Chapter 60 Tris' s POV

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My heart drops. My heartbeats quicken.My eyes widen in realisation.

I left my book in the park!

How could I be so careless? I need to go now.

"Coco, if I were to go to the park, would you sniff out my book?" I ask him. He just whimpers. I frown, of course he wouldn't.

I don't let anybody touch my book. And you can't blame me for that. It has my secret passion.


My feelings. My secrets. And I always intertwine them in my stories. So even if he just reads the stories, he would know them.

I start to panic. A lot. I run out the door and slam it. I dash to the park. Please let it be there. Please let it be there. Pleaseet it be there.

I reach the dog park and I look at each and every bench there is there. Nothing. My heart sinks. I feel like hitting myself. How could I be so careless? And stupid?

I check every spot every centimeter of the dog park. Then, I check every dog there is. Even after that, I can't find it.

He definitely took it.

Still, unable to believe that, I check the whole park. My brain taking in every sudden movement. Every person in my view I observe. Even still, I can't find it.

The odds are not in my favour today.

Now I definitely know he took it. Or at least someone took it. But who? And to where?

I feel like crying. I want to tell my friends. I want to tell my family. But I can't. If I tell people, they would want to look at my book.

That is NOT what I want. Too bad it's already done. If it falls into the wrong hands, my secrets will be revealed.

Now, I don't even know what to do. I don't know where to start. I have no clue where it is.

I sit on a bench and think. I wreck my brain for an answer. I guess the only solution I have is to ask people.

Ughh. I hate people. As you've probably found out, I'm a fangirl or blogger. So I don't go to the outside world. And do whatever people outside do.

Surprisingly, I still have good people skills. That's why I always say the order when we go eat outside

I start by asking a young lady. Pretty tall if you ask me. Beautiful hazel hair with dark brown eyes.

She's never seen it. I frown and thank her. Next, I ask a fairly old man. He has white hair but at the brink of having none. Wrinkles all over his age and the sadness in his eyes tells a million stories.

He too hasn't seen anything. Next, I ask an elderly woman. Her hair is thin and long. White yet some black strands still appear. Blue eyes and pale white skin. Wrinkles and the word struggle covers every part of her.

"Do you mean the one with a cover that has musical notes pasted onto it?" She asks in her weak and shaky voice.

My heart immediately beats faster. That's the one.

"Yes! That's the one!" I say, immediately getting excited.

"I saw a boy take it. I think I heard someone call him Albert? Or was it Al? Somewhere along that line," she informs.

My spirits rise and I allow myself to have some hope. I hug the old lady and thank her. Such powerful memory she has.

"Which way did he go?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"I'm sorry dearie, but I have no clue which way he went," she apologises. I tell thank her once again and take off towards the school.

He could be there. But there's a possibility that he could be at his house. And I have no idea where that is. I could stalk him tomorrow. Eww no. I still have to don't I.

I get tired half way so I start to walk. Soon, I arrive there. I search it high and low. He's not there. In fact, nobody's there. Only teachers and the principals.

I sigh in disappointment and go home. I sit on my bed and just stare at nothing. Coco comes to me and cuddles me. I unknowingly go to sleep.

What a day.

I wake up abd realise I've been sleeping for about 2 hours. I get down for dinner and see that my dad already came home.

"Hi dad," I say as I plop my butt on the chair.

"How was your day?" He asks. Why do people keep asking me that?!

"Meh," is all I say. He looks at me weirdly but I shrug it off.

I don't want to tell anybody what happened. Never ever. Before I know it, I finish my dinner.

I wash my plate and run up stairs. I sit on the bed, thinking. Coco comes and I feed him his food bit by bit.

I put the food down and I can't find myself to doze off. So, I decide to update my fanfics.

By the time I'm done, it's eleven. I sigh. Now what? I guess I'll continue reading Catching Fire. I am in the process of reading it. And reading does make me sleepy.

Soon, I find myself dozing off midway through the sentence.


Wow another chapter! xD I'm on the roll. Today, I bought LIES and PLAGUE and PERCY JACKSON THE LIGHTNING THIEF! I can finally read! xDD

See ya! <4

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