Chapter 53 Tris's POV

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There are always guns laying on the training table of the gym. Don't question it.

Before we left, we stole a muffin from the lunch lady. Oops.

Marlene leans on the wall and puts the muffin on her head. Uriah takes the gun and makes sure it has bullets in it.

He holds the gun and aims. After a short while, we hear a loud gunfire. We look at Marlene and notice she hasn't flinched a bit.

Uriah smirks ans holds the gun down. "Told you I could do it." He boasts. She rolls her eyes and takes the muffin from her head.

"You win this round." She pauses, "Turner." The whole group bursts out laughing. Uriah Turner! That's priceless.

When the bell rings, we stop laughing and walk to next class.

It's gym! Yas! I change into gym clothes and get ready.

"Okay! Today, we are going to run 5 laps around the shool field!" He shouts.

"Yes Coach Amar!" We all shout back. He rolls his eyes and the whole class erupts into laughter. 

He blows his whistle and the class starts running. I take off head to head with Tobias. "Let's race!" He says.

"Yeah!" I say back, "Whoever wins gets $10."

Uriah appears out of nowhere,"3,2.....1!! RUN!" He shouts. I run like the wind. At first Tobias and I are head to head.

But soon, he leads. Let him lead. He'll never know what hit him. I smirk in my mind. He does not know what he's doing.

I can hear the group cheering from behind. I laugh. "The whole group is cheering for me!" I tell him. He rolls his eyes and focuses on running.

Soon, we are on our last lap. I speed up and dash throughout the whole lap.

I run through the 'finishing line' and jog to coach. "What's my time?" I ask him.

He looks at me in shock. I scrunch my eyebrows together. "You've beaten the school record! Your timing is 5 minutes and 10 seconds." He says shocked.

I grin a huge grin and spin around. Tobias comes running behind me after a while. I smirk and put out my hand. He hands me the $10 and I internally do my victory dance.

"Tris." I hear someone say. I turn around and face coach Amar. "Do you want to join the school's track team?" He asks.

"Well, I don't know. I have to- YES! I'd love to join the team!" I exclaim.

"Great! Training starts next month. Go ro your next period." He says. I happily skip to my next class. Free period! YES!

When I get to class, the teacher and the principal are already there. Oops.

I mutter my apology and they ask me to sit. "Okay class. Today, I have announcement to make." The principal starts.

"Well no klunk." I hear Christina say beside me.

"For a Social Stufies project, a group of students from your class will be sent overseas to study on that specific country. Now, I know what you are thinking, 'we don't take social studies so why us?' right?" She ends waiting for our answer.

The class just nods their heads silently. Listening, interested.

"Well, because the Social Studies students in our school are much more rowdy than Dauntless, your class has been chosen to substitute them and do the project." She ends for us to absorb the information she has given us so far.

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