Chapter 57 Lynn's POV

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The hours passed and we've just been shifting around Will's ward and the two Pedrad's ward.

None of us left, awaiting for more news about Four. As bad as I feel for Tris, I don't feel bad. Don't get me wrong I'm really affected too, it's just that, I know she doesn't need my pity to get her back on her feet.

Right now,  we are all gathered outside the wards, silence taking over the whole hospital. I scan the hallway of the hospital, stoning, getting more bored by the second.

Max clears his throat and speaks, "Jack, I think you should go home with Clarissa. Get ready for school."

"No way! I'm staying here!" Clarissa argues. "No. I'm coming home with you and I'll make sure you come home," Jack says.

She sighs in defeat and stands up. Jack stands up afterwards and they leave.

"I would love to stay, but we have Coco to take care of at home," my mom says. My dad nods and they hug Evelyn before leaving.Cara is then forced to go home and Caleb goes to fetch her.

Time goes by as we all sit in the chairs waiting, thinking and slowly falling asleep.

Soon, I'm the only one left awake. I decide to go into Four's ward. I enter it and he's still in that same position I was hoping he wasn't in.

"Hey Four," I say sitting in a chair, "Lynn here. Listen, you piece of...klunk, you gotta get out of this coma so that Tris can quit whining. What happened to being Almighty Four huh? Prove em' now! You gotta ought to come out quick." I end.

I stand up and lean into him, "Please."

Tris's POV

I wake up to the sound of a door closing. I look at Tobias's ward and see Lynn. She notices me and gives me a weak smile.

Just a weak smile. No pity, no frowning, no look that says that im a kicked puppy on the sidewalk.

I don't bother smiling back caz I would be lying if I told her I am Okay. In fact, the last thing I am is Okay.

She comes to me and hugs me. I hug back but I'm in utter confusion.

"Look, if you're here to tell me that you're so-" I get cut off.

"No. I needed a hug," she says. I furrow my eyebrows and look at her in more confusion.

"It's not easy to see your friend on a hospital bed in a coma okay? And on top of that all the dead characters are coming back to me!" She says.

I look at the floor and let the tears fall. "Wow! Thanks for the reminder of how all my favourite characters died!" I scold her.

She gives me a sheepish smile and looks towards Tobias's ward. "Wanna go meet him again?" She asks.

I nod. She stands up and gives me her hand. I gladly take it and shuffle towards his bed.

"He actually looks pretty cute," I say. Lynn  rolls her eyes and puts her hand on my shoulder. "He should be out in no time. Caz he feels like you're shuckin' stalking him" She replies.

With that, I notice his hand twitch. I stare in shock. "Did you see that?" She asks me. I nod my head and watch him closely for anymore movement. He doesn't move though. I internally sigh.

"HE MOVED AGAIN!" I shout after seeing his toes move. Lynn runs out of the room to call the doctor.

"C'mon Tobias! YOU CAN DO THIS!" I shout in enthusiasm. Max and Evelyn come running in.

"IS HE OKAY?" Max asks. I lift an  eyebrow and he sighs. "Fine! Be that way!" He says annoyed. Evelyn rolls her eyes and stands beside me.

Just then, the doctor rushes in and shoos us out. I pace around the rooms frantically. Shauna comes up to me and gives me a hug.

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