Chapter 27 Tris's POV

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After the rest leave, Tobias turns to me.

"See you later Beatrice." He kisses me on the cheek

"See you la- Wait a minute! Did you just call me by my name?"

"Yeah you like it?"

"I think maybe on special occasions."

"Ok then. See you later Tris." Then his lips meet mine. I fit them perfectly in his. We kiss passionately, moving our lips in sync.

After probably like a minute we pull apart.

"Bye Tobias." And I run off. I can't wait to see him again! He'll look even more handsome than he already is.

"Mum! They are coming soon!" I yell and slam my bedroom door.

"What will I wear?" I ask myself. I browse through my closet. My eyes catch an elegant dark blue dress. It's a little bit below my knees and is tight fit all the way before my waist.

I try it on and look at myself in the mirror. I like it but will Tobias like it? His favourite colour is black but I will save that for the first date.

I go to my dressing table and sit on my.  chair and look at the abundance of make up sets and brushes and colours I have. I hardly wear make up. Only on special occasions. My parents ask me to put on make up like a normal teen girl but I thought I wouldn't need to because I would never find a guy.

I am probably the most antisocial person you can find. I spend my whole day fangirling.  On instagram and tumblr and stalking my favourite books on google, waiting for them to come out as movies.

I take out an eyeshadow tab. It's huge filled with all sorts if colours. I use my finger and dab it on the dark blue colour that matches my dress the best. After that I finish of by curling my hair a bit and let it flow freely.

Right at that exact moment when I was about to get up from my seat I hear a knock on my door.

They're here!!! I scream in my head. I run to the door and run out of it. There stands my mother.

"Are you ready?" She asks.

"Yes! Come let's greet them!"

"They're not here yet."

"Oh..." I say in a sad tone and look at the floor and frown.

Then I hear the door bell.

"Well now they are!" I shout and run towards the door. Once I reach I stare at it.

On the other side stands Tobias and his family. My first love and probably my last.

I keep take deep breaths and then wait for the wound of footsteps coming behind me.

"Welcome! Please come in!" I say cheerfully and smile a huge grin. I wonder if I look stupid. Then I see Tobias. My mouth drops open like in those cartoons. He is wearing a blazer with black pants and a white shirt. He stares back intently at me and we look away and blush.

"Oh my! Evelyn is that you! And Max and Jack and- Oh my! Is that Tobias!"My mother shouts with her hands covering her mouth.

"And Clarissa! My my! You've seem to grown the most. You know the laat time I saw you, you were just a small baby." My mother says as she makesmotions with her hands. Clarissa just smiles and stays close to Evelyn."

"Same old Evelyn and family." Evelyn says while grinning.

"And look at that I didn't know you are Beatrice Prior." Evelyn says. I smile.

"I totally forgot about you." I say jokingly. Yet I mean it. She smiles back.

After all that introduction, we dinally have dinner. I'm starving!

I sit across Tobias and my mother and father sit beside me across Evelyn and Clarissa.

Jack sits on the other side of Evelyn. Caleb and Max sit on the ends of the table facing each other.

Mum starts serving dinner and we start eating. Mum, dad and Evelyn actively talk together while eating. Then I look at Tobias and he winks at me.

I start to blush and then glance at him.

"You look beautiful." He mouths and says it too softly. I turn more red.

"You look dashing." I reply mouthing it.

"I know," he mouths back. I roll my eyes and continue eating. I realise that my parents and Evelyn have stopped their conversation and were paying attention to us. I blush a deep red and try to change the 'topic'.

"So do you like the food?" I direct that question towards the guests.

"Never eaten anything better." Clarissa replies. I smile.

"I agree." The rest of them say and they start to laugh.

Soon we are done with dinner and I check the time. It's still 7 30. We sit down at the living room and talk.

"I forgot to ask you but, where is Marcus?" My mother asks. Unknowingly, I slap my palm against my forehead.

"Oh no." I whisper to myself.

"Uh, mum. I told Tris about IT." Tobias says. I look at Evelyn and she nods.

"I think you all should come to our place when we leave. I request you. Or I beg you." Evelyn says. She's probably going to show the newspaper cutting. She can't say it out in words. And doesn't want to.

"Yes we will come no matter what. Don't need to beg." I reply for my mither and smile.

"Yes of course we can't say no!" My dad added. The topic is done and I devide to bring up a new one. A one that will stop the awkwardness that I'm feeling.

"Do you'll play cards?"

"Oh we love playing cards!" Evelyn says.

Perfect. Just enough distraction until 9.

"Do you want to play cards now?" I ask.


"Sure , why not." She says. Ieun up to myroom and take two separate dexks of cards.

"Go fish." I say. I rule at that game. I don't know why. But there has been not a single time where I lost.

"Oh it's on." Tobias says. I smile.

"Good at it?" I ask.

"Not just good at it! Won every single damn game he's played!" Max replies. I smirk.

"So have I."

"Oh it's on." He calmly says. I quickly give ou the cards. Mum starts.

"Tris, got Jack?"

"Go fish."

"Tobias, got ten?" my dad asks. He smirks and gives him two tens.

Perfect I think to myself.

"Dad, got 10?" I ask. He smirks and gives me the three tens. My first round and I got my first set this is going good.

At the end of the game, I win , like usual. I smirk amd look at Tobias.

"Well looks like Tris Prior broke your winnig steak at your own game." I say rubbing it in his face. Then I stick my tongue out a little.

"How mean of you Tris."My parents say. The rest of us laugh.

"That's what makes Tris who she is." Evelyn says and I smile at her. Thank you. Someone's decent around here.

We play a few more games and soon, it is 9. They say it's time to leave. I quickly grab my phone and run towards them . My parents lock the door and we start walking and talking towards their house.

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