Chapter 11 Clarissa's POV

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I might be only 11 but I'm not stupid. Tobias asks me to call him Four around his friends. When I asked him why he never replied. I actually don't need to ask him the reason.

Its because I already know.

It's dad. He'd beat Tobias up every night and he'd do the same with mum. From time time he'd abuse Jack, my younger brother too.  But he hardly ever layed a finger on Max. Although he would at least once every two months for no reason. But he never beats me. It's probably because I'm the youngest and the one and only daughter of the family.

I act like I don't know that he does. But nobody notices how I always see him beating them from behind the door. Hating him more and more everyday.

Like I think he's the perfect father like every 11 year old should. But the point is I dont. I despise him as much as they do. I just didn't show it. He acts good around me like he actually is good and kind like he thinks I think. But he's wrong. I hate him and love them. I rather let him hit me than all of them.

Tobias never wanted them to know because if he told them, they would immediately recognise him as the boy on the newspaper whose father abuses. Not only him but almost his entire family for no reason at all.

I wouldn't blame Tobias. If I were him I wouldn't want them to know either. But now we're safe for the rest of our lives. No more beating no more hurt. Now we are secure and can live a life without him. And that is all I want.

But I leave all the thoughts in my mind after discovering that everyone is staring at me. I look at my burger and I haven't even taken a single bite. I immediately cover up and start eating.

"Honey, what were you thinking about?" my mum asks me. Great! I don't want to tell her a lie but I have no choice.

"Oh nothing. Just school."

"Ok just don't render on it too much and eat." She finally says before taking a bite off her hamburger. I slowly let out a sigh of relief.  She believed my lie. I'm not proud of it though, but still, she believed it.

Soon we are all done with our lunch.

"You make really good hamburgers Evelyn!" Tris suddenly decides to say.

"Thank you. Come another time and I'll show you another specialty." She says while grinning.

"See didn't I tell you." I finally say smiling in victory.

"Yap you are absolutely right!" All of them except Tobias and mum say. Then they all start laughing.  A smile creeps on my face. What nice people.

"Anyways, I'll come back later. I need to go and do homework. Bye!" I say and finally walk off while I wave my hand at them.

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