Chapter 44 Tris's POV

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"We found them. Come to Erudite Hospital now. We will explain things there." The policepoliceman says and puts down the phone.

"So what happened?" Tobias asks worridly with the rest of the group staring at me.

"They found them! Let's go to Erudite Hospital now!" I say ad I grab my jacket.

We all squeeze and sit ontop of the other in Tobias's van. You  could say it's a human pile up.  I'm driving and Tobias is beside me. Behind Zeke, Uriah and Caleb sit on thr seat facing us. Marlene sits on Uriah, Shauna sits on Zeke and very reluctantly sits on Caleb.Behind them my parents sit and opposite them sit Max and Jack.

I quickly drive off as fast as I can.

"Woah Tris! I never knew you drive that roughly!" Tobias says.

"I'll do it when I need it." I say. Soon we reach the hospital. We all run out of the car to the receptionist and there the police stand.

"Oh you're here." One of the policeman says.

"Cut to the point where are they?" Tobias snaps at him.

By brace myself for the worst. I imagine them saying that they died. They're in coma and never going to come out of it. They lost their memory and will never get it back.

I go blank when I find myself standing beside Tobias in front of a door. THE door. I hear a chorused breath and then Tobias opens the door.

Evelyn' s POV

I hear the door being opened. I try to move but I can't. I try to speak but I can't.

"What happened to her?" I hear a voice. Tobias's voice.

"She's in a coma. There is a 50% chance she'll get out of it." I hear another voice. It's unfamiliar. But more importantly, I'm in a coma! I have to get out.

But then again, if I don't, I don't have to worry about anything. No worries of Marcus anymore.

Then I hear the door close again. This time I feel a tear fall down my face. I want to wipe it off but I can't.

"Mum, I know you can get out of it. You can." I hear Tobias's cracked voice talking to me.

"Mom, you know when you were away with Clarissa the house felt empty and useless." Max.

"And everyone was depressed. Nobody was really cheerful. And the point we all miss you the most is when Max's birthday passed and you teo weren't there." I hear Jack's voice.

Oh no! His birthday! Was I really gone for that long? Wait what happened to Clarissa?

"We're going to check on Clarissa now. Bye." Tobias says. I need to move and see Clarissa.


Just move already!

Yes! I moved! Now let's wait for them to call a doctor or something.

But sadly, I just heard the door close.

And they didn't see me. Great!

Tris's POV

Tobias walks out of the room with Max and Jack behind him.

"Let's go see Clarissa." Tobias croaks. I nod and everyone follows us to her ward that's right beside her mother's.

"Hello Clarissa." I say. She's awake! None of them are dead! Yet... Evelyn could die. But she'll hold on. I just know it.

"Tobias. They...They," Then she starts crying. Tobias,Max and Jack immediately run to her side and comfort her. She's hooked up to quite a few wires.

"They, beat her up every day and and we had an accident and...and... and mom blacked out. I don't even know if she's alive!" Clarissa sobs into Max's shirt.

"Don't worry Clarissa, mom's alive." Jack tries to reassure her. Everyone crosses their fingers. Hoping that she won't ask for her.

"Where is she? I want to see her!" Clarissa whines.

"Later, when you feel better." I quickly step in.

"I'll only feel better if I see her." Clarissa shoots back.

"No you won't" I mutter really softly under my breath.

"Later. When you are hooked up to less wires okay?" Max says and starts laughing a bit.

"Okay." Clarissa giggles. My mom and dad go to see Evelyn and give her company with Max.

We leave Tobias and Jack in the room. The police officers immediately come to us.

"Jeanine and Marcus have been arrested. Sentenced for 16 years in jail." He says. I feel overjoyed. 16 full years without all that Marcus bullcrap.

I nod and the policeman walks away. We sit down and soon one by one they start leaving. Lynn first. Then slowly Marlene, Shauna and Caleb leave with my family.

Now, it's just me, Tobias, Max, Jack, Uriah and Zeke.

I decide to go and stay in Evelyn's room. Just so that she shows some sign of life.

Tobias follows me in. I look at Evelyn. Too many wires are hooked up on her. There is an oxygen mask on her face.

"Hey Evelyn. I hope you're feeling better. I'm so sorry you missed Max's birthday. But it's okay. You didn't miss out on any celebration." I say laughing at my own lame and wrong timing humour.

"Hi mom. I hope you're feeling better too. Ignore Tris. It feels like she's high on peace serum. Maybe she ate too much Amity Bread for breakfast." Tobias says laughing. I join in and hit him in the arm playfully.

That's when I see it.

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