Chapter 68 Lynn's POV

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When Tris walks away to Four, Caleb walks up to me. I immediately look up from the floor. He smilesand sits on the seat beside me.

"Hey," he says. I smile and say hi back. He smiles and puts his head on his fist.

"What is it?" I ask him, suddenly feeling swlf conscious for the first time in my life.

Does my hair look weird? Is my mascara smudged? Oh and tip never apply mascara. I'm warning you.

"Oh it's just that you're so gorgeous." He sighs. Oh my god. That's so cute.

I feel blood rushing to my cheeks as it becomes redder than a fire truck in a fire. My lip curls up a bit as i stare into his eyes.

Those gorgeous eyes that don't quite look like his sister's. His is more attractive, shocking maybe even it demands attention.

He smiles and takes a lock of my short hair. "Got you," he whispers in my ear. Oh my holy crap he's amazing.

I can't help but smile like an idiot at him as he smirks.

"Why are you the one smirking! I should be the 'tough one that knows how to make you blush' person in the relationship!" I say defensively.

He laughs at me and releases the lock of hair he was play with. "Too bad." He smiles before continuing,"get over it."

Why haven't I seen this side of him yet? All I've seen is that cute dork and now who I'm saying is fricking making me blush.

What is he doing to me?! It feels amazing yet so embarrassing. It feels so new to me. Is this how it feels like to be in love?

To notice every single detail about him. From the way you memorise how he pushes his specs nearer to his eyes, to how he flips his hair?

I don't realise that I've been staring at that face to long. But when i do, i can't break from the grasp it has on me. His eyes staring into mine,  him smiling at me. He moves closer to me.

So close I'm able to feel his warm breath on my cold skin. To feel the static energy between us. He closes the gap.

His lips meet mine. At first I'm too shocked by the sudden feeling if his lips on mine. I get paralysed by the ice forming in my veins. My heart skips a beat.

I get back to my senses and i follow his lips. He kisses deeper, i don't mind. I love the feeling.

We break apart and pant. I smile at him as he smiles at me. We get absorbed into each others worlds by talking for the next like hour.

Marlene's POV

Caleb and Lynn make a good pair. But guess who makes a better one? MARLENE AND URIAH SUCKERS.

Anyways so while Tris and Tobias were flirting and Lynn and Caleb were flirting Uriah and i were doing some of our own.


"I DUNNO MAN!" He replies. "TENTICKLES!" I say. We both laigh like retards before Uriah signals with his hands to stop.

"I have an even better one." He says. "No way," i reply. "Yes way!" He replies.

"If you're ever feeling down, just remember that you're closer to having your next plate of nachos," he says.

"Dude i don't know how that's a joke but it's the most inspiring shit I've ever heard." I say wiping a tear sliding down mu cheek.

"But if you die before your next plate, i guess it's nacho lucky day," he says smiling like an idiot.

No one plays with my nachos. I point to the door,"Get out."

"That was just lame," i reply. He gasps dramatically and pouts. I squeeze his fat cheeks. "Learn to make better puns,"

I smile as he frowns. I kiss him on the cheek and he immediately smiles.

"What now dude?" I ask him. He shrugs. "Wanna go get more Dauntless Cake?" He asks. I smirk and we both get up.

We walk into the dining room and the cool air and bright yellow light greets us.

We walk toward the buffet table and get our plates and forks.

We walk all the way from the start of the table to the end but we don't find the Dauntless cake.

"Uh excuse me," Uriah says to a server.

"Yes, how may i help you two?" He smiles and asks politely.

"May i know where did the Dauntless cake go?" Uriah asks.

The waitor gives us an emphatic look. "We've run out, we only have vanilla cake left," he frowns genuinely sorry.

Our world comes crashing down.

"It's the apocalypse. The world is over. That's it we're all doomed. We can't be saved. We're all gonna die," Uriah mutters.

I stiffle a laugh but put on a poker face and slowly change my expression to anger.

"This is outrageous! This is the ANNUAL GRAND BALL we're talking about! How can you 'run out of food'! This is atrocious!" I reprimand the poor waitor.

He's greatly taken aback. "I'm so sorry madam and sir, please give me a moment," he bows and leaves.

Uriah looks at me astonished. "Dude since when did you love Dauntless Cake so much!?"

"You complete retard just watch and learn," i reply. The  waitor comes back with two plates of Dauntless Cake.

"Terribly sorry sir and maam. You are absolutely right.  These are freshly baked, please take them," he says putting his hand out to offer the plates.

We take them and he bows once more before leaving. Immediately Uriah and I start giggling.

"DUDE THAT WAS AMAZING! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!" Uriah practically screams in awe.

"Probably cos you're retarded," i reply simply whilst sitting at an empty table.

He pouts and sits opposite me. "Oh and also cos you're stupid."

"And idiotic. And moronic. And boronic." Uriah just shruggs his shoulders before his eyes light up.

"Hey, i heard oxygen and Magnesium were going out and I was like OMG!" He says really  bimbotically.

I start laughing really hard. "Classic. But I've got something better." He gestures for me to go on.

"I was about to tell you a Sodium and Hydrogen joke but NaH," i said casually.

He almost spits out all the Dauntless Cake out of his big mouth and starts laughing like the retard he is.

Oh did I mention he almost fell on the floor?

Well anyways after we finished we decided to go hang out with Zeke and Shauna.

When we went with them they were too busy smooching at the corner.

"GET A ROOM!" Uriah yells. They don't react, probably too engrossed in their own situation.

Uriah looks and me and I shrug my shoulders. Immediately after that they stop and realise we were there.

"OMG DONT EVESDROP!" Zeke yells. We slowly walk away from them, thoroughly weirded out.

"Let's do Mission Impossible, " Uriah suggests.

"HOW?" I ask getting excited.

"Simple, mission Lynn and Caleb smoochy smooch," he says.

My eyes light up as i hold out my last finger. He takes mine in his as we grin at each other like retards.

THIS. Is going to be fun.

OMG guys achievement I updated! Well anyways i finished reading Blood if Olympus and like what if life. Oh and also I'm in Library in my school! Hope i can update soon!

See yah! <4

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