Chapter 29

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The sky was blue without a hint of clouds for as far as eyes could see. Occasionally, you could see an airplane flew through with strings of white trailing behind them. There was something about midday sun. If you sit still and let yourself go quiet, it felt like utter bliss.

He Tian continued to stare at the open sky, leaning heavily on his seat. Even though he wanted to stay home and bask in happiness in the presence of Mo, duty called. He sighed as if there was heavy lump on his chest but the truth was he was too lazy and sulking since he couldn’t siphon his work load on his secretary as usual.

“Ahem…Master.” His secretary’s voice just reminded him of that. He frowned and clicked his tongue as he twirl around to face him. Secretary Li could sense the tension from his boss but it was not news. He straightened himself as He Tian played with a pen. “…Since you took three days off, there are a lot of update I need to catch you up with, Master.” He Tian just gave him an hmmm and kept playing with it as if it didn’t concern him. “First we have finalized the personnel of inner circle and the meeting with new chairmen will be held in coming Friday.”

“…How many weren’t satisfied with the whole Shen Li’s outburst?” “3, sir. From Jiang Financial, from Lee shipping enterprise and from Wei food chain.” Secretary Li replied like a professional that he was. He Tian straightened in his seat and flicked the pen away. “So Madam Jiang raised her voice? That got to be a headache.” “It is indeed sir. We tried to talk with her but she didn’t allow us a meeting and told that she would be attending the coming Friday meeting to talk with you personally.” “Shit….so be it. What did you do with the other two?” “We gave them a million in cash and they didn’t raise a word after that. So there is nothing to worry about with them.”

“…I don’t really want to pay them a penny.’’ Secretary Li adjusted his glasses and replied, “I didn’t too, sir but the thing with Shen Li drew so much attention. Not only from police force but from the other families as well. We need to save our strength for fighting the outsider and keep the internal stable.” He Tian nodded in agreement, he couldn’t really be stubborn and forsake a huge loss since the mess with Shen Li was entirely his responsibility and no one else. “Moving on, since Shen Li got arrested, Zhang family has been in metaphorical lockdown. The Zhang uncle has been really quiet as well.”

“Arrange me a meeting with Zhang Xi. We should let his opinion on merger as well. I assume no one beside you and me know of this?” Secretary Li felt proud at this point. “Of course. You won’t find anyone as trustworthy and loyal as me.” “Yea sure. I will find a good man to keep you warm at night.” He Tian smirked and winked at him, whose mouth was gaped without a retort. “Ha ha, you jest, sir. I mean…I am not really into…um…guys…It has never cross my mind…” “Oh, are you perhaps prejudiced against gays?” He Tian raised a brow, hiding his pleasure toying with a stern face. Secretary Li flustered like a chick in front of a mean big cat.

“NO!. Of course not. I will never. I have nothing against gay relationships. It is just…I just…” He Tian held back his laughter and put his head on his hands on the desk. This was it. Pleasure of getting the exact reaction he expect. He was a total bastard and sadist at heart. “I need you to trust me, sir. I would never…I was just…” Thankfully, a loud bang of the door opening saved Secretary Li and both turned their attention to the intruder. “Hello, my dearest Tian!” Jian Yi shouted as he strode inside with large strides and put a hand on secretary Li’s shoulder. He wore a white loose t shirt with cargo pants and a pair of blue shades rested on top of his blonde head.

He Tian scrunched his nose and lean back. “The heck you doing here. Yi?” Jian Yi smiled widely and leaned against secretary Li who had a deep frown as the weight laid heavily on him. “Well, I am visiting you after your looooooong honeymoon.” “It was 3days. Compare to a lifelong vacation of yours, it should be a blink of eye.” Jian Yi put a hand on his chest dramatically. “I am hurt. How could you?” “Say what you are here for or leave, Yi. I am in the middle of meeting.” Jian Yi pouted and he jumped off to the nearest sofa. “Fine. You are no fun anymore. I am here to warn you.” “Warn me? About what?” “My mom. She is hella pissed.” Jian Yi let out a hearty laugh as He Tian deadpanned.

“Because of your heroic stunt, police are now more than interested in the whole lot of us. Last week, the authorities used monthly audit as a reason and did an inspection at one of our banks.” “Knowing Madam Jiang, they got nothing?” Jian Yi winked and replied, “Exactly but that twisted some of the oldies panties. And she had to do a lot of explanation to them. Also security is a whole lot tighter than it used to be. So expect a scolding.” He looked so please to see He Tian in tight spot. The two were childhood friends so He Tian was also close with Jian Yi’s tiger mom and how her wrath could be. Frankly, he was more scared of her than he did to his father. “May be she will give you a spanking.” He Tian lit a cigarette.

“If I am going down for spanking, I am taking with you, Yi.” “I’ve been a good boy. You can’t scare me.” “What about how your sloppy ass got a P.I killed?” Jian Yi stopped smiling. “I bet she didn’t know about it.” Now as He Tian’s turn to smile. “You are pure evil.” He shrugged as Jian Yi cursed at him. “To think I will get thanked like this for giving you a heads up.” “…I will come back afterward, sir.” Secretary Li said as he realized his boss would no longer be interested in talking business now that his friend was here. “Sure. Keep tabs on what we discussed last.” He Tian gave him a look and he understood. “Yes, sir. I will arrange the meeting as well.” “Yea, preferably before Friday.” “I will sir. Good seeing you as well, Mr. Jian.” “Bye, Li. If you get tired of this ass, you can come work for me. I am sure it is a lot more fun than this.” He winked but Secretary Li only gave him a mere nod a smile before he left the room.

“I don’t think he like me.” Jian Yi said turning back to He Tian. “Of course, no one likes you.” Jian Yi replied with most mature way possible, a stuck out tongue. “So what exactly do you want?” Jian Yi stretched in the seat and replied, “Treat me lunch.” “Why should I?” He Tian stated as a matter of fact and inhaled deeply on his cig. “Come on, man. It has been a long time since we had lunch.” “I am not going to a bar or club. I have to return home and eat the best curry in the world.” He Tian smiled wide as he imagined Mo waiting for him at home in an apron. “Eew…you look disgusting. Also…” Jian Yi jumped from the seat and sat on the hand. “You do know you force someone to live with you? I won’t be surprised if he poisons you.” “…”

Seeing that He Tian didn’t have a retort, Jian Yi pushed further. “Plus the chances of him falling in love with you are so slim. What do you expect from imprisoning him at one of your slimy condos?” “…Hey, I didn’t imprison him. It was just…a mere suggestion to live with me.” “Suggestion? Seriously?” He Tian threw the cig in ash tray and huffed. “…And he is not in any of the cheap condo. He is at my home.” “You mean the place where you raped him?” Jian Yi’s face was serious as he said the words he knew it would mess with his friend. He Tian slammed the desk with full force making Jian Yi flinched a little. “…don’t…” the tension inside the room rose a new level and the two stood staring at each other, no one backing down.

Jian Yi raised his hands in defeat after a whole minute. “Sorry, I crossed a line. But I am just giving you a warning. Don’t get your hopes up. That’s all.” Even though he knew his friend was a total asshole, he also knew he was a good person, deep down. Way deep. He didn’t want to see him wrecking himself to ruin and dragged red head along as well. He Tian ran a hand through his hair. Now that he cut his hair, it was easier for him to just keep rubbing his nape. The prickly feeling on his palms were something like stress relief. He sighed. “I know…Not your fault.” Jian Yi stopped himself before saying of course it is not and cleared his throat instead. “…He is not at my old condo. We are at my old mansion.” Jian Yis’s eyes widened in surprise. “You mean that one you lived when you were in school?”

“Yea. I mean Cheng is not coming back anytime soon and my mom is with grandparents.  Got it renovated a few years back so it was a good place for both of us.” “I can’t believe you took him to your family house. Big move, Tian.” He clapped and laughed. “Shut up.” He Tian hid a smile by swearing and stuffed another cig in his lips. “You really like him, don’t you?” Jian Yi said shaking his head as he robbed the cig from He Tian. “…I hope it go well for you, man.” He said as he lighted the cig and let out a cloud of smoke. “Yea.. Whatever.” He Tian felt warmth on his face but it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. “Come to lunch with me. I got XiXi to join us as well.” “XiXi?” “The young master Zhang? Beautiful brown haired hunk?” “When did you two get so close?”

He Tian smirked. May be he could talk with Zhang XiXi and find out more about what he has planned for his family before they talked about merger. “Well, he is hot and I am hot. Of course we get along.” “I didn’t know he was gay.” Jian Yi smiled and replied. “Oh he is. I bet your ass he is flaming gay.” “Bet your ass. That gonna be on fire if he plow it anyway.” “Stop with the vulgar speech. How dare you.” Jian Yi hugged himself like a maiden and the two burst out laughing. “Fine…let’s go get lunch. I am going home early though.” He Tian finally gave in and he threw his coat over his shoulder. Jian Yi clapped and cheered. “Yes!! Let’s go. I found a good sushi place for us. With a great dessert bar.” He pushed He Tian out of his office and together they headed to He Tian’s car.

Mo lie comfortably on lawn chair in the courtyard surrounded by flourishing daffodils beds with a book in his hand. The breezes, as they flew passed the pool, were humid and cool on his skin. The evening rosy sky was beautiful with birds singing the last song of the day. He was at peace. He yawned and picked up the coffee cup from beside his chair. He didn’t imagine living with someone he wasn’t fond of would be this relaxing. True, the guy was out for most of the day so they didn’t meet much but even the time he was annoyed by that bastard was not as distasteful as it did in the beginning. He sighed. Please lord, tell me I am not getting roped into that one cliché syndrome. May be it’d be good if he could just blame it all on ptsd and that. But he wasn’t sure…whether he had feelings for him from the start or not. He waved his book as if to shoo away the difficult thoughts hurting his head. It didn’t matter. That bastard was bound to lose interest him at some point and he would be free. Yes, that is it. Reassuring himself, he closed his eyes again feeling the caresses of cool wind on his face with much delight.

“MoMo! I am home…” He Tian shouted happily as he got in the house. He bought a ton of groceries and of course, strawberry pie. The other night made him so happy; he couldn’t wait to eat with him again. There was no reply, so he dropped the groceries on the kitchen counter and went to Mo’s room. “Hey, MoMo…are you in there?” he knocked but no replies. Frowning, he rushed to living room but also found it empty. Where is he? A slight panic rose inside his chest and he run out to the front gate. The cars and bikes were there, nothing out of place. He then rushed to the back to the courtyard and there was no one in the pool or on sunbathing chairs. Just when he was about to phone his guards, he caught a glimpse of red amidst the white and yellow daffodils on the other side of the yard. Stepping carefully, he headed toward the flower bed and to ease his worries, he found Mo asleep on the chair.

He sighed; deep reliefs sigh, and crouched down beside him. “The fuck…MoMo…” he buried his face in his arms feeling a bit embarrassed for acting like a fool. Clearing his throat, he stuffed his phone back in the pockets and watched as Mo slept peacefully with a book covering his mouth. He smiled warmly and took away the book. The red head stirred but he continued his little nap without a care. He wondered what drew him to this plain looking red head. He had really sharp and unfriendly features to say it honestly.

From his thin brows, sharp eyes, mousy nose and thin lips to his usually red hair, he wasn’t a typical handsome or pretty guy. So why was he so obsessed with him? Slowly without waking up the red head, his finger traced his cheek bones. And why was he feeling this fulfilled just from watching him sleep? His fingers brushed the outline of his lips that were parted slightly. He felt really guilty and he knew he was wrong to force himself on him. But whenever he thought back the incident and he did a lot, he couldn’t find himself feeling regret. Sure, he didn’t want their first time to be something terrible and he didn’t want to make his relationship with him this hard and messy.

But knowing that he had him, no matter how wrong it was, he felt his heart swell with satisfaction. It was the only thing that stopping him from trying to clean every inch of Mo’s body with Lysol till it had no traces of Shen Li left. That one thought of him belonging to him was keeping him sane and not commit another crime. His thumb stroked Mo’s cheeks as he sighed letting the thoughts simmer down. Mo stirred as he felt itchy on his face and he opened his eyes. Taken by surprise, both stared at each other with wide eyes. “Morning, Mo.” He Tian was the first to regain his composure and he quickly removed his hand from Mo’s face.

The moment he heard his voice, fire exploded on his face and he scooped back so fast forgetting he was on a lawn chair, Mo fell off with a loud yelp. “Mo! You ok? What the…” He Tian jumped to grab Mo’s hand but he was too late, Mo was already on his ass. Seeing his flustered state, He Tian laughed so hard, he was wheezing holding on his stomach. “…you creep. What the fuck you doing?” Mo swore as he struggled to stand up, picking the chair along with him. “It was…oh god…phew…so hilarious.” He Tian wiped his eyes and picked up Mo’s book and cup. “…Screw you.” Mo was still embarrassed by his action, he folded the chair and dashed into the house. ‘Wait for me…” He Tian shook his head as he followed him inside. God, he sure did love this red head.

“What is all this?” Mo asked rubbing his face on a towel as he came into the kitchen. While he was washing up, He Tian changed out of his work clothes into a comfy shirt and a pair of really short pants, displaying his well sculpted legs like a model. “I got groceries for curry.” He said proudly as he showed him what he bought. They been having curry for several days straight and even though Mo made a disgusted look, He Tian was not getting tired of it yet. “Again? I can cook other stuff you know.” Mo took the carrot from his hand and headed to stove. “But I love your curry.”

“Let me off already it been a week. I am sick of it.” “But…” “How about I make fried rice with chicken? Hmm? I will put extra meat and veggies.” Mo was willing to do anything to not have curry. He Tian even though he was happy Mo was going along with him, put on a pouted face. “Fine…but you have to watch a movie with me after dinner. No running off to your room afterward.” Mo twitched and looked at him with a really annoyed face. “…I don’t see any Tv in the house.” “It’s in my room.” Mo threw the carrot at his face. “Screw you. Over my dead body. Even being under same roof with you feel like harassment, there is no way in hell, I am going into your room.” He was angry and feeling extra nervous.

Just because that guy was in his good behavior, he let his guard down and things escalated like this. He shrunk back, making sure he could run out as fast as he could if he wanted to try something funny. He Tian raised his hands in defeat as if he didn’t realize how Mo was reacting even though he did. “Fine, fine. We will watch on my laptop in the living room. How is it?” He said with a smile, trying to settle the hostile atmosphere. Mo relaxed a little. “So long as no funny business, we can.” He Tian clapped his hands, “Yes! Ok let’s have fried rice. You want me to help?” Mo sighed and turned to face a heap of vegetables before him. “No need. You are only going to mess up. I will call you when it’s done.” “No way. I will watch you cook then.”

“Fucking creep…” Mo gave up trying to argue with him and started to prepare the dinner. He Tian looked at Mo’s back and realized how fragile the ice between them was. He really needed to pace himself. Silently, reprimanding himself inside, he watched Mo cooks with a smiled. “Ring Ring’’ He was brought out of his own delusion by the sound of his phone. “Shit…who is calling me? I told them…sorry, Mo. I will be back.” Mo chopped the carrots without looking up. ‘Don’t care.” “Ouch, you are cold, MoMo.” He Tian made a pouty face with a hand on his chest dramatically before he run to his room to get his phone. If it was secretary Li…

‘”What?” He yelled into the receiver ready to chew off anyone who dare disturb his time with MoMo. “…Mr. He?” It was the voice of someone he didn’t recognized. “Who is this?” “…” He Tian checked the number and it was unknown. “…I am Feng. Zhang Feng.” Am I suppose to know who is that? When he didn’t reply, the other part explained. “I am Zhang XiXi’s uncle…The one your little spy keep reporting you on.” He Tian stopped walking around and sat down. What a strange turn of event… “I want to speak with you. Face to face.” The voice on the other side was cool and full of grace and maturity. He Tian smirked… “Sure…when? I been dying to meet you too, Mr. Zhang.” This was going to be an unexpected surprise.

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