Chapter 43 Tris's POV

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It's been a few days since their kidnap and we have almost no clue of where they are.

We've been out of school these days and the gang stays at Tobias's house.

"Why does my father out of all people be Marcus!" Tobias says as he plops on the chair.

"Calm down. I'm sure they have at least some clue." I try to calm him down. I sit on his lap and hug him and stay like that for a ling time.

"Tris, what if they are dead." He spits out the words like they're poison.

"I thought I'm supposed to be the girl here!" I say jokingly. It makes him laugh.

"No but seriously." He says after he stopped laughing.

"I don't think his intention is to kill them." I sate.

Just then the house phone rings. Tobias runs up to it and picks it up After done talking with whoever that was he finally puts the phone down.

He turns to me with a bug smile on his face.

"What happened?" I ask.

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Evelyn's  POV

Marcus walks back into the room. He throws the container filled with food onto the ground and walks off.

We've been eating terrible tasting food for the whole time but that's the least of my worries.

So far, he hasn't laid a finger on Clarissa. I guess he has a soft spot for her, which is weird. He's only been mentally black mailing ger by telling her that he will hurt her and beating me in front of her.

Over the days the beatings became lesser in time but my back hurs more every day. Sometimes it's so soar that I can't move.

Ae long as he doesn't touch Clarissa I'll go with the beating. But once he lays just one finger on her he's going down. That idiot Jeanine too.

Speak of the devil and the devil comes.

"You ready?" Jeanine asks. No matter how many times I reply 'yes', I'm actually never ready.

But this time, the belt doesn't hit me. They pull me and Clarissa up.

"Where are we going?" Clarissa asks them.

"If you don't shut up, you will never get to know." Marcus says and grins evily.

He takes us to what I assume is his van and throws us inside it. Jeanine sits beside him at the front.

I feel like I could pass out again. But then, I feel the rumbling of an engine and I feel the van moving.

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Tobias's POV

"The police finally have a clue of where they were!" I exclaim.

" They were? What about now then?" Caleb asks me as he walks into the living room with the others.

"The police said that they might know where they are!" I yell.

"Okay girl,  you needa come down. But listen to me honey, don't get yo hopes up too high!" Uriah shouts in an accent.

We burst out laughing.

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Evelyn's POV

Suddenly,  the car speeds up real quick. But I don't bother asking. Neither does Clarissa because really we both know they are not going to reply.

I see red and blue lights everywhere and hear the faint sound of the police sirens. Clarissa screams and I immediately go to her comfort.

"It's okay. I'm here and so are the police." I whisper into her ear and rub her back to try and comfort her.

It's all too quick. We crash into a tree at god knows where and I pass out.


Hi peoples! Sorry I haven't updated for a long time. It's a lot of homework and fangirling and wattpad to juggle. Anyway thanks for being soooo patient!

See yah later! <4

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