimately it always made the people act rush and stupid on their emotions.

He Tian strode toward Mo and dragged into his arms. Surprised and unprepared Mo crushed into his chest. “What the fuck…” “I am done compromising, Mo Gaung Shan. If you are going to keep being a stubborn ass and refuse to see that I truly am sorry, I am going to have to do things my way.’’ Panic started to rise in Mo and he struggled, punching and kicking at He Tian who kept his grip tight, not moving an inch. “No…No…let me go. You fucker…I am going to kill you…No…” He Tian gritted his teeth as his punch landed on his wound but that was not enough to make him surrender.

“…I am not going to force myself on you…not ever again Mo. I just want you to give me a chance…Please.” “You crazy fucker…do you think this is what take for me to forgive you? I swear…if…you…if you touch me…I am going to bite my tongue and die…” He dug his nails into He Tian’s arms and kicked his shin. The bastard was really tolerant to pain. “…” He Tian stilled. Mo too realized the change in atmosphere and the breathings of the man pressing against him calmed…too calm. “…I know you care little of your life…But what about your friend, Lee? Hmm?” He felt He Tian’s hand trailed up his spine and landed on top of his head. Mo Gaung Shan was stunned in place and he felt cold from fear.

“You…you wouldn’t…” he trembled as he tried to get out of his embrace but less ferocious than he previously did. Seeing that Mo was struggling less, He Tian smiled and rubbed Mo’s short hair gently. “You know how obsessed with you I am…do you really want to drag other people into our business? I really care nothing about others. Only you, Mo. If I have to kill everyone and destroy everything around you so that you will be mine, then I will do so gladly. That’s within my power.” He kissed the top of his head and tightened his arms around his shoulder. Mo was shivering and he felt his heard turned cold and dropped. He…didn’t expect this…

He knew what this man was capable of. He heard how he was planning to burn down his house just so he would rely on him. But he didn’t hear it directly from his mouth…Mo didn’t know what he was expecting but he knew it wasn’t this. A single tear fell out of his eyes and he dropped his arms to his side. “…what do you want from me…” he tried to keep his voice stable even though his heart was breaking inside. He Tian closed his eyes…well, he chose this. This was not what he wanted…he didn’t want to threaten him into relationship but there was no other choice for him. “I want you to let me love you. Let me have you. I will never force myself on you. Never again. I will wait…I will wait till you want me with your whole heart.”

Mo silently let the tears fall his face as he surrendered inside He Tian’s arms. He didn’t understand why he was crying. Why he felt this broken…he didn’t understand anything. But he knew. He knew if he say No to this, he was certain his friend would end up dead the next day. And he would continue to either kill or break everyone and everything around him until he had nothing left in this world. Mo Gaung Shan didn’t have much to begin with. He couldn’t let his friend and his old boss suffer because of his actions. In his dark life, they were the only people who stayed and saved him. He remembered his boss’s warning…he should have listened to him and didn’t get involve with mafia. He should have.

“…I will never love you, He Tian…Never…” he gritted his teeth as he pushed out of He Tian’s arms. The latter looked at him with dead pan face. “…You can have me. But know this…I will never, ever love you.” He Tian’s face darkened and his long fingers clenched into a fist. “…As you wish…So long as I have you…” He pulled him harsh and crashed his lips on Mo’s. Mo tried to peel his arms off but soon he stopped struggling. Tears silently trickled down his cheeks as he let He Tian took over his mouth. The kiss was cold and tepid one. He Tian didn’t push him, he pecked the lips a couple of time and inhaled deeply against Mo’s stubbornly closed ones. “…I love you, Mo Guang Shan…I will show you just how much for the rest of my life.”

Mo couldn’t stop his tears. It hurt so much inside his chest. He didn’t want to hear this. He didn’t want to feel this. He wanted nothing of this. What he wanted….he looked up at He Tian’s face with red eyes and saw that the other wasn’t looking so good as well. He hid his pain masterfully behind the mask but somehow up this close, Mo could see it was hurting him as much as it did to him. Well…Good. At least he knew He Tian was human deep inside. He could still feel pain from his conscious. And if it was so…may be the love he spoke of could be….

“Fuck…” he silently cursed as the bitter reminiscence brought him back to reality. The curtains fluttered as the breezes gently blew against them. It had been a few days since. He was brought to this house immediately after discharged. Another big ass house. It was even better than the one he been to before. God, could someone delete these memories? He rubbed his face feeling tired. He hadn’t seen He Tian since he arrived here. May be they would not be living together and he would live alone here like a hidden mistress? That would be so good. Sighing as he felt disappointed in himself from how easily he began to accept the title hidden mistress this easily. He had lost it.

He walked over to the other side of the room where his parents’ altars were placed and he knelt down silently before them. He Tian’s minions brought everything from his old apartment. They didn’t miss anything of importance. “That’s mafia for you…” he mumbled to himself as he wiped the altars absentmindedly. He went though his day bored out of his skull. The house was bit further out in suburbs with big courtyard and garden surrounding it. It was two storied, build in a modern minimalist style, with cream colored walls and matching porcelain floor. He wandered the house with a coffee cup in his hand.

The living room had to be his favorite. The entire room was build like a pit with grey cashmere rug and several arm pillows and back supports scattered stylishly. A glass roof stood overhead making the room warm and cozy. There was no big tv or anything except several scenery paintings hanged on almost every walls. He watched each and every one in awe, marveled by the skillful strokes of oil paint. Giant window overlooked the courtyard where a big pool situated. The blue water reflected the sunlight as if they were diamonds. He leaned against the window and drunk silently from his cup feeling the breezes on his face. Just when he though peace was finally here, he heard cars being pulled into the drive way.

Rushed over to other side, he peeked through the heavy curtains and found three black Mercedes pulled in. And correct to his assumptions, He Tian got out of the middle car. He had a pair of big sunglasses on and wore a black trench coat over his loose shirt and dress pants. A cigarette hung at his lips as he leaned toward his secretary and said something. “Shit…” he cursed and immediately run to the kitchen and dumped the cup in the sink. How short lived, his peace was. He didn’t know what to do. Should he go hide in his room or something? He didn’t have time to decide as the several footsteps got closer to the door. And with a beep, the door opened before he had time to run to his room.

Frozen, he stood stiffly as two big men in black suits came in with suitcases followed by two more carrying several boxes. The men nodded at him and they ignored his presence as they walked around him into the room. He watched as they busy placing the stuff, puzzled by what was happening. He didn’t have to wait for long much as He Tian walked in, losing his sunglass the moment he stepped in. He had faint stubble on his chin and dark circles under his eyes. He smiled brightly when he saw Mo standing at the door. “Aww…are you waiting for me? My dear Mo.” He opened his arms as if Mo was going to run into his arms.

Mo frowned and crossed his arms. The tips of his ears were turning red. “…what are you doing here?” he asked with a displeased look. He Tian cocked his head to the side where his secretary was standing with his stoic, somber face. “This is my home?” he asked puzzled. Mo wanted to face palm so bad. Of course, he told him they would be staying together. Stupid of him to hope that bastard forgot it. For Christ sake. He shook his head and started to walk away. “Hey, Mo where are you going?” He Tian called after him. “To my room. What? Do I need to entertain you?” he asked harshly before his door. He Tian dropped his cheerful attitude and he stood still. Mo felt like he kicked a puppy in front of people because his minions were also staring at both of them. He Tian then smiled and said, “Nah…I was just…it’s nothing. Rest well.” He turned to his secretary and the two of them went off to other side of building.

Give me a fucking break…Mo sighed and slammed the door after him. He crouched down at the door and silently screamed into his palms. Why the fuck he had to feel terrible? He was the one who was wronged. He didn’t need to feel guilty to treat him like that. Yea, he didn’t need to. He rubbed his face and threw himself onto the bed. Mentally exhausted. It only took him a few minutes before he was taken in by the soft mattress and fell into deep sleep.

When he woke up, it was already evening. He stretched his arms and wiped his mouth. He slept so well. Scratching his belly, he went over to bathroom to wash up and took a bath. It was delightful to have a giant bathroom. He washed his face and brushed his teeth quickly before he went into stall and took a shower. Warm water fell on his naked skin gently and the feeling was heavenly. He poured the shampoo and massaged his scalp, enjoying the pressure of finger tips on his skin. The water rolled down his body, over tightly curved muscles on his stomach, the fine lines of thigh muscles and along the contour of his tight ass. The way the water soothed his worries and tension away was wonderful to the max.

After half an hour enjoying the sensation, he stepped out and dressed himself. Now that he had no part time jobs to get to he had too much time on his hand and he hated it. He needed to talk with that He bastard and went back to his old job at bar. Pulling a yellow hoodie over his head, he walked out, hoping to meet with the men in suits from afternoon again but to his surprise, there was no one. The house was silent and empty. May be he left? He looked around and saw no one. Well, this was great. With happy steps, he headed to kitchen but on his way, he glimpsed something in living room. Curious, he crept quietly to the living room.

Atop the piles of pillow on the grey rug, there he was. He Tian was sleeping half naked with his mouth wide open. His arms were spread over several pieces of papers scattered on the floor. The coat he wore in the afternoon was covering one of his legs. The sight was very child like Mo wanted to laugh at him but he stopped and stayed quiet as he picked up a paper close to his feet. Merger with Zhang enterprise. Zhang? Where did he hear that before? Well, it was not like it concerned him. He was about to head back to kitchen when he heard a loud stomach growl from He Tian. He mumbled unintelligible words and turned to the other side, hugging a pillow. Mo snickered and he quickly left the room before he woke up. He headed to the kitchen and looked through the fridge.

It was as spacious as the rest of the house. The cupboards were filled with every kind of utensils and kitchen appliances you could think of. There were two stoves, oven, microwave and a grill arranged neatly around the oval shaped kitchen island. Mo was very, scratched that, extremely happy with it. He always wanted to be a cook and opened his restaurant. How far that dream seemed now. He sighed and tried to focus on what to cook. There was little food in the fridge except three packages of curry, some tomatoes, eggs and cheese. Well, better than his usual meals. He took out the stuff and started to prepare food. And unconsciously, really he didn’t intend to, he made enough food for two people.

He placed the omelet on the plate and microwave curry in each bowl. I am going to left this here and if he wanted to eat, he could. If he didn’t then he could throw away. Pleased with himself, he took off the apron and turned to leave the kitchen. “Holy shit…” he shouted, startled by He Tian’s unannounced presence at the entrance. “…Sorry…the smell was so good, I woke up.” He rubbed his belly and walked in, still half naked. “…I didn’t make it for you. These are just…I made too much.” His ears turned red and he didn’t know where to look. He Tian smiled and strode over to the counter. “…I am happy you cook for me anyway.” Mo groaned and rolled his eyes as He Tian took a seat in front of him.

“…I have to tell you something.” “What?” He Tian was almost drooling at the sight of food, his stomach churned. “…I am going back to work starting tomorrow.” He looked up with a frown. “At the bar?” “Yes.” “You know you can ask for anything you want. Why do you need to…” “I didn’t promise to be a house wife. Unless you want to threaten me more and say it to my face that I have no freedom and under house arrest…I am going back to work tomorrow.” He then picked up his plated and headed to his room. “You are not eating with me?” “No. I don’t want to.” He Tian sat as he watched Mo’s back and he sighed. Why must he be so stubborn? “Ok…Fine. On one condition.”

Mo stopped in his steps. “You have to eat every meal together with me.” “The fuck…” “You can go back to your old job but you need to eat together with me.” He had a faint smirk on as he watched Mo fumed red. This sly piece of shit. “…Don’t you dare go back on your fucking words.” Mo stomped over to the counter and slammed his plate before He Tian who was smiling happily at him. It was the little things that made He Tian’s heart felt so full, he even forgot he threatened Mo to be here with him. But Mo didn’t.

He glared at He Tian as he ate. “This is so good…” He Tian said wolfing down without breathing. “It is micro waved.” His voice was curt. “But since you made it for me, it tastes a thousand times better.” “Ugh, save your words. Let me eat in peace. Your mug is enough to ruin appetite.” He Tian touched his face. “What’s wrong with my face?” Mo rolled his eyes again. “Look in the mirror. You look like crap.” He Tian rubbed his stubble with a silly grin. “Did you not sleep for a week or something?” he took his plate to the sink and cleaned it.

“Aww…MoMo worried about me.” “No! I am not. You just look so horrible. Your face is the only redeeming feature.” “So you like my face.” Mo slammed the plate in dishwasher, his face was turning the same shade as his hair by this time. “No one said that. Stop twisting my words, asshole. Screw you.” He then stormed out of the kitchen, flipping finger at He Tian who just sat and laughed. “Don’t worry, I will groom myself really well tomorrow.” “Go die.” He slammed shut his door and crouched in front of the door. “Holy fking…hell….” His face was so red it was like a tomato. Calm down, Mo Gaung Shan. Calm down.

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