Chapter 46 Tris's POV

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When we come out the doctor was standing there.

"Good news Ms Prior. Evelyn has come out of her coma. As soon as she's completely cured and fine she can be released. Now excuse me, I need to go check on the patient in this ward." The doctor says and then walks into Clarissa's ward.

We don't see Tobias and the rest come out so we walk in to check on Clarissa too.

After checking a few stuff the doctor turns to look at us.  

"She's completely cured. She can be released today." He says. He slowly takes out all the wires and I message Chris to get her clothes.

Soon she comes running in. Clarissa goes in the toilet to change. When she comes out she's wearing a white dress that is all the way up to her knees. It has cherries all over it and it look so cute!

I tie her hair into a messy bun because she insisted. "Can I go see mom now! I'm hooked up to no wires at all!" She wines.

I nod my head. " We all are going to see her." I reply. Chris asks me what happens and I explain what happened and she immediately smiles.

"Great now enough with the explanation! I wanna go see my mama!" Clarissa says a bit weirdly. We laugh and Tobias grabs Clarissa and piggy bank rides her to the ward.

When we walk in Evelyn looks at us. "Mummy!" Clarissa says like a three year old and runs to her when Tobias puts her down.

"Oh god Clarissa! Are you okay?" She asks obviously concerned.

"The question is my dear Watson, are you okay?" She says putting amphasis on the you. She laughs and kisses her forehead. Clarissa smiles and climbs up her bed to sit beside her.

"How are you feeling?" Max asks her. She nods but seems a bit angry.

"Uh.. Evelyn, is there a problem?" I ask. She nods her head and tries to sit up. Christina rushes to her aid.

"Well, when you guys first visited and only Jack, Max and Tob-Four were in my room. I moved and they didn't see!" She sorta shouts.

Tobias, Max and Jack exchange looks at each other and they shrug. They mutter a sorry and Evelyn laughs. She motions for them to come to her.

She gives them a kiss on each of their foreheads. They smile and kiss her cheek. So cute!

"We heard that!" Tobias says. I groan and the whole group laughs.

"I gotta admit they are a cute family!" Christina squeals. I laugh and look at Tobias.

"See!" I tell them and he rolls his eyes.

"Max, sorry I missed your birthday. My gift for you is being alive!" She laughs but nobody joins her.

"What do you mean by that?" Jack asks.

" I'm surprised to be alive. I have been going through something I have never gone through for years." She says and a tear sreams down her cheek.

Zeke and Uriah run to her. " God did he do that to you!" They yell in unison. She nods and hugs  all of them. God she got abused!

" Thank you baby!" She says and gives a kiss on Clarissa's cheek. She smiles proudly.

She tells us about how Clarissa has bewn taking care of her and how she has been taking care of Clarissa. So cute! This time I know I didn't say it out loud!

After we talk, the rest of the gang comes that includes my family and the people who stayed overnight go home to freshen up.

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