Chapter 19

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He Tian paced back and forth in his office unaware that he was dropping ash everywhere. He checked the watch and saw it was just a little passed 5pm. His brows drew together into a tight knot giving his usual poker face a wrinkle in strange way. "Master He..." he immediately turned to the door, his eyes gleaming with hope. Secretary Li was a bit stunned at his action but he composed himself well and acted like he didn't notice. He Tian realized it was just secretary Li, his expressions reverted back to the normal.

"...Um, I am sorry. I am just here to drop off a few files that you need to sign." He placed the files on the table and quietly watched He Tian, tapping his long fingers on the desk impatiently, from behind his glasses. He Tian looked at the files placed before him with much disgust and sunk back into the leather seat, wishing the day to be over. It had been 2 days since the back alley incident with the red headed bartender and frankly, he was too eager to go see that adorable angry face again. But...He blew out a sigh and messaged his temples.

That night when he got back to his place, Jian Yi was already waiting outside ambushing him. He was in shitty mood so he didn't turn down Jian Yi's invitation to drink more and get smashed. After a few shots of nicely aged Macallan which Jian Yi probably stole from his mom, both of them splayed out on the floor in the living room and out came their complaints. Alcohol is never to be trusted but people only realize it after they get one hell of hangover the next day, not while they were drinking. So whatever the air head Jian Yi said sounded very reasonable to him at the moment.

"Rule of dating, don't call them immediately. Wait at least 3 days before you contact them. Waiting makes them want it more and save you face, not look too desperate." That son of bitch...He should never have listened to him. But for some reason, he didn't want to risk it when it came to the red head. Their relationship was already on thin ice; he couldn't dare it and ruined it all. Never did he figure he would someday suffer from anxiety because of a relationship. That's laughable.

Secretary Li watched as his boss sat and stared at the pile of file before him with a lot of tension in his face and felt that may be he was overworking him. He felt bad but that was never a problem before. Just then, the door opened and Jian Yi walked in. He was wearing a pale yellow track suit with red head band to keep his fringes from getting in his eyes. A tennis racket was strapped across his back. " are looking gloomy as hell, Master He." He whistled and strode toward them, giving Secretary Li a wide smile.

He Tian seeing the person he had been waiting since morning, brightened up instantly which didn't go unnoticed by the ever observant Secretary. What is this change of attitude from his boss? Why does he look that pleased to see Master Jian Yi? Obviously they are best friends and as close as brothers but never this kind of expression. His speculations were put to an end as He Tian got up and put on his coat.

"Secretary Li, I will look at these tomorrow. I am leaving first. Jian Yi, out." He ushered Jian Yi out of the room and left the puzzled secretary in the room. "...don't tell me...Are they..." After a few seconds of self reflection in silent, he fixed his glasses. "There's no way..." with that he too strode out of the room with determined strides.

Hot...Mo stirred. He tried to open his eyes but sudden bright light burnt his eyes. He squinted and blinked a few times, trying to make out the shades. Did he sleep late? He couldn't fight off the grogginess, his head was heavy and there was slight ringing inside his brain. He lifted hand and tried to soothe the throbbing head but couldn't lift his arms. What is happening...After struggling to wake himself up using almost all the energy he had, he was finally able to organize himself. He found himself lying on the floor with nothing on but a pair of boxers. His right hand was tied to right leg, leaving him in a very awkward position.

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