Chapter - 54

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There is a saying, you came into this world alone, and when the time come, you will leave this place alone. Accompanied by no one, with no hand to hold on. Just you, all by yourself. Despite knowing that, throughout our journey, we still crave for companionship and waste our time away looking for someone to hold on. We fought so hard and clung on so strong even when our hands bled, our bodies tattered and sometimes even at the price of our soul.

You may now share the warmth with someone, you may now enjoy the laughter from your children, and you would nurture love, hate, all the fleeting emotions but when it is time to leave, you cannot take them away with you. All things you possess will be left behind as your body descent six feet under.

The big question is after you step beyond the veil, would such bonds you struggled to make remain with you? Or would they also be left behind in the ground along with your lifeless body?

Doesn't it make you feel so lonely? So empty? And somewhat scary? Maybe that's why we fear death. The unknown territory. The uncertainty. The eternal solitude. The realm of nothingness.

Billions of years had passed since the first human discovered fire and conquered the fear of dark night. The fear of shadows lurking in the dark had dissipated as technologies advanced faster than we could catch on, with neon lights in the cities resembling spiderwebs spreading across the land or small man-made galaxies challenging those peeking from millions of miles beyond the sky. Under the veil of mid night sky, Beijing sat on banks of Hai River that twisted its silver body across the land, in its mighty glory.

Amidst all the noise and endless steams of vehicles, a particular black Mercedes was speeding through the traffic, way beyond the speed limit and without caring honks blaring as it left a string of angry drivers behind in the dust. Like a bullet, the car sped toward the towering bridge arching over the Hai River, its sublime body gleaming with charcoal sheen reflecting the streetlights as it raced across the bridge.

Jian Yi poked his head out the window, letting the cold night air slapped his face harshly and made his blonde hair fly around his face like lion mane. "Wooooooo" he shouted at the top of his lungs and leaned half of his body out the window. "...He Tian!!!! Look look.... I can see the beach from here." He screamed and pointed toward somewhere in the dark. His face was red like a tomato and the little helper they smoked back in He Tian's office was hitting its peak. He laughed and screamed like a crazy person as the car continued to cruise across the bridge at top speed. He Tian laughed handling the steering wheel with one hand while the other grabbed hold on Jian Yi's belt. Last piece of magic cigarette was held between his lips. Even though he wasn't as red, he was so high his eyes that were darker in shade to begin with were now pitch black, contrasting horrendously against his pale tired face.

"Dudee.... DUDE!" he pulled on Jian Yi's pants, but the blonde didn't response, still leaning out of the car window with his arms flailing about in the air. He Tian gave it a hard yank and Jian Yi's pants fell earning him a yelp from the man as his red boxers came into view. Wiggling his butt, he twisted back into the seat in very uncomfortable way. "Pervert..." he said with a giggle as he pulled his pants back on. "...Gross. Sit down. I can't focus on driving with you hollering like a maniac." Jian Yi slapped He Tian's arm and laughed. "...Sure, sure. Certainly, your majesty. I am oh so grateful for your service.'' "Damn right. It's not every day you get to ride the car driven by yours truly." He Tian said with a smirk, his usual cool façade was nowhere to be seen. "WELL! Your majesty, I am so hungry and thirsty. Find me a bar." Jian Yi whined and started scrolling on his phone to search for bars still opening at 2 in the morning. "Ooh! I found one. There is a Mexican pub open near the beach just eleventy five minutes from here." Jian Yi said with a clap not a minute later and turned to look at He Tian with puppy eyes.

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