Chapter 48 Lynn's POV

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After an uneventful day at school, the gang including Calen but excluding Tris gathers at Amity Park after school.

"Where's Four!" I whine.

"He'll be coming soon!" Zeke says. Then, he comes towards us.

"Speak of the idiot and get the idiot." I mumble underneath my breath.

Caleb stays quiet. I actually find him pretty cute. I mean in the geaky way.

"Sorry I'm late! Tris was giving me  a difficult time!" Four interrupts my thoughts.

I roll my eyes and speak up, "Whatever. Now cut to the chase what are we going to do?"

"Well, Tris's birthday is in a few days and I don't even know what do or buy for her." Four replies.

"So, now what?" Uriah asks stupidly.

"We think stupid!" Will and Caleb shout. I giggle. WAIT STOP RIGHT THERE LYNN! YOU DON'T GIIGGLE!

Okay, nevermind. Focus.

"What about, we throw her a surprise party at the end of the day and pretend like we didn't know before that?" I say before thinking it through. It's actually pretty good.

"That's a great idea!" Four almost shouts as he throws his hands up. I roll my eyes.

"But, we cannot let her mention it." I continue.

"Mention what?" Zeke questions. I facepalm and look at him and ignore.

"I can bring her shopping through that whole day! Anyways, the yearly spring ball is coming out." Christina shoots her hands up for awhile.

"Wait, if we are going shopping for that I wanna join!" Marlene and Shauna say at the same time. They giggle and Christina nods her head vigorously.

They force me into going shopping with them. After all that discussion the guys leave.

"We should go and buy her presents now. Then, it won't be last minute." They nod in agreement and we leave for Hancock Mall.

We soon reach the mall and we go into the fandom store. It's the most amazing store I've been in besides a book store. It's the only other reason I would go shopping.

The girls scatter all over the place. I walk directly towards the custom shirt section.

She loves all the books I do.

The most recently read books was 'the maze runner'. So I decide to relate the shirt to it.

It's base is simple, black.  On it, I get them to print out "What's out there?"  and after that "the maze".

The guy gets the shirt ready in a few minutes. I pay him and walk off looking for Shauna.

I find her at the poster section.

"Hey sista!" She dramatically says when she sees me. I roll my eyes and continue with what I was about to say, " Im done. Are you done?"

"Yeap! Let me just pay for this Tfios poster." She says and walks away. I run after her and when I catch up she's done purchasing the poster.

"How fast are you?" I ask her.

"You have no idea." Ahe shakes her head. We go around looking for Christina and Marlene.

"What the klunk! Where are they?" I say raising my hand then putting it back down. She shrugs and we continue to search.

"Oh there they are!" I point at them. Her eyes widen and she starts to sprint towards them.

I'm not going to run. I slowly walk and then I see Shauna bumping into this hot guy. I quickly run towards her.

"Leave it to your sister to bump into a hot guy." I mumble under my breath when I reach them.

"What?" They ask at the same time. "It's like you guys are already thinking similarly!" I roll my eyes when I say it.

Then I look at the dude. "Who the shuck are you?" I ask him. He smiles. Looks familiar.

"Al. We're from the same school slint-head." He gives a crooked smile. I smile back.

"Hello lovebirds! I'm still on the ground!" Shauna yells feom the ground. I laugh and see that Al is blushing. I laugh a bit and help Shauna up.

"So you're in our school huh?" Shauna says then looks at him weirdly.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" He asks Shauna.

I take the opportunity and step in, "Why you making googly eyes at him?" and I try to stifle laugh. Shauna glares at me but then returns to looking at him.

"I've seen you before. But where?" She asks herself and stares at him more. I look at him and see the awkwardness on his face.

"Hey Shauna! Why are you staring at a dude when you're like already dating Zeke?" Christina calls at Shauna while walking towards us with Marlene.

Marlene and I burst out in laughter and I glance back at Al and he's blushing. God! Could he like Shauna.

"Stop being mean Christina. He just seems familiar." Shauna saya to Christina.

She looks at him and shakes her head.

"The only place I saw him was at school talking to Tris." Christina says.

"Yeah maybe that's it. You just probably saw me in school." He stutters. Weird. I shake it off anyways. 

"We need to go. See you ins school tomorrow. Al." I say. I walk off with the rest.

We find out that Marlene got her a pair of shoes with Percy Jackson design all over it.

Christina got her a The fault in our stars shirt that says 'okay? okay.' God it brings back the feels. And memories.

And yes I get the feels.

Soon we reach our place and we wave Christina and Marlene good bye. We walk into our 'shared' rooms and sit.

"I can't wait." Shauna says finally dropping on her bed. I laugh and nod my head.

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