Chapter 64 Tris' s POV

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After washing up, we go to first period. When we walk in, the teacher's asking something.

"Ah! There you are! Why so late?" Tori asks. I don't wanna answer that question.

"We uhh, I forgot to take my books. Tris decided to follow me," Lynn says casually.

Tori nods and asks us to sit at two empty seats. The only two empty seats.

We enter and I immediately spot Tobias. Sitting at a window seat staring out at it.

I hang my head and take the walk of shame to my seat allong with Lynn. Of course, she probably doesn't feel that way.

Sometimes, you just admire Lynn. Her carefree atitude and decision making. Maybe someday, I'll be good at decision making too.

And find some actual good friends.

Right at the back of the class. In the right corner. Two seats side by side ate empty. We sit there and watch as lesson drags on.

The bell rings and everyone leaves. As Lynn and I stand, Tori asks us to stay back. Once everyone is gone, she asks us to come forward.

"Tell me the real reason to why you were late," she says. How did she know it was a lie? Lynn played it off so casually.

"I told you, I went to take books," Lynn says annoyed. She raises an eyebrow.

"Listen, I can tell when someone's lying do spill," she says. Lynn sighs. She looks at me and I shake my head.

I won't be able to stop myself from having a mental break down if I say anything.

So, Lynn starts explaining. Every single detail till she ends. Except one.

"You forgot the part where you were there for me when every other idiot I called my friends didn't stand up for me," I inform.

Lynn just shrugs her shoulders. "I don't like being centre of attractions. Neither being praised."

"Okay, tell me the whole story," Tori says. We tell her from the point where Al started acting weird. She nods and gives us cards and tells us to leave.

Soon, schools ends and we go to my place. We tell the whole story to my mum over spagetti. She gives a worried look that turns into anger and than suddenly she looks calm, usually as she is.

"Simple, I'll just bring this issue up to the principal and we'll be good," Mum says.

"We can't. People will think Tris is a pansycake and sort of still make her an outcast." Lynn tackles. Mum nods and starts to think. We tell her about Tori and she tells us to call her.

I force Lynn to do all the talking. We both take our cards, phones at wallet . Before leaving, I scream, "Wait!" I run to my room, get a small bag and put a book inside and leave. Lynn gives me the are you serious face.

"It comforts me!" I retaliate. She shrugs and replies,"I can't argue with that logic." We get to my car and drive off. Hey there Delilah starts playing and I immediately start singing to it.

We stop at a traffic light and wait for it to turn green. A car comes beside us and stops. I stare at it in shock. On the driver's seat, Tobias sits. beside him, Christina sits. Behind them, Uriah, Zeke and Will are seated. On top of Uriah, Marlene sits and on top of Zeke, Shauna sits.

They are happily laughing when Uriah probably says something stupid. I can't look at them. It hurts so much. I turn my head to the traffoc light and it soon turns green. I hope they didn't notice me but as soon as the  traffic light turned green I sped off.

"I think they saw you," Lynn brings up. I slow down and reply, "I don't care." She laughs and counters,"LIES."

We soon reach our destination. We park our car and get out of it. A huge black building stands on yellow dried grass. Surrounding it from some distance, a fence that stands tall. At the opening of the fence, two guards stand. Armed.

We walk towards them. I give one my card and Lynn gives the other one her card. The card that Tori gave us. I flash him a smile when he gives back the card but his face remains expressionless.

Lynn and I walkk pass them and walk into the building. "I've never seen this place before," I say. She nods her head. "The Hub, 67 Dauntless Central. Never heard of it."

We go into the lift and ride up to the 4th floor. The 4th floor was just a really long hallway with alot of doors. On each door, a name was engraved in gold and cursive. We find Tori's name and knock the special knock on the door.

Tori pops her head out of the room looks left and then right. She pulls us in really fast and we stumble into her room. She swiftly closes the door without making any sound.

Her room has a while wallpaper but slightly yellow lights tinting the room a yellowish colour. There's a desk at the front of the room. There are two drawers filled with god knows what. On her table, a small drawer for stationary.A laptop lays on her desk.

Beside that table was a shelf filled with books and trophies. Now, don't get fooled by the word book, I do not mean novels.

On the other end of the room, there are three light green bean bag chairs. In front of them is small table with three drinks. On the wall, there was a television that was turned off.

"Go fight for a drink," Tori says taking her drink and sitting down on her desk chair. I just simply reach for one but before i could take it, Lynn takes it and sticks her tongue out at m and sits down.

I roll my eyes and take the last one and sit. "There's no difference." I say. Tori laughs and replies,"That's what you think."

I examine our cups closely. Of course, Lynn's cup had more milk tea then mine. I stare into Lynn's soul but she stares back. I break eye contact first and look at Tori.

"Right, okay. I am from this organisation called the Emergent. We believe that the truth and justice always emerges." She says.

"Even from the deep pits of Tartarus?" I ask. She just stares confused at me while I high four Lynn.

"Anyways, we are an organisation. A bunch of high class detectives. Problem solvers. we'll solve your problem no matter how big or small. This is a secret organisation so before I start, swear on the things you care about the most that you'll keep everyting you hear here sercret."

We swear and everything and she smiles. "I've got a solution for you," she says.

She tells us her plan. We immediately agree. We argue about whose gonna buy the things and after that we head off to home.

I drop Lynn off at her house. Then, park at mine. I tell my mum about everything and she's happy.

"Great, tell me how the plan goes," she tells me and walks into the room.

I lock myself in the room and start writing fanfic until evening. Then, I have dinner and go to sleep.

I can't wait to see Al's face. This is gonna be good.

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