Chapter 13

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There is this thing about fate. No matter how hard you tried to run away from it, in the end, after one whole circle, you are going to end up in the place that is pre ordained from the start.

Currently, Mo Gaung Shan was grinding his teeth while cleaning the glass with all his might, behind the counter. His brows were drawn together so tight there was a deep trench on his forehead. His shoe tapped the floor irritatingly both to himself and to others. Lee hit him with a towel and made him come back from his glaring session to that particular someone lounging at the counter in total ease.

"I was gonna ask are you ok but you are clearly not ok. Do you need me to go talk to him? To leave?" Mo looked at Lee's pale face and raised a brow. He scoffed, flinging the towel over his shoulder and rested his hands on hips. "Obviously, it is lip service. No way in hell, I am gonna go up against that mobster. I love you but I love myself more" That made Mo chuckled a bit and gained a tiny piece of calmness back. "But I can take your shift until he leave. You can go rest inside."

Mo shook his head and smiled faintly at Lee who was genuinely concerned about his well being and replied, "Nah, it's ok. I can't laze around and do nothing. Plus that bastard...wouldn't try anything. Anymore. You take a break." He patted Lee's shoulder as if to reassure himself of the stuff he just said. Lee sighed and tsked as he watched Mo stomped over to the counter and slammed the pitiful glass before that raven haired Mobster.

", is this the way you treat the customers?" He Tian asked with a smirk, shying away from the counter as Mo intentionally used absurd amount of force to drive him away while wiping it down. Mo narrowed his eyes at him and said in a low voice, "Customer my ass. What in the fucking world are you doing?" He Tian shrugged, raising his glass before Mo. "Drinking. What else would you be doing in a bar anyway? Oh my...naughty little Mo. Are you perhaps thinking about something...exotic?"

He winked at Mo and took a sip from the glass fashionably. "You..." Mo was about to throw water at his face but from the corner of his eyes, he noticed the owner appeared from his office across the room. He Tian followed his eyes and then smiled at the owner who slightly bowed at him and gestured him to follow him. "Well..." He turned back to Mo and finished his drink in one swallow.

Mo drowned his curse words and felt embarrassed as he realized maybe this bastard probably didn't come here solely to mess with him. I mean he been harassing me for past two weeks. Both at his home and his work place. Who gonna think otherwise? His face burned a little but he managed to coax it in by getting busy with mediocre stuff around the counter. Seeing Mo whose ears were red and acting busy, He Tian couldn't help but felt giddy and wanted to mess with him more.

He leaned over the counter and touched Mo's ear while purposely blew hot air into poor thing. "I too want to stay and play but duty calls. Wait for me when your shift ends." Mo almost yelped out loud but he stopped himself in time and jumped away from him, far back to the wall. "You you...shameless...bastarddd!" he was flustered into the shade of tomato clenching a hand over his ear. He Tian found it so amusing he almost burst out laughing but was stopped in time by a tap on his back.

He turned around to see the owner standing there with his hands leisurely thrown behind his back with a stern look on his aged face. "Master He. I would prefer it if you don't tease my employee during the work hour. Since I can't mess with his personal time after work, I'd prefer it if you stay away from him while he is on the clock." The glee from a moment ago faded immediately from He Tian's face. He squared the shoulder and smiled his usual business smile. "Sure thing, owner. I mean..."

"I am not particularly fond of what you've done to him. But since you are repenting, I let it go. Please don't give me a reason to get in between your personal affair." The owner stared right back at the towering young boss before him without a hint of fear in his eyes. He Tian stopped smiling and his eyes narrowed. "...What happened between him and me...that is our business. I have no knowledge it mattered to the owner in any way. I am also showing respect because you are elder. I'd like it if you don't push me."

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