Chapter 52 Tris's POV

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I wake up from my sleep and get ready for school. I bathe and brush my teeth.

I wear a black shirt and turquoise jeans that hug my legs all the way. I put on the necklace that Tobias gave me and put on a pair of black converse shoes. I tie my hair in a ponytail and attend to my new dog.

I give him dog food and water. It's just a small pupso I can keep it in my room, but omce it grows huge I'm supposed to keep it in the living room.

He barks and looks at me. He's so cute! His eyes are a beautiful brown colour. It's fur so silky and golden. It's ear all half floppy. 

I carry him amd bring him down. I start to chase it around the living room.

"Hey! I haven't named him yet!" I suddenly remember. I take him and plave him on the floor in front of me.

"Do you like goldy?" I say. He shakes his head. "Yeah too cliché." I jod my head. I think for a while longer.

"How about micky? Nonono! Coco!" I almost yell im excitement. He jumps.up and barks excitedly. Coco it is.

I smile and carry him. "I have to go to school Coco! See you later!" I say. He barks and runs to Caleb's room. I've decided to go eat breakfast at the Diner today. I pick a pair of shades and a jacket and head to my car.

I slowly sit in it and take in my surrounding. I let my back sink into the seat. I put my hand on the steering wheel and squeeze. It lets my hand sink in till a certain radius.

I put in the car key and hear the engine purr. I breathe out air I didn't know I was holding. I drive off to the diner.

I turn up my radio and Stronger is playing. The chorus starts and I sing along.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Stand a little taller doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.

What doesn't- then I stop for a red light.

I see Al run and stop beside my car.

"You sing good Tris!" I hear him from my car. I realise that my window is open and blush. I roll up my windows and smile at Al.

Soon, the red light turns green and I'm off. I arrive at the diner soon. Before I walk out off my car, I let my hair flow freely. I put most of it in front of me.

I put on the black jacket and put the shades on. I look at the front view mirror and adjust my hair and put on my hoddie. I get out of my car and lock it.

When I get to the diner, I sit down at my usual spot. I look at the menu. Should I get Abnegation scrambled eggs and erudite soda?

Nah. Erudite soda tastes disgusting. Definitely not gonna order Amity bread. Dauntless Cake? But I'm already so fat! I'll just settle for Abnegation scrambled eggs and bureau soda.

A waitor comes and takes my order. He fomes with my order with side dish of phone number. I take his pen and flip over the paper and write 'taken'. He smirks and walks off.

I dig into the plain scrambled eggs. I should have ordered bread with it. Just then, a shadowy figure blocks the light from reaching me.

I look up and see Al. Klunk. I'll act like somebody else. it'll be fun. I give hima slight wave. He asks if he could sit down and I nodded my head.

"So Tris," He starts. Klunk he already knows its me. I'm still gonna play along with my idea.

"Ughh! I can't believe you mistook me for that idiot Tris! I don't like her." I say in a bimbo voice and shake my head. I hope I fooled him.

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