Chapter 2

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The sunlight peeked through the heavy curtains and fell onto the white blankets. The whole room was quiet and dark, only the sound of a clock's hand could be heard deep within the stillness.

He Tian lay across the bed, half naked down to the waist and only a mere boxer to cover his lower part. His back rose and fell rhythmically as he soundly asleep, breathing in and out peacefully like a kid. The muscles on his back beautifully moved along with the movement, when a ray of light shone over the flawless flesh, it glistened. It was beautiful portrait to see.

''Bree, bree," sudden vibration of phone broke the quietness but did little to wake the person next to it who seemed like he would sleep through world war III if chance given. The phone didn't give up either, it kept on vibrating, becoming louder and louder by minute. He Tian groaned, muffled himself in pillow tried to block out the annoyance but the noise got louder the more he ignored it.

Finally he gave up and patted all around, to find the source of annoyance. In the end, he found it and grabbed it roughly. "Hello..." his voice was hard, displeasure enunciated perfectly in each word.

"HEY HE TIAN!!!!" a loud screech came through the phone and instantly, He Tian pulled the phone away from his ears. From the tone of the voice he knew who the caller was. His sharp brows drew together into a deep frown, eyes glaring at the phone as though to murder with bare hands.

"HELLO! Oh why am I shouting? Ha ha. Hello?" the person sounded kinda idiotic, He Tian wanted to block the person and go back to sleep but sadly, knowing his childhood friend, Jian Yi, very well, the idiot would be very much tempted to torture him in other ways so he gave up on the thought. "What do you want?" he refused to get up so rolled over and kicked the blankets off the bed.

"Is this any way to treat your beloved friend who just gets back to the country? Huh? I swear you get worse at you grow older." He Tian rolled his eyes, he could care less. "Anyway, your ancestor Jian Yi is here! Oh yes, turn to the main road, just beyond the central tower." He was busy yelling complaints into the phone as well as giving the taxi driver instruction.

"Did you wake me up for this? You must not want to live long." He Tian said through gritted teeth. "Hey, you should treat me better. I've been away for almost four months. Don't you miss me?" "...." "Ok, don't answer that. No good word gonna come out of you." "Why are you calling me?" He Tian couldn't handle the annoyingly cheerful voice any longer. "Fineeee. Tonight we will go out and have fun! You have to accompany me and cannot say no to this."

He Tian sighed, nothing good ever came out of his fun nights. "I am busy." Jian Yi scoffed and said, "Whatever, you cannot ignore me. Cancel whatever shady business you have. It's not like one day break will lose you any prey to chew on. Umm, sir, please look ahead. Ha ha." "Where was I? Yes, cancel everything and come hang out with me. When was the last time you get a break anyway?"

He Tian rubbed his brows hard and sighed deeply. What he said wasn't wrong, work has been pretty busy lately and he didn't have any time to relax and if he say No now, who know how he gonna be pestered by that idiot. "Fine. I will ask my secretary to look up a bar." "Nope, no need. I already found a place to go. Lighten up, He Tian. Meet me at Hotel Royale at 6pm. I will be staying there a few days before heading home." He Tian didn't have any energy to argue with him so he just readily agreed and ended the call.

He threw the phone onto the bed and then slumped back again onto the bed. The sun light streaked through the curtain and fall on his face. He squinted as the light bright against his eyes, dark pupils constricting, clear and unwavering, The black snake tattoo with its fangs baring fiercely coiled over the side of his neck and delicately flowed down the shoulder toward his biceps in intricate patterns. Even when unguarded, the man was truly one of outlaws.

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