Is that really you?

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Meredith enjoyed this time of day the most, the sun was setting and the beach was slowly becoming peaceful. She watched as the sun began to set, spreading gold across the ocean. The wind snaked it's way through her honey coloured hair, it alerted her that the temperature was starting to drop and she should head back.

Slowly, Meredith stood up, shaking the sand off herself, she quickly picked up stuff and started her way back. As she was steadily making her way across the beach, a small ball came rolling her way and nearly tripping her up in the process.

"Woah, I'm sorry ma'am,are you alright?"
Meredith quickly snatched her head to the voice she had longed to hear for so long now.
"Ma'am, seriously? I mean come on now Derek, do you not recognise me at all?"
"Meredith is that you?oh my god,come here!"
Quickly he wrapped his arms around her slim waist and spun her around, creating a small squeal from Meredith. It seemed too soon that Derek had placed Meredith back on her two feet and stepped back.
"So Meredith, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you like 4 years now?"
"I know,I'm sorry. Things with my mom weren't great and she sent me to live with my dad. But this is my last summer before I start college so I wanted to get away somewhere for a bit. Somewhere filled with happy memories,you know?"
Derek stood their mesmerised by Meredith's beauty, her face was sprinkled with freckles, her eyes with a deep green. She was just as gorgeous as the last time he had seen her.
"Look Meredith, me and a few friends are having a fire on the beach tonight, you should come. Come on will be like old times."
Meredith couldn't resist that smile. She looked into Derek's ocean blue eyes, with his dark, curly hair and athletic build. My this boy,or should she say man, was gorgeous.
"You know what I will join you. You know where to find me, so just come and knock the door when the time is right,I'll be ready. Bye Derek."
With that she placed a quick kiss on his cheek and continued with her journey home.
"Derek come on man!!Bring the ball back over!"
With that, Derek was snapped back to reality, excited for what the evening will bring.

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