Chapter 40 Tris's POV

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I saw Tobias go into his room and was frantically looking around.

"Why do you want to contact the police?" I say as I walk towards the three idiots.

They frantically start exchanging looks.

"What?" I say.

"Uhh call the police beecause you stole my heart." Tobias tries to cover up whatever he's hiding from and smiles.

"Aww that's so sweet! But seriously what happened to no secrets?" I say.

"Fine. You win." He says and I smile in victory. Then he starts explaining what happened.

"Oh god why didn't you tell me?" I ask.

"I didn't want you to get hurt."

"Do you think I'm weak?" I say a bit angrily.

"No. No it's just that I didn't want you to get involved. Because you know, Marcus." His voice trails off at the end.

"Wait a minute when did Uriah and Zeke know about this!" I ask.

"Well they've been friends with me since as long as I know so I kinda told them a long time ago."

I nod my head then pull him into my embrace.

"We're gonna find your mom and sister no matter what." I say into his shirt.

I hear his muffled voice, " I know".

"While you people were busy PDAing I called the police and let them know." Zeke says and smirks.

"We were just hugging! Girl you needa get yo facts right!" I say copying Uriah's voice. He rolls his eyes.

"What did the police say?" Tobias asks Zeke.

"Weell they asked questions you know asking me to explain what happened and stuff and said that they would be on the case." He ends off.

"I think we shouldn't just wait for the police. We should start searching too. Finding clues and that stuff." I suggest.

"Good point. Where should we start?" Tobias asks.

"Well I say we should get man power. And by that I mean I think it's time to tell the others and get my family and your brothers informed." I say. I hope he agrees. They have been with him for a long time and it's about time he told them.

"But what will they say? What if they run off being afraid of me?"

"Really? You trust these two idiots yet you don't trust the others?" I say with one brow raised.

"Point taken." He smiles.

"Heeeey that's mean!" Uriah and Zeke say together.

"The truth hurts. Live with it." I say and they frown as they cross their arms.

"Tobias, call my family while I call the rest. I don't want you to not tell them. Oh yeah and Zeke call Max and Uriah call Jack."8 I command.

They salute and get right down to business. As soon as I finish calling every single one of the rest of my friends, my whole family has gathered with Max and Jack.

Once everyone is here, Tobias takes off his shirt and turns around to show them his scars. They gasp and a chorus of 'what happened?' and 'ouch' fills the room.

"It's my dad. He's abusive and went to jail. He got bailed out by my step-mother. You can call her Ms Matthews. Now he has kidnapped my sister and mother and I need help other than the police to find them." He stops there but I know he was going to say more.

"Now I know you guys are freaked out so if you don't want to ever talk with me again I understand." He tries to say it sternly but a frown creeps on his face. I and hug him. HeHe's really worried.

"We would never do that!" All of them scream.

"I told you." I whisper into his ear.

"Thanks guys. But it's time to get to work." He says and then smiles.

That's when we all realise one small well it's not small, it's big. Where do we start from?

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