Shopping day

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Meredith woke up without Derek again as he already left for work, so she pulled herself out of bed and made her way into the bathroom. She got herself showered and changed. As she was getting changed she noticed the tiny swell of her stomach. Her baby was growing. She for one couldn't wait until her bump was bigger. Once she was ready to go she made her way downstairs and spent the morning relaxing before her, Carolyn and Amy got ready to go shopping.

After stopping off to drop some lunch off for both Derek and Mark, they made their way to the shopping mall. With Derek's birthday coming up in a few short weeks, she had to get his presents sorted. Amelia also wanted to get some new supplies for school and Carolyn was more then happy to just be spending the day with her girls.

After a few hours of shopping they were all but ready to go home when Meredith's attention was grabbed. Carolyn saw where she heading and smiled. Meredith made her way over to the baby section to have a quick look around. She never planned on buying anything but couldn't resist from picking up a couple of onesies, socks, hats and teddies. Making her way over to pay, she was surprised when Carolyn approached and told her it on her.

"No mom, I can pay for these, I appreciate it bu-"
Meredith was interrupted by Carolyn
"Look Meredith, I'm not saying you can't afford them but I'm saying I want to pay for those. That's my grandchild you are carrying and I plan on spoiling them."
Meredith smiled but it was a sad smile. Her parents would never have the chance of knowing this baby, her mom didn't even know who she was and her dad wanted nothing to do with her.
"Thank you mom."

Finally they made their way to the car, throwing their bags in the boot and began their journey home. Together they danced and sang all the way home, it was the perfect way to end their day. Once they arrived home, they grabbed their bags and entered the house. Carolyn entered first, saying hello to her husband and then made her way to the kitchen to start dinner. Meredith handed the bag full of Derek's gifts to Amelia to hide her room, knowing he would never find them in there.

Meredith then entered the living room to find Michael sitting there
"Hey dad, is Derek here?"
"Hey Meredith dear, he is upstairs, said he was going to close his eyes for a bit."
She was worried, she knew he was working hard in order to help provide for both of them. Meredith smiled at Michael and then made her way up the stairs carrying the bag full of the baby stuff.

Once she reached the room, she quietly walked in and saw him lying there on his phone. Hearing the door, he looked up and saw Meredith and immediately placed his phone down on the bedside table.
"Hey you're back." He said standing up and walking over to kiss her and wrap his arms around her.
"Hey, I'm back and with gifts. Not for you or me. But for the baby."
This caught Derek's attention and he released her from his grip and smiled. He directed her towards the bed and together they both sat down.

Meredith could see how excited he was to see what she had brought.
"Right so it's not much but I couldn't resist. I mean look how small everything is Derek. I can't wait for us to go shopping together and buy everything. It's all so exciting."
She looked up to see him examining the clothes, it was like he was imaging their baby there and then. He looked up at her with tears in his eyes and leaned forward to kiss Meredith.

They eventually lay down and told each other about their days as they had a film playing in the background. Eventually, Carolyn shouted up to them that dinner was ready so they made their way downstairs and had dinner as a family. Meredith sat there and imagine what it would be like in a few years time with another person there. Another little person, their person. The future was looking bright and very exciting.

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