Chapter 12

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Unbelievable a year passed by in a flash. Even though I was blessed with a good year throughout, the last few weeks of december was a nightmare to me. I had several family problems and a dear friend of mine passed away which left me wallowing in sorrow and in dark place. But even when you are broken, you have to keep moving because you are alive.
Being alive is a blessing even though life gonna be a bitch and will lash out at you with all the bad struggles it can offer. I have come to believe it is our job to feel what ever happiness we can find along the dark road that we walk.

I am glad this year, I could finish 4 stories on 19days and one on going. You guys give me strength to continue with this.

I know my writings are a mess and bad which I apologizes. English is not my first language and I am still learning. For you guys to bearing with this bad writings and several broken dead line promises, it mean the world to me.

I will try to keep up with my deadlines better in future. So here is update for you guys and enjoy.

There will be a new year present for you guys. XD I will upload it in a few days.
Kisses and love you loads. ..............................................................................................................................................................................

The two stared at each other without a word. At the moment when the emotions were at their peak and too overwhelming, words were not enough to convey them to the fullest.

Mo hicupped; his face was flushed with after effects of alcohol. He felt as if floating and giddy inside like he was having out of body experience. He even wondered would his hand go through the chest if he were to touch it now. But it was just his delusion, the body remained intact. He Tian after a moment of weakness; recovered his cocky self. He rubbed his hands together, washing away the nervousness that was foreign to begin with and smiled.

"You know, you are probably the first person to make me lose words. And frankly, it is very bothersome. I am someone who doesn't like to get rattled or taken by surprise. It makes me feel...what is the word? Vulnerable? Ah, yes. Vulnerable." He walked closer to Mo who stumbled back a bit and let out a giggle as he struggled not to fall off the couch. He Tian frowned and with a large stride, he was immediately in front of Mo and grabbed Mo's face from chin. Startled by sudden movement, the alcohol buzz diffused a bit. "What...what..." He Tian smiled as Mo tried to pried his hand away and even though the feeling of remorse loomed inside his chest, seeing the other person squirmed in his hand gave him immerse pleasure.

"And I do not like to feel shaken. It tends to bring out the worst in me. So I suggest you stop provoking me." He hunched down closing distant between their faces, squishing Mo's face enthusiastically. Mo clawed at the pair of strong hands contorting his face into weird shapes but frankly, he was so done with everything. He wondered why he was struggling so hard to stay alive when he had nothing to live for. A tear leaked, cascaded down his cheek. He Tian let go of his hand and allowed Mo to slump backward onto the crouch. With a thud, Mo lie on the couch, eyes stared at the ceiling vacantly. "...You are in no condition to talk." He Tian sighed and stood up.

"Is there anything..."hiccup"...between us to talk?" his voice tailed off into giggles. "Well, I say we have so...stop acting like a dumb head, Mo Guan Shan." He looked at Mo who wore a thin shirt and now hugging himself, shivering slightly. Sighing deeply, he took off his designer coat and flung it over the red head. "If you want to face me, you better start taking care of yourself. Drunk like a retard and catching a cold will just fuck you up." Mo twitched at his words and immediately he sat up, throwing the coat back at He Tian.

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