Chapter 38 Tris's POV

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"Caleb! I need help with homework!" I whine as I enter his room.

"Oh hi Edward!" I greet him with a huge smile and a wave.

"Hello Beatrice. What homework do you need help with?" Edward asks me.

"Oh you know... Math..." I say and they start laughing a bit. I show him the question and he explains it to me. I thank him and leave them to play their video game.

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I get ready for school and hop in Caleb's car. He drives off to school and parks his car outside.

Where's Tobias?

"Well I'm right here." He says and I jump up. I hit his arm playfully and start laughing.

"I was thinking aloud again wasn't I?"

"Yeap." He pops the 'p'. I laugh and then walk towards my locker.

"Oh god I'm sorry I'm such a klutz." I say when I realised I bumped into someone.

"No it's okay." He says as he picks up my books that fell.

"Thanks." I smile at him.

"No problem. What's your name?" He asks me.

"Tris. What about yours?"

"Albert. But call me Al." I nod in response.

"What's your first period Al?"

"Oh yah know... English."

"Oh cool! I have English too! Let's go  there together." I say and smile a bit ridiculously.

"Okay." He says while laughing.

"Let me go to my locker first."

"Okay." I quickly open it and get all my books and walk with Al to class?

Immediately when we reach the bell rings and I sit in between Chris and Tobias.

"Okay class. Remember that story you all wrote yesterday? Well, one of the stories was picked to enter a competition." Ms Wu announces.

I hope I get in it. That means my writing is at least somewhat good. Yet, imagine the amount if attention I'd get.

*Bleh* I fake vomit in my head. I would hate that attention.

"And, this person actually WON the competition!" Ms Wu announces. Oh god I want it so bad yet I don't want the attention.

"And the winner is........" I start hoping.

"Beatrice!" She announces. I sit in my seat shocked as 40 pairs of. eyes turn to look at me. They all start clapping and od course I start to blush.

Suddenly I feel soft lips against mine and I know whose they belong to. I start to kiss back.

"NO PDA!" Chris screams. We pull apart and I roll my eyes. I look back at Tobias and smile then I give him a peck on the cheek.

"C'mon you want to receive your prize don't you?" Ms Wu asks. I quickly stand up and walk towards her and shake her hand. she gives me two envelopes and a small trophy. I smile and walk back to my seat. I admire the trophy then quickly put it back in my bag with the envelopes.

After a long time of zoning out and thinking about what could be inside the envelope the bell rings.

"Class before you leave take one of this and pass it around. It is Beatrice's story." She hands out my story and I even get a copy of my own!

Then we are dismissed to the next class. After a really really long time school finally ends!

"So your actual name's Beatrice." I flinch and turn around and realise it was just Al.

"Oh god you scared me." I say and he bursts out laughing.

" Whatever. And yeah my real name is Beatrice but PLEASE call me Tris." I emphasise on the 'please'.

'Well if you insist." He says and gives a smile. ai smile back unknowingly and wave him good bye.

I walk back to Caleb's car and we drive off to home.

"Who was that? Your boyfriend."Caleb says really girly like and then he starts laughing.

"Oh please I have Tobias remember." I shoot back at him and he laughs even more.

Soon we are home and I go change and then gobble down my food. I help mum some house chores and then do homework.

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