Chapter - 51

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"Master...Are you...sure about this?" Secretary Li was the first to respond in the meeting room while the rest of He Tian's management team sat with their mouths hanging in shock. He Tian looked up from his computer screen at his right-hand man, nonchalant as if he didn't just say he would give up He enterprise's harbor in order to save the stocks of the company which was in red zone and they were losing millions if not approached to a billion with each passing days and dangerously closed to enter debt zone.

"...I too don't think this is the right approach, Boss." The head of legal team voiced her opinions kind of disappointed with her boss's choice to cut off their arm and gave what the enemy wanted without a fight. He Tian showed them his emotionless smile and leaned back in his seat. "I understand what you all are thinking and...this is not something I thought of on a whim. We all know what they all want from the beginning and also it might be devastating to lose the harbor...this will help save us the stock and other branches. We are not weak enough to rely only on this one venue."

The staff looked at each other still not convinced since this harbor was the symbol of power behind He enterprise and if they were to lose it, their days in underworld would be numbered. They didn't doubt He Tian could lead them out of this crisis even if their main source of power was cut off but this wasn't something that usual He Tian would choose to do. He was someone who would fight till his last breath and rather saw everything burn into ash than let others had it.

Something was up with their boss but no one dared to say that out straight since this new calm and expressionless He Tian was far scarier than the usual He Tian with Cheshire cat smile on his face. "...I know this is not something we can do it in a day. And...before that we need to salvage the situation as much as we can. I am just telling you all this to prepare for the worst..." He Tian got up without continuing further. Others sprung up from their seat in unison and bowed as the boss headed out of the room followed by his secretary who was quick on his feet. It wasn't going to be quiet at the headquarters for a while.

"Master...may I be so bold to ask you why did you choose to abandon the harbor? It has been in your family for three generations and your grandfather's greatest achievement." Secretary Li asked when there was only two of them in the elevator. He Tian clicked his tongue and folded arms over his chest. "...Tell me something I don't know." "If you know then, master, don't you think you are making a very haste decision?" "...what do you think...if I say I am considering to go legit..." "What?" Secretary Li's eyes popped out of their sockets when he heard the words. At that time, the elevator bell dinged and the door opened. He Tian patted his shoulder and headed out gracefully, leaving the stunned secretary alone in the elevator. It took a few seconds for secretary Li to come back to sense and wrapped his mind around the bomb his boss just dropped. "He is crazy..." he muttered the words before slapping his own forehead red and dashed after his boss.

It was noon. The sun was high in the sky, majestic and resolute as it always was no matter how the human world twisted and turned hundreds of miles below its gaze. Through tinted window of the car, He Tian stared at the sight of birds flying in a flock across the white-hot field of sky. His head was void of thoughts but his chest was filled with a kind of palpitation that he might called anxiety. Was this the right choice? Cutting off their life line, save a bare minimum to survive? He knew he was being hasty and even he wasn't convinced it was the right choice. And he couldn't deny all that stem from what he said to Mo Guang Shan the other night.

If he were to stop being a mafia and cut off his ties with underworld, may be Mo would be happy to stay with him. May be that way he could atone his sins. But...he could feel it inside that every last bit of his being was against this...He closed his eyes as if to soothe his turmoil and settled himself into the seat. If he were to hand the harbor to Zhang would mean not only him but the whole He family was defeated and it was the end of their reign. Could he do that? Could he throw away generations of He family's efforts and lives of thousands of members just so he could keep Mo Guang Shan happy and tie to his side? He looked at his empty hands and thought to himself...yes, he would. He would.

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